Citibanamex Malecon Americas Branch - 77533 Cancún

2.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Citibanamex Malecon Americas Branch

Address :

Av. Bonampak Local 2, 7, 77533 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Q.R.

Av. Bonampak Local 2, 7, 77533 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Jorge Erosa on Google

Esta sucursal cerro "indefinidamente" SIN previo aviso el jueves 6 de mayo de 2021, un día antes todavía hice algunos movimientos en la sucursal y nadie comento que ese era el último día que darían servicio. Al siguiente día por supuestas medidas de seguridad por COVID pegaron un anuncio en la puerta con información del cierre de la sucursal y cuál era la opción más cercana a está. Muy mal por Banamex y sus decisiones abusivas y repentinas.
This branch closed "indefinitely" WITHOUT prior notice on Thursday, May 6, 2021, a day before I still made some movements in the branch and no one commented that this was the last day they would provide service. The next day, due to alleged security measures due to COVID, they posted a notice on the door with information about the closure of the branch and which was the closest option to it. Too bad for Banamex and its sudden and abusive decisions.
Mike Hilton Villa on Google

Es inaceptable el nivel de incompetencia en esta sucursal, lleva lo que llevamos de pandemia solo un cajero ATM sirviendo, ahora resulta que requiero hacer cita para que me den servicio y no hay citas hasta dentro de 2 días, no tienen claro que son servidores y si o si deben servir en el momento que el cliente lo ocupe no cuando ellos digan. Solo estan trabajando 3 personas en ventanilla y son lentos, con jeta y cero resuelven tus dudas. Por último, si seguimos culpando a la pandemia de nuestra ineficacia seguiremos siendo mediocres. Cencelado este banco para siempre.
The level of incompetence in this branch is unacceptable, what we have been a pandemic has only one ATM serving, now it turns out that I need to make an appointment to be given service and there are no appointments for 2 days, they are not clear that they are servers and if or if they should serve when the client occupies it, not when they say. Only 3 people are working at the window and they are slow, with a card and zero solve your doubts. Finally, if we continue to blame the pandemic for our ineffectiveness, we will remain mediocre. Decayed this bench forever.
Genaro López Ambrosio on Google

Qué pena, lo que solía ser el mejor banco de México, ahora está en evidente detrimento de su calidad en atención y servicio. Cada vez es más demorado hacer un trámite. Y pareciera que a sus ejecutivos no les importa en lo más mínimo; pues tienen la actitud de que cobrarán su sueldo esté el el cliente contento, o no. En cuestión de activación de NetKey, Banorte se los llevó de calle.
What a shame, what used to be the best bank in Mexico, is now clearly detrimental to its quality of care and service. It is taking longer and longer to complete a procedure. And it seems that their executives do not care in the least; They have the attitude that they will collect their salary whether the client is happy, or not. In a matter of activating NetKey, Banorte took them out of the street.
Cesar González (slingbYArt) on Google

Tiene meses que 1 cajero no funciona, si si cerraron el banco "por la contingencia" pero no es razón para descuidar los servicios o cajeros (no es primera vez y por eso ahora me anime a hacer review) Digo si ya pagan renta carisisisima en esta plaza lo menos que pueden hacer es que funcione y no tenga que moverme a media ciudad.
It has been months since 1 ATM does not work, if the bank was closed "because of the contingency" but it is not a reason to neglect the services or ATMs (it is not the first time and so now I am encouraged to do a review) I say if they already pay very expensive rent in The least they can do is make this plaza work and I don't have to move to the middle of the city.
angela viridiana cruz dominguez on Google

Pésimo servicio al cancelar una tarjeta. Ni ellos mismo se ponen de acuerdo que dato pedir y te hacen cometer errores culpando a uno de ellos. Al final no pude hacer nada con mi tarjeta y concidero mejor cambiarme de banco.
Terrible service when canceling a card. Not even they agree on what information to ask for and they make you make mistakes by blaming one of them. In the end I couldn't do anything with my card and I consider it better to change banks.
Héctor Díaz HDBULL on Google

Llegué y me formé a las 3:30 pm. Cuando dieron las 4 me dijeron que ya no me iban a atender por la hora. Al siguiente día sin sistema. Al tercer día la gerente de la sucursal me pudo ayudar. Banamex necesita mejorar sus sistemas.
I arrived and lined up at 3:30 pm. When they struck 4 they told me that they were not going to attend to me for the hour. The next day without system. On the third day the branch manager was able to help me. Banamex needs to improve its systems.
Karen Ruelas on Google

No te atienden después de la contingencia porque supuestamente no tienes cita, te mandan a la sucursal del Palacio Municipal, no encuentro en las paginas de Banamex en donde rayos se puede hacer cita para esa sucursal. Hoy cuando voy ya está cerrado. La peor sucursal
They do not attend to you after the contingency because supposedly you do not have an appointment, they send you to the branch of the Municipal Palace, I cannot find on the Banamex pages where you can make an appointment for that branch. Today when I go it is already closed. The worst branch
Ken DV on Google

I've been waiting for over an hour simply to pick up a credit card. The card is right there, but for whatever reason they're having me wait for someone who isn't here. Makes no sense.

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