Dr. Esteban Manuel Guadián Chávez, Angiólogo - 25710 Monclova

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Contact Dr. Esteban Manuel Guadián Chávez, Angiólogo

Address :

Blvd. Tecnológico 1007, Tecnológico, 25710 Monclova, Coah., Mexico

Website : https://www.doctoralia.com.mx/esteban-manuel-guadian-chavez/angiologo/monclova
Categories :
City : Coah.

Blvd. Tecnológico 1007, Tecnológico, 25710 Monclova, Coah., Mexico
Zaida Gonzalez on Google

Emma Fletcher on Google

Priscilia Salinas on Google

Este doctor es un fraude, fui a que me revisara un dolor en una pierna y en dos minutos, solo con tocarme, me dijo que necesitaba cirugia urgente porque tenia insuficiencia venosa, despues me hizo un eco, me cobro $3,000 pesos y despues me entere que el eco se supone que cuesta $1,000... Despues fui con otros dos angiologos en Monterrey y los dos me dijeron que no tengo nada en las venas, que lo que tengo es un nervio pellizcado y es por eso mi dolor. ESTE DOCTOR ES UN FRAUDE TOTALMENTE !!!
This doctor is a fraud, I went to have a pain in my leg checked and in two minutes, just by touching me, he told me that I needed urgent surgery because I had venous insufficiency, then he gave me an echo, he charged me $ 3,000 pesos and then I found out that the echo is supposed to cost $ 1,000 ... Then I went with two other angiologists in Monterrey and they both told me that I have nothing in my veins, that what I have is a pinched nerve and that is why my pain. THIS DOCTOR IS A TOTALLY FRAUD !!!
negrito 3mx on Google

Este doctor es un fraude. En cuanto llega alguien a su consultorio siempre les dice que tiene que operar, aunque no sea estrictamente necesario. además siempre encuentra motivos para volver a quirófano. Si tienes la desgracia de caer en sus garras, prepárate porque te va a sacar todo el dinero posible sin ética ni un rastro de humanidad. Es un mercenario de la medicina sin escrúpulos
This doctor is a fraud. As soon as someone comes to his office, he always tells them that he has to operate, even if it is not strictly necessary. also always finds reasons to return to the operating room. If you have the misfortune to fall into their clutches, prepare yourself because you will get all the money possible without ethics or a trace of humanity. He is a mercenary of medicine without scruples
Charly Garcia on Google

Excelentes instalaciones y atención del Dr
Excellent facilities and attention from Dr.

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