Europcar - 74160 Puebla

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Europcar

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Puebla International Airport (PBC), Carr Federal México-Puebla Km 91.5, 74160 Puebla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
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City : Pue.

Puebla International Airport (PBC), Carr Federal México-Puebla Km 91.5, 74160 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Jewels Fernandez on Google

El servicio y la atencion es de primera, en verdad no dudes en contrar sus servicios. Hace un mes tuve que viajar del extranjero a la ciudad de Puebla, pero antes hice escala en Queretaro para recojer a mi mama y el autobus se retraso al llegar a Puebla, llame a la agencia para avisar de la demora y super amables me esperaron en la terminal de la Capu pasado de las 9PM, nos ayudaron con el equipaje y el auto nos lo entregaron en menos de 5 minutos, era un dia terrible con mucha lluvia viajabamos mi mama y yo solas. A la entrega del auto solicitamos nos pidieran un taxi para transladarnos a la 4pte, el taxi se demoro en llegar, asi que el chico de la agencia se ofrecio a llevanos a la terminal para no tener que pedir un taxi a la orilla Boulevard Hermanos Serdan. Mi mama y yo estamos eternamente agradecidas por el excelente trato, amabilidad y servicio. En un mes viajare con familia a Cancun y he reservado un auto con esta misma compania estoy segura que cubriran todas nuestras espectativas. Recomiendo Ampliamente Europcar agencia Hermanos Serdan.
The service and attention is first class, really do not hesitate to contract their services. A month ago I had to travel abroad to the city of Puebla, but before I stopped in Queretaro to pick up my mother and the bus was delayed when I arrived in Puebla, I called the agency to warn of the delay and super friendly people waited for me at The terminal of the Capu past 9PM, they helped us with the luggage and the car delivered to us in less than 5 minutes, it was a terrible day with a lot of rain my mom and I traveled alone. Upon delivery of the car we asked for a taxi to transfer us to 4pte, the taxi was delayed to arrive, so the agency boy offered to take us to the terminal so as not to have to ask for a taxi to the shore Boulevard Hermanos Serdan Boulevard . My mom and I are eternally grateful for the excellent treatment, kindness and service. In a month I will travel with family to Cancun and I have booked a car with this same company I am sure they will cover all our expectations. I highly recommend Europcar agency Hermanos Serdan.
que pasa on Google

Cuando recibí el coche, me avisó uno de sus trabajadores que podría ser que faltará un poquito de aire en la rueda izquierda de la parte delantera. Lo checamos directamente después y la presión estaba bastante baja (20 libras en lugar de 32 libras). Pensé que después de haberla hinchado de nuevo todo estaría bien, que solamente había faltado un poco de aire. Sin embargo, al siguiente día me di cuenta que la misma rueda podría estar perdiendo aire, ya que se notaba diferente a las otras ruedas. No había pasado más de 24 horas cuando la presión estaba más baja que antes (15 libras). En este momento tuve miedo de que se produjera una explosión de las ruedas, por lo que volví a checar el lunes la presión y la rueda sólo tenía 10 libras. El personal de la gasolinera checó todas las ruedas, ya que le pareció raro también y comprobó que faltaba también mucho aire en la rueda derecha de la parte trasera. Tras regresar el coche a su oficina del aeropuerto, me quejé que no era posible que un coche pierda tanto aire en un tiempo tan corto, sin embargo los trabajadores ni siquiera pidieron disculpas ni dieron explicaciones. Cuando se alquila un coche, se espera que el coche que se recibe se encuentre en un buen estado para manejar y no has de estar preocupado mientras manejas, pensando si se puede producir una explosión de las ruedas o un accidente. Y para finalizar, ni una de las ruedas tenía una profundidad suficiente del dibujo del neumático.
When I received the car, one of his workers warned me that a little air could be missing from the front left wheel. We checked it directly afterwards and the pressure was pretty low (20lbs instead of 32lbs). I thought that after having inflated it again everything would be fine, that only a little air was missing. However, the next day I realized that the same wheel could be losing air, since it looked different from the other wheels. It had not been more than 24 hours when the pressure was lower than before (15 pounds). At this point I was afraid that the wheels would explode, so I rechecked the pressure on Monday and the wheel was only 10 pounds. The gas station staff checked all the wheels, as it seemed strange to them and found that there was also a lot of air missing from the right rear wheel. After returning the car to its airport office, I complained that it was not possible for a car to lose so much air in such a short time, however the workers did not even apologize or explain. When you rent a car, the received car is expected to be in a good condition to drive and you don't have to be worried while driving, thinking about a wheel explosion or accident. And finally, not one of the wheels had a sufficient depth of the tire tread.
Harald Ki on Google

