Dogmar Adiestramiento Playa - 77712 Playa del Carmen

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Contact Dogmar Adiestramiento Playa

Address :

115 Avenida Sur, C. 5 Sur &, Ejidal, 77712 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98887
Categories :
City : Q.R.

115 Avenida Sur, C. 5 Sur &, Ejidal, 77712 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Xochitl Villalobos on Google

No había puesto mi opinion porque preferí ignorar y olvidar ,pero viendo que ya te referiste a mi perrita en unos de tus cometarios "Freya ", te voy a contestar para que todos sepa el poco profesionalismo con el que se manejan . No sé quien conteste los mensajes , si eres el señor no tengo queja siempre fuiste amable , pero si eres la esposa de este ,creó que antes a ponerte a manejar perros debes verte sicologicamente ya que yo llevaba a mi perrita practicamete a guarderia y cuando te mencione que iba a entrenarla con otra persona practicamente me corriste del lugar , cuando yo te pagaba la cuota de gurderia, NO de entreno , y cuando hice la observacion de que el pastor belga esta " loquis " te pusiste tan mal que hasta miedo que te diera una embolia me dio , pero ahora entiendo ,de donde va a venir un perro equilibrado si tu estas hasta peor que el. Por estar escuchando tus cantinfladas que me decias ,no me percate que mi perrita Freya cojeaba ,fue hasta que me baje de mi carro que me di cuenta que mi perra cojeaba ( no es que no se quisiera ir de tú lugar ,es que no queria caminar) y otra cosa no pasaron 40 minutos , yo te mande el mensaje 10 minutos despues de que salí de tu lugar solo el camino que hice de ahi a mi casa , no 40 minutos los cuales fueron los que tú te diganaste a contestarme ,lavandote las manos diciendo que de ahí salio bien ( cuando no camimo ni dos metros de la salida al carro ) la lleve al veterinario el cual yo pague ( tengo pruebas ) y el veterinario me dijo que esa contusión era por una mordida o un golpe demasiado fuerte y no me digas que yo me la agarre a mordidas . Así que si no te dignaste siquiera a saber como estaba mi perrita despues de lo sucedido no vengas con el cinismo de distorcionar los hechos. Por suerte encontre un super entrenador y mi perra es de lo mas sociable y equilibrada.
I had not put my opinion because I preferred to ignore and forget, but seeing that you already referred to my dog ​​in one of your comments "Freya", I am going to answer you so that everyone knows the unprofessionalism with which they handle themselves. I do not know who answered the messages, if you are the man I have no complaint you were always kind, but if you are his wife, he believed that before you start handling dogs you should see yourself psychologically since I practically took my dog ​​to kindergarten and when you I mentioned that I was going to train her with another person, you practically ran me out of the place, when I paid you the tuition fee, NOT training, and when I made the observation that the Belgian shepherd is "crazy" you got so bad that you were even afraid that you He gave me a stroke, but now I understand, where a balanced dog is going to come from if you are even worse than him. Because I was listening to your inflated songs that you were saying to me, I did not realize that my dog ​​Freya was limping, it was until I got out of my car that I realized that my dog ​​was limping (not that she did not want to leave your place, it is that she did not want walk) and another thing did not spend 40 minutes, I sent you the message 10 minutes after I left your place only the way I made from there to my house, not 40 minutes which were the ones you told you to answer me, washing yourself hands saying that it went well from there (when I did not walk or two meters from the exit to the car) I took her to the vet which I pay (I have tests) and the vet told me that that bruise was from a bite or a blow that was too strong and don't tell me to bite her down. So if you didn't even deign to know how my dog ​​was after what happened, don't come with the cynicism to distort the facts. Luckily I found a super trainer and my dog ​​is the most sociable and balanced.
oscar perez on Google

