Embarcadero De Trajineras - 16036 Ciudad de México

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Contact Embarcadero De Trajineras

Address :

Parque Ecológico de Xochimilco, Xochimilco, 16036 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Categories :
City : CDMX

Parque Ecológico de Xochimilco, Xochimilco, 16036 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
ODAPAS Municipio Los Reyes on Google

Solo falta conservar un poco mejor este gran espacio humedal
All that remains is to conserve this great wetland space a little better
Janet Cortés on Google

Muy lindo lugar. Excelente precio al subirse a la trajinera
Very pretty place. Excellent price when getting on the trajinera
Héctor Arriaga Martínez on Google

Este embarcaero es el más tranquilo de Xochimilco. En la entrada hay puestos de garnachas, como tacos, pambazos, quesadillas, tlacoyos... todo es delicioso.
This jetty is the calmest in Xochimilco. At the entrance there are garnacha stalls, such as tacos, pambazos, quesadillas, tlacoyos ... everything is delicious.
Aura Palma on Google

Muy familiar y bonito el lugar, sin embargo me molestó que el precio de las trajineras te lo dan por hora y no se cumple el tiempo, te ofrecen el recorrido de dos horas y es apenas de 1
The place is very familiar and beautiful, however it bothered me that the price of the trajineras is given per hour and the time is not met, they offer you the two-hour tour and it is barely 1
Chriss on Google

En 1352 una de las siete tribus nahuatlacas que salieron de la mítica Chicomostoc fundó Xochimilco, vocablo náhuatl que significa “en la tierra sembrada de flores”. Ahí construyeron las chinampas: porciones de tierra colocadas sobre raíces de ahuejotes, empleadas para la siembra de legumbres y flores; entre ellas dejaban canales de agua para transportar los alimentos en canoas. La chinampa guió la traza urbana ortogonal de Xochimilco, similar a la de Tenochtitlan. Los mexicas obligaron a los xochimilcas a construir la gran Calzada de Iztapalapa, hoy Tlalpan, así como a proporcionar material y mano de obra para edificar su pirámide principal. Los españoles respetaron el sistema chinampero de Xochimilco, pues de él se alimentó la capital de la Nueva España durante el virreinato. Por su parte, los lagos de Texcoco y Xochimilco aportaban más de un millón de pescados al año. Los franciscanos construyeron en este lugar el quinto de sus conventos, dedicado a San Bernardino, excelente ejemplar de fines del siglo XVI. Hacia 1891 uno de los hacendados del rumbo, Íñigo Noriega, estableció una línea de pequeños barcos de vapor que iban de Xochimilco a Iztacalco, por el famoso Paseo de la Viga, cobrando 12 centavos por viaje. Xochimilco participó activamente en la Revolución Mexicana y fue el sitio de reunión de dos de sus más simbólicos personajes: Villa y Zapata. Entre 1910 y 1920, Xochimilco descubrió su potencial turístico e inició la construcción de sus embarcaderos; se reforestó el bosque de Nativitas y se fundó el vivero de árboles. Para 1970 se integró a la mancha urbana cuando se prolongó la avenida División del Norte y se creó el Anillo Periférico.
In 1352 one of the seven Nahuatl tribes that left the mythical Chicomostoc founded Xochimilco, a Nahuatl word meaning "in the land planted with flowers". There they built the chinampas: pieces of land placed on the roots of "ahuejotes", used for the planting of vegetables and flowers; among them they left water channels to transport food in canoes. The chinampa guided the orthogonal urban layout of Xochimilco, similar to that of Tenochtitlan. The Mexicas forced the Xochimilcas to build the great Calzada de Iztapalapa, now Tlalpan, as well as to provide material and labor to build their main pyramid. The Spaniards respected the Chinampero system of Xochimilco, since the capital of New Spain was fed during the viceroyalty. On the other hand, the lakes of Texcoco and Xochimilco contributed more than one million fish per year. The Franciscans built the fifth of their convents in this place, dedicated to San Bernardino, an excellent specimen of the late sixteenth century. Towards 1891 one of the landowners of the course, Íñigo Noriega, established a line of small steam boats that went from Xochimilco to Iztacalco, by the famous Paseo de la Viga, charging 12 cents per trip. Xochimilco actively participated in the Mexican Revolution and was the meeting place for two of its most symbolic characters: Villa and Zapata. Between 1910 and 1920, Xochimilco discovered its tourist potential and began the construction of its piers; the Nativitas forest was reforested and the tree nursery was founded. By 1970 it was integrated into the urban sprawl when North Division Avenue was extended and the Peripheral Ring was created.
fabio 7691 on Google

ci sono stato a xochimilco nel 1996 ed era pieno di barche della gente che ci abitava e lavorava la maggior parte erano contadini che coltivavano fiori che poi rivendevano direttamente ai turisti dalle proprie barche, già allora c'era il problema delle alche che proliferavano nei canali, am a quanto pare ora sono fuori controllo e di quello che ho visto ora non esiste più niente. posto foto di allora
I was there in xochimilco in 1996 and it was full of boats of the people who lived and worked there most of them were farmers who cultivated flowers that they then sold directly to tourists from their boats, even then there was the problem of alkas that proliferated in the canals , am apparently now I'm out of control and what I've seen now nothing exists. post photo back then
Víctor Eduardo Ursua Corona on Google

Sin duda un hermoso lugar lleno de fauna para pasar con la familia exelente lugar..
Without a doubt, a beautiful place full of fauna to spend with the family, an excellent place..
Cindy Kozak on Google

Aug 2019. Don't waste your time not sure how it can go down so far in a few months. If you like birds they are still around and you can enter for free - I paid but got refunded after voicing my disappointment about (NOT) maintained trails.

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