Leider ist hier in Europcar wieder einmal enttäuschend. Zuerst verlangen sie für die Rückführung von Mexiko 80 USD statt der vereinbarten 44 USD. Dies klärt sich nach einiger Zeit... Danach fehlt dem Leihauto das Nummernschild in der Rückscheibe. Es wurde versichert dies sei kein Problem. Es gibt kein anderes Auto Auf den Hinweis, wir gehen gemeinsam zu Federal, kann der Hinweis, wir können gern alleine dort nachfragen Dann wurde dich noch ein anderes Leihauto entdeckt. Die zusätzlichen sieben Mängel dürften jedoch nur in unserer Kopie der Vertrages eingetragen werden, nicht in der Kopie der Leihfirma. In Cancun verlief alles hervorragend. Wie kann das von Filiale zu Filiale so Untersuchung sein...?
Unfortunately, here in Europcar again is disappointing. First, they charge 80 USD instead of the agreed 44 USD for the repatriation of Mexico. This is clarified after some time ... Then the rental car is missing the license plate in the rear window. It was assured that this was not a problem. There is no other car On the note, we go to Federal together, can the hint, we like to ask alone there Then another rental car was discovered. However, the additional seven deficiencies may only be entered in our copy of the contract, not in the copy of the loaner. Everything went well in Cancun. How can this be from branch to branch so investigation ...?
Bernardo Servin on Google

Nunca renten auto aquí, ha sido mi peor experiencia de renta de auto: 1- al llegar me ofrecieron un upgrade por un auto con mayor costo, el cual rechacé y como sea me dieron ese auto por el que me querían cobrar más, es evidente que no tenían el carro que reservé y primero te avientan el "gancho" para ver si caes y cobrarte más 2- el auto que me entregaron no estaba en óptimas condiciones: parabrisas fracturado, una llanta diferente a las otras dos y solo dos tapones en los rines, uno de ellos NO era original 3- este tapón NO original se cayó en el camino, seguramente por eso mismo no se sujeta adecuadamente al rin, y me lo cobraron como original ($1350 pesos), siendo que en mercadolibre un juego de tapones no originales (los 4) se pueden conseguir en $149 e incluso con cables de acero para que no te los puedan robar El supervisor que ordenó que se me cobrara el tapón no tuvo la vergüenza el muy cobarde de hablar conmigo al teléfono
Never rent a car here, it has been my worst car rental experience: 1- upon arrival they offered me an upgrade for a car with a higher cost, which I rejected and anyway they gave me that car for which they wanted to charge me more, it is evident that they did not have the car that I reserved and first they throw the "hook" on you to see if you fall and charge more 2- the car they gave me was not in optimal condition: fractured windshield, a different tire from the other two and only two plugs on the wheels, one of them was NOT original 3- this NON-original plug fell on the road, surely that is why it is not properly attached to the wheel, and they charged me as original ($ 1350 pesos), being that in mercadolibre a set of non-original plugs (all 4) can be get it for $ 149 and even with steel cables so they can't be stolen The supervisor who ordered that I be charged for the cap did not have the cowardly shame of talking to me on the phone
Albert Tirado on Google

