Deja Hostel Suites - 77710 Playa del Carmen

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Contact Deja Hostel Suites

Address :

Avenida Benito Juárez, Calle 35 Nte. Betwen, 30, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +989
Website :
Categories :
City : Q.R.
Description : Simple rooms & dorms in a casual hostel offering free Wi-Fi, plus a courtyard with a pool.

Avenida Benito Juárez, Calle 35 Nte. Betwen, 30, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
luis lozornio on Google

John Gonzalez on Google

Kristian Vega on Google

Sandra Piamba on Google

Instalaciones feas, sucias, piscina sucia, los baños parecen de cárcel, no tenían ni cortina, el agua bajaba muy poca y a veces no había. El personal olía a droga, era grosero y atrevido, uno de ellos se metio a mi habitación a la madrugada a orinar y abrir mi bolso, lo pude ver y salió corriendo. Los colchones son malos y la habitación tiene de cortina una sabana vieja. No lo recomiendo
Ugly, filthy facilities, dirty pool, the bathrooms look like jail, they had no curtain, the water went down very little and sometimes there was not. The staff smelled of drugs, it was rude and daring, one of them went to my room at dawn to urinate and open my bag, I could see and ran. The mattresses are bad and the room has an old curtain. I do not recommend it
Daniel G on Google

NO SE HOSPEDEN JAMÁS EN EST LUGAR. Tal parece ser tierra de nadie hay como 3 turnos diferentes y los que atienden son todos diferentes. Todos tiene un mismo objetivo tomar tu dinero. No les importa si estas cómodo en tu habitación no les importa nada que no sea tu dinero. Mucho cuidado con un calvo todo tatuado como mara salvatrucha. Te reta te amedrentará poco a poco hasta que te querrás ir. El me robó mi celular siendo que estaba conectado a la corriente en mi cama, no en áreas comunes no en alberca no en ningún lado. Hoy en la madrugada metió a un tipo que se hizo pasar por huésped, paro en la madrugada el personal es mínimo y no hay seguridad alguna. Este tipo pensando que yo estaba dormido se acercó a tocar mis pertenencias y al escuchar ruido de una bolsa de plástico me levante y le reclame y el salió corriendo. Yo baje a recepción y CLARO QUE NADIE ESTABA AL PENDIENTE, se pueden meter y ni en cuenta. A los pocos minutos entró el calvo tatuado con un personal de limpieza a decir que ahí perdió su celular y como que me dio a entender que YO LO HABÍA TOMADO. Explique la situacion al de limpieza y ellos se lavan las manos no vieron nada no hay cámaras solo porque en efecto me vio bajar a la recepción me creyó. Por miedo a más amedrentaciones del calvo tatuado preferí irme. CLARO QUE SIN DEVOLVERME LO QUE HABÍA PAGADO DEL MES QUE ERAN COMO 23 días . Ese dinero lo di por perdido pero mejor eso a que pase algo más y te roben o te asalten en la noche o algo peor. NO CONFÍEN EN NADIE DE ESTE LUGAR TODOS LO SABEN Y TIENEN PINTA DE SER LACRA . No se hospeden en este lugar por favor!!!!!!!
DO NOT HOST HERE IN THIS PLACE. This seems to be no man's land there are like 3 different shifts and those who attend are all different. Everyone has the same goal to take your money. They do not care if you are comfortable in your room they do not care about anything other than your money. Be careful with a bald guy tattooed like a marau salvatrucha. It challenges you, it will scare you little by little until you want to go. He stole my cell phone when it was connected to the power in my bed, not in common areas, not in a pool, not anywhere. Today in the early morning put a guy who was made to pass as a guest, unemployment in the early morning staff is minimal and there is no security. This guy thinking that I was asleep came over to touch my belongings and when I heard noise from a plastic bag I got up and demanded and he ran away. I went down to reception and CLEAR THAT NOBODY WAS TO THE PENDING, they can be put and or in account. A few minutes later the tattooed bald man came in with a cleaning staff to say that he lost his cell phone there and that he gave me to understand that I HAD TAKEN IT. Explain the situation to the cleaning and they wash their hands did not see anything there are no cameras just because he saw me go down to the reception he believed me. For fear of more intimidation of the tattooed bald I preferred to leave. CLEAR THAT WITHOUT RETURNING ME WHAT I HAD PAID FOR THE MONTH THAT WAS LIKE 23 days. That money I gave for lost but better that something else happens and they rob you or assault you in the night or worse. DO NOT TRUST ANYONE IN THIS PLACE EVERYONE KNOWS IT AND HAVE PINT TO BE LACQUER. Do not stay in this place please !!!!!!!
Amancay Bruno on Google

No existe más y nunca nos lo notificaron. Llegamos al supuesto lugar y no había nada. Muy mal gusto
It does not exist anymore and we were never notified. We arrived at the supposed place and there was nothing. Very bad taste
Andrex Villa on Google

Tal como se ve en fotos es una falsa, las habitaciones son viejas y mal tenidas, casi no baja agua, no hay jabón ni toallas ni nada!. La piscina no la lavan nunca, el lavadero es sucio y por eso hay muchos zancudos. No cambian sábanas,no hay cortinas.los trabajadores huelen a drogas y uno de ellos calvo y con tatuajes es atrevido y peligroso, entra a la madrugada a revisar el equipaje de los huéspedes. Hay Hasta murciélagos,paredes sucias,suelo hundido, pésima calidad de colchones.
As it is seen in photos, it is a fake, the rooms are old and poorly maintained, almost no water goes down, no soap or towels or anything !. The pool is never washed, the laundry is dirty and that is why there are many mosquitoes. They do not change sheets, there are no curtains. The workers smell of drugs and one of them bald and with tattoos is daring and dangerous, he enters at dawn to check the luggage of the guests. There are even bats, dirty walls, sunken floors, terrible quality mattresses.
So Yo on Google

Stay away from that place ! Someone from the staff stole around 400 $CA from my credit card after I made a reservation through Travelocity and I pertinently know it comes from them. Therefore, I had to call my credit companie for changing my card number. Then, the day we got there the staff at the reception was high on some hard drugs but we decided to stay anyway because we already had paid for two nights there. Actually, we eventually recognized one of the staff member as one of many drug dealers offering cocaine to the turists on the famous Fifth Avenue. The veru night we arrived, our roommates told us they had been stolen from the personnal. The day after, my girlfriend had lost about at least 25$ CAD that was hidden in the bottom of her backpack eventhough our door was LOCKED! Furthermore, on the same exact day, I heard from a conversation outside our room that another client had his cards vanished. I highly unrecommend this place for anybody looking for a safe place. They charge a low price so they can make a profit out of you...

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