Embajada de Sudáfrica en México - 11560 Ciudad de México

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

«I have always believed that exercise is the key, not only to physical health, but also to peace of mind.» – Nelson Mandela     El 16 de junio celebra el coraje, el sacrificio y las co…

Contact Embajada de Sudáfrica en México

Address :

Andrés Bello No. 10 Piso 9 Edificio FORUM, Polanco IV Secc, 11560 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +97
Website : http://www.embajadasudafrica.mx/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Abraham TD on Google

El "Mexicano" que recibe los papeles (que es el único) para todos los trámites es MUY PREPOTENTE Y GROSERO!!! No es por demeritar que es mexicano como yo lo soy, pero parace que le estuvieras haciendo un favor, atiende de malas, me grito y nada le parecia hasta me regaño por qué omití llenar un dato en el formulario. Yo el día lunes 13 de agosto del 2018 que asistí a hacer mis trámites me levanté con toda la ilusión de saber que ese día iba a entregar mis papeles para la visa, pero me decepcionó el trato de esta persona que nunca supe su nombre, ni ganas de pedirlo, se fuera enojar y me negara mi visa. Me fui muy decepcionado... como es posible que un mexicano que debería de tener el mejor trato para las personas que desean viajar o hacer negocios en Sudáfrica, pueda tener un mal trato. Pone mal el nombre de Sudáfrica y ni a quien hacerle una sugerencia, la otra chica que estaba ahí no decía nada. Hasta las personas que ya habían ido o que trabajan en el mismo edificio saben que es muy especial esta persona. El horario de atención es de >8:00am a 12:00pm< de LUNES a VIERNES para realizar CUALQUIER TRAMITE !!!! Aparece que es hasta las 16:00 horas (4:00pm) pero no es así!!! Es a las 12pm el cierre!
The "Mexican" who receives the papers (who is the only one) for all the procedures is VERY PREPOTENT AND RUDE !!! It is not to demean that he is Mexican as I am, but it seems that you were doing him a favor, he takes care of bad things, he yelled at me and nothing seemed to him until he scold me why I omitted to fill out a piece of information on the form. On Monday, August 13, 2018, when I attended to do my paperwork, I got up with all the illusion of knowing that that day I was going to deliver my visa papers, but I was disappointed by the treatment of this person who never knew his name, or I wanted to ask for it, he got angry and denied me my visa. I left very disappointed ... as it is possible that a Mexican who should have the best treatment for people who want to travel or do business in South Africa, can have a bad treatment. He misspelled the name of South Africa and neither to whom to make a suggestion, the other girl who was there said nothing. Even people who have already been or who work in the same building know that this person is very special. The hours of operation are > 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Martin Tinoco on Google

Cómo una persona que no radica en la ciudad de México, fue muy lamentable tener que hacer muchas visitas desde mi estado para concluir la solicitud de visa. Son muy estrictos con el horario de recepción de documentos aún cuando sus horarios no están actualizados en sus plataformas oficiales. Fuera de eso, quedé sorprendido con el servicio consular; su personal es profundamente empático, sensible y humano. Te contactan por diferentes medios y sus autoridades platican directamente contigo para ayudarte en los trámites que ofrece la embajada.
As a person who does not reside in Mexico City, it was very unfortunate to have to make many visits from my state to complete the visa application. They are very strict with the reception hours of documents even when their schedules are not updated on their official platforms. Outside of that, I was surprised with the consular service; its staff is deeply empathetic, responsive and humane. They contact you through different means and their authorities speak directly with you to help you in the procedures offered by the embassy.
Domínguez Juan on Google

El agente consular siempre fue muy amable conmigo porque yo fui amable con él y llevaba todos mis documentos tal cual los solicita la embajada. Entonces eso acelera el proceso de la obtención de su visa, porque no tienen que estar dando de vueltas por no llevar lo indicado. Tuve que salir por algunas fotos, pero nada serio, cumplí con el horario indicado y tuve mi visa sin más problemas.
The consular agent was always very kind to me because I was kind to him and he carried all my documents as requested by the embassy. So that speeds up the process of obtaining your visa, because they do not have to be turning around because they do not carry what is indicated. I had to go out for some photos, but nothing serious, I followed the indicated schedule and I had my visa without further problems.
Big Mau D T G on Google

Pésima , no te atienden sin cita , pero resulta que el único teléfono que publican en su página oficial no lo contestan , eso lo publican un número
Terrible , they do not attend you without an appointment , but it turns out that the only telephone number they publish on their official page is not answered , they publish a number
Zodwa Mrasi on Google

Amazing Experience!
Hannah Bing on Google

Hello, What is the best way to contact this embassy?
IOB Group on Google

The "Mexican" guy who wears glasses at the main reception is a rude,unfriendly and very arrogant individual. he forgets that regardless of his Nationality, he is representing a foreign country in his own country!!! I called a week prior to ensure i had all the documentation required to apply for the visa, as i don't live in Mexico City. when i Arrived he received the documents in a rude manner,her took a call from someone else and when he hung up the phone he made fun of the person who didn't understand where south Africa was and call it for "flunking geography in school" I had my photographs in and envelope and he trow it back at me .. Take them out! wheres your plane ticket? where your hotel reservations?!! show me show me!! screaming and shouting in a very arrogant manner. To me it seems like this dude is Jealous of people who have the means and desire to travel that far. I have not met such arrogant dude in a long time,but that's what happens when people has a "power trip" and they aren't accustomed to be in some positions of power. Finally when nothing pleased this guy and he pretty much made me look and feel like a complete idiot i said to him, you know forget it there are other destinations i can travel too he literally threw my documents back at me and turned away laughing. Next November i will still take my Trip to Africa (where visas are NOT required) only with a regret that i wont be visiting South Africa, thanks to this moron who killed my desire to go and work for a church ministry with children,tour a country and learn about the diversity/culture of once an oppressed country. Due to the dam privacy act i cant call his name publicly but he knows exactly who he is.... I Hope that the embassy officials read these reviews and realize that this individual is D A M A G I N G the image of their country in a foreign soil.
ESG on Google

I've lost my flight to ZAF because although I sent the requested documents by courier service on time, Mr Eduardo Navas never replied to my emails. When I called back to ask what happened he simply said "I don't know" he was rude and not professional at all. I had to ask DHL to collect my passport because Mr Navas won't ever bother to reply to my emails, once I called him and he said "I only have time to reply to emails after 2 pm" How can the embassy still have this person representing the country after too many complaints about him?

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