Fraude una estafa 1)La página web es buena y rente a buen precio un Gol con seguro básico por 6 dias$ 1980 2)En la entrega me ofrecen el seguro completo convenciéndome de ser lo mejor asegurando que cualquier Siniestro cubriría TODO por $1775 3) La entrega del auto es lenta y tenía algunos rayones 4)Me dirigí a cargar gasolina y al revisar el motor observó que al rededor de la tapa del motor tiene aceite el cual se veía claro que los empaques estaban fugando estando muy sucio todo el motor. 5) Al siguiente día por accidente extravío la llave el cual marco al 01800 y después de 18 minutos ubican mi contrato y me mandan a una unidad.(Servicio regular) 6)Llega la unidad 75 min despues 7)Me entregan un auto de menor categoría (Beat) y me dice el vendedor que al siguiente día podría ir a recoger otro parecido al mío o en su defecto me ajustaban la tarifa la cual bajaría considerablemente. (Palabras textuales) 8)El vendedor era el mismo que me vendió el seguro y entregó el auto y no se acordaba de mi. 9)Por tiempos de viaje decido quedarme con el auto y emprendo el viaje. 10)Un día antes de la entrega marque a mi vendedor desde las 8:30am me da respuesta hasta las 2pm y me dice que la llave saldría en $1700 pesos(Llave sin control de alarma ni chip) mismo que no estoy de acuerdo y me comenta que revisaría con su gerente. Después de diversas llamadas me da el desglose de la cantidad restante a pagar. 11)En el auto deje unas chamarras y llaves 12) El día de la entrega le pedí que me apoyaran a entregármelas marcando a las 8:30am, el vendedor me asegura que me las darían a las 7pm que era la hora de entrega del auto. 12)10 min despues me comenta que tengo que pasar yo a la agencia por las cosas por mi seguridad, por tiempos de traslado le digo que no es posible y me comenta que no pueden hacer nada, le pido que cumpla su palabra y me entregue mis cosas, el cual después de 40 min me vuelve a escribir y me comenta que podrán entregármelo en sitio como se acordó. 13)Ese mismo día me manda un WhatsApp comentando que el restante a pagar sería $4097 pesos el cual le marque porque no entendía y me vuelve a desglosar que la llave salía en $1097. 14) Al llegar al sitio me comentan que restan $4097 pesos el cual me comentan que habían hablado a corporativo y ya incluía el ajuste por el cambio de auto, pregunto porque cobran grúa y dicen que el seguro no cubría (mismo que elDía de la entrega el vendedor no me especificó eso) 15)Comentan que no me estaban cobrando las horas extras que me pase por entregar el auto el cual mi entrega oficial era a las 9 pm y lo entregue a las 7pm. 16)Comentaban que si estaba reservado así pero el seguro no.. entre confusiones y mareos de deducciones y desglose de tarifas pido la cotización de la llave y comentan que no la tenían hasta mañana porque ya no había nadie en corporativo. 17)Al momento de la entrega del auto no tenían ni siquiera listos los papeles de entrega.Me entregaron las pertenencias olvidadas y no me dieron 1 llave que especifique bajo un mensaje claramente. 19) Después de 35 min tuve que abordar mi avión y el gerente se comprometió a elevarlo a corporativo para aclarar el tema. 20) Al otro día no me pudieron dar respuesta 21)A los / días a las 8pm comenta el gerente que serían $5300 pesos porque era más seguro el cual en ningún momento me dijeron eso. 22) Comenta que vería la forma de cobrarle la diferencia al vendedor y me regresaría la llamada, le refutó el ajuste del auto y me dice que solo Se Descontaría $300 pesos. 23) No me regresa la llamada hasta el otro día y me comenta por mensaje que serían $5000 pesos qué sería el ajuste. Esta historia es real y no está exagerada, solo te puedo decir que fui víctima de una empresa que cuenta con gente incompetente el cual te endulzan el oído con falsas promesas. Debo aclarar que está muy resumido ya que en todo el transcurso entre llamadas y mensajes fue un periodo más largo y cansado. Lo triste de esto es que rente un Auto Bit por 6 días con cobertura completa y debiria de pagar la cantidad de $7,849 igual que una camioneta. UNA BASURA!!!!
