Ecogas Mexico S de RL de CV - 31100 Chihuahua

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Contact Ecogas Mexico S de RL de CV

Address :

Av. Tecnologico 4505, Las Granjas, 31100 Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +87
Website :
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City : Chih.

Av. Tecnologico 4505, Las Granjas, 31100 Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico
Manuel Salas Torres on Google

Cada vez mas indolente la atencion al cliente, ahora por parte de los cajeros de cobro de esta corruptora empresa trasnacional (Ienova-Sempra Verdaderos dueños detras de ecogas), ademas de que no tienen programado avisar QUE NO PUEDEN DAR COMPROBANTES porque se les termino el papel, se daño su impresora etc, tampoco tienen programado una manera de retener la imagen del RECIBO VIRTUAL mas alla de los segundos que ellos unilateralmente consideran suficientes para tomarles una foto. La angustia no es menor para personas que pagan en efectivo y se quedan sin ningun comprobante impreso o para aquellas que no son lo suficientemente abiles (a criterio de ecogas) para sacar fotos con su celular. Bien haria PROFECO o las autoridades que correspondan que revisen a este tipo de empresas acostumbradas a saquear los paises donde operan y tratar a sus clientes a su antojo siempre basados en sus obscuros arreglos con los gobiernos en turno.
Increasingly indolent customer service, now by the cashiers of this corrupting transnational company (Ienova-Sempra True owners behind ecogas), in addition to the fact that they have not programmed to notify THAT THEY CANNOT GIVE PROOF BECAUSE THEY ARE OUT OF paper, their printer was damaged, etc. They also do not have a programmed way to retain the image of the VIRTUAL RECEIPT beyond the seconds that they unilaterally consider sufficient to take a photo of them. The anguish is not less for people who pay in cash and are left without any printed receipt or for those who are not clever enough (according to ecogas) to take photos with their cell phones. PROFECO or the corresponding authorities would do well to review this type of company accustomed to plundering the countries where they operate and treating their clients as they please, always based on their dark arrangements with the governments in power.

Muy caro El Gas de esta gigantesca empresa. Urge mas atencion personal a la Gente en sus cajeros automaticos en su sucursal de la Av. Tecnologico. Siempre tienen Fallas sus cajeros, increible que siendo una Gran empresa tengan tan descuidada, sucia y poco funcional su Sucursal! Deberia de estar Al 100!
Very expensive Gas from this gigantic company. More personal attention is urgently needed for people at their ATMs at their branch on Av. Tecnologico. Their cashiers always have faults, it is incredible that being a large company they have their branch so neglected, dirty and not very functional! It should be at 100!
Clara Inés Sáenz Quintana on Google

Jamás había pagado tanto dinero en un mes por el consumo de gas. Y eso que dijeron que era 12% más barato. He mantenido los mismos hábitos para comparar y nada que ver, ahora paso más frío porque apago el calentón largas horas del día. La única ventaja es la disponibilidad. Pero en cuanto se acabe el contrato me cambiaré a LP aunque quiebren mis macetas como dice el comercial. Si alguien paga 12% menos q con el otro dígame como.
I had never paid so much money in a month for gas consumption. And that they said it was 12% cheaper. I have kept the same habits to compare and nothing to do with it, now I am colder because I turn off the heater for long hours of the day. The only advantage is availability. But as soon as the contract is over I will switch to LP even if they break my pots as the commercial says. If someone pays 12% less than the other, tell me how.
Alexia Mendoza on Google

Muy mal servicio, no envían recibos, te cobran multa por no pagarlo, dure un mes sin usarlo PARA NADA y me cobraron más de 600 pesos. La página no sirve, si llamas al número responde la contestadora, dice que cierran a las 6 pm pero fui a las oficinas a las 5:15 pm y ya estaba cerrado.
Very bad service, they do not send receipts, they charge you a fine for not paying it, it lasted a month without using it FOR ANYTHING and they charged me more than 600 pesos. The page doesn't work, if you call the number the answering machine answers, it says they close at 6 pm but I went to the offices at 5:15 pm and it was already closed.
Eduardo Garpa on Google

Que horrible servicio, las oficinas cerradas y los recibos con altos costos y nadie a quien reclamar. Es pésimo lo que hacen con los consumidores.
What a horrible service, the offices closed and the receipts with high costs and nobody to complain to. It's terrible what they do with consumers.
Perla Fernandez on Google

carlos zamora on Google

Chris Nova on Google

Super expensive! The service and distribution Charges are 5X more than my gas I actually “used”! I don’t even use the gas and the bill is 1,300 pesos!

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