Muchas gracias Edith y Omar, por sus atenciones y por compartir su conocimiento y experiencia en el adiestramiento. Realizan una gran labor en Quintana Roo al servicio de la Canofilia, gracias, gracias!!! Compadre y yo les agradecemos su tiempo, paciencia durante nuestra estancia en sus instalaciones. Saludos
Thank you very much Edith and Omar, for your attention and for sharing your knowledge and experience in training. They do a great job in Quintana Roo at the service of Canophilia, thank you, thank you !!! Compadre and I thank you for your time and patience during our stay at your facilities. Greetings
Richard Rosales on Google

Yo vivía en Playa del Carmen y me tuve que mudar a Estados Unidos y El detalle es que mi perro se portaba mal por eso tenía yo una preocupación de como lo iba a trasladar. una amiga me recomendó con Dogmar y su entrenamiento de viaje ya que ella rescata y envía perritos a Canadá y antes de enviarlos los entrena con Dogmar para su viaje. Dogmar y su esposa muy amables me explicaron todos los papeles que debía realizar y yo seguí sus consejos y así lo realicé. 15 días después mi perro era otro , ya no jalaba al caminar , ya no se escapaba de la casa ya no se metía a la alberca a menos que yo le diera la orden , ya no se le tiraba a las chicas y las orinaba , ya no era pelionero con otros perros ? En fin era un perro totalmente cambiado, educado y entrenado , listo para el viaje. Llega el gran día y me sorprendió que en ningún momento ladro en el aeropuerto, el viajó arriba a la par mía , en todo momento se porto muy bien mejor que los niños porque habían varios niños llorando ? jajja Y mi perro bien portado. Yo le agradezco a Dogmar por su excelente trabajo y a su esposa por su ayuda en todo. Yo en ningún momento tuve problemas ya que llevaba todos los documentos en orden y mi perro bien entrenado ?????? Muchas gracias Dogmar por su buen trabajo ?? Ya estamos en casita sanos y salvos . Desde la florida un cordial saludo y mil gracias por todo ??
I lived in Playa del Carmen and I had to move to the United States and The detail is that my dog ​​was misbehaving, so I had a concern about how I was going to transfer him. A friend recommended me with Dogmar and her travel training since she rescues and sends puppies to Canada and before sending them she trains them with Dogmar for their trip. Dogmar and his very kind wife explained to me all the roles that I had to perform and I followed their advice and I did so. 15 days later, my dog ​​was another, he no longer pulled when he walked, he no longer ran away from the house, he no longer went into the pool unless I gave him the order, he no longer threw himself at the girls and urinated on them, I was not a fighter with other dogs ? In short, he was a totally changed dog, educated and trained, ready for the trip. The big day arrived and I was surprised that at no time did I bark at the airport, he traveled up next to me, at all times he behaved very well better than the children because there were several children crying ? hahaha And my well-behaved dog. I thank Dogmar for his excellent work and his wife for her help in everything. I never had any problems since I had all the documents in order and my dog ​​was well trained entre Thank you very much Dogmar for your good work ?? We are safe and sound at home. From Florida a cordial greeting and a thousand thanks for everything ??

Nunca repito, nunca renten un departamento a lado de Dogmar, los perros literal, nunca se vallan :(
I never repeat, never rent an apartment next to Dogmar, literal dogs, never leave :(
Edith Ramírez Cruz on Google

Excelente lugar. Única escuela canina en la península mexicana avalada por Federación Canófila Mexicana
Excellent place. The only dog ​​school in the Mexican peninsula endorsed by the Federación Canófila Mexicana
Nishant Bhalla on Google

Great kennel service and trained staff.
Alejandro Enriquez on Google

I looked to these people to train my dog as a service dog as I am in need of a service dog due to my disability and these people lied and tried to take advantage of me. They lied about being able to certify my dog as a service dog and tried scamming me out of dog food. They mistreated my dog by starving her and keeping her locked up. Do not trust your dog with these people they lied on numerous occasion.
rikka Danish on Google

Very pleased, my dog is a young rescued cocker lab mix and very stuborn. She is learning basic and advanced obedience.

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