Fraud a scam 1) The website is good and rents at a good price a Goal with basic insurance for 6 days $ 1980 2) In the delivery they offer me the complete insurance convincing me to be the best assuring that any Sinister would cover ALL for $ 1775 3) The delivery of the car is slow and had some scratches 4) I went to load gasoline and when checking the engine noted that around the engine cover has oil which it was clear that the gaskets were leaking very dirty all the engine. 5) The next day I accidentally lost the key which I set to 01800 and after 18 minutes they place my contract and send me to a unit. (Regular service) 6) The unit arrives 75 min later 7) They give me a lower category car (Beat) and the seller tells me that the next day I could go to pick up another similar to mine or failing to adjust the rate which would go down considerably. (Exact words) 8) The seller was the same one who sold me the insurance and gave the car and did not remember me. 9) For travel times I decide to stay with the car and start the trip. 10) One day before the delivery, mark my salesman from 8:30 am. He gives me a response until 2pm and he tells me that the key would come out at $ 1700 pesos (key without alarm or chip control) that I do not agree with and He says he would check with his manager. After several calls gives me the breakdown of the remaining amount to be paid. 11) In the car leave some coats and keys 12) On the day of delivery, I asked them to support me by handing them to me at 8:30 a.m., the salesman assures me that they would give them to me at 7pm, which was the time for delivery of the car. 12) 10 min later he tells me that I have to go to the agency for the things for my safety, for transfer times I tell him that it is not possible and he tells me that they can not do anything, I ask him to keep his word and give me my things, which after 40 min he writes me again and tells me that they can deliver it to me as agreed. 13) That same day I sent a WhatsApp commenting that the remaining to pay would be $ 4097 pesos which I marked because I did not understand and I re-disaggregated that the key came out at $ 1097. 14) When they get to the site, they tell me that there are $ 4097 pesos left which tells me that they had talked to the company and it already included the adjustment for the change of car, I ask why they charge a crane and they say that the insurance did not cover (same as the Delivery Day) the seller did not specify that to me) 15) They say that they were not charging me the extra hours that I had to deliver the car, which my official delivery was at 9 pm and deliver it at 7pm. 16) They commented that if it was booked like that but the insurance does not ... between confusions and dizziness of deductions and rate breakdown I ask for the price of the key and comment that they did not have it until tomorrow because there was no one in corporate. 17) At the time of the delivery of the car they did not even have the delivery papers ready. They gave me the forgotten belongings and did not give me a key that I specified under a message clearly. 19) After 35 min I had to board my plane and the manager undertook to raise it to corporate to clarify the issue. 20) The next day they could not give me an answer 21) At 8pm / days the manager comments that it would be $ 5300 pesos because it was safer which at no time did they tell me that. 22) He says that he would see the way to charge the difference to the seller and he would return the call, he refuted the adjustment of the car and he tells me that only $ 300 pesos would be discounted. 23) Do not return the call until the other day and tell me by message that it would be $ 5000 pesos what would be the adjustment. This story is real and it is not exaggerated, I can only tell you that I was the victim of a company that has incompetent people who sweeten their ears with false promises. I must clarify that it is very summarized since in the whole course between calls and messages was a longer and more tiring period. The sad thing about this is that I rent an Auto Bit for 6 days with full coverage and I would have to pay the amount of $ 7,849 like a truck. A TRASH!!!!
Erik Romero on Google

Easy, cheap, great service, highly recommended.
Keyeen Freitas on Google

Recently rented a car from Puebla Airport from June 30th to July 8th they did not have the correct vehicle I reserved but gave me a complementary upgrade to a couple classes higher. Only disappointment was the vehicle did not have any gas in it so I had to fill it up. Looking to use this location in the near future. Never had an issue with Europcar always use them when I rent a car while traveling in Mexico. Thanks again Europcar.
Daisy Dominguez on Google

I see there seems to be a lot of mixed reviews here. I had a GREAT experience with this location and was out with a car in under 20 mins when another company close by tried to scam into spending hundreds of dollars. Jose was the agent I dealt with in November. He overheard my terrible experience with another agency and swept in as I was leaving the airport without a car. I told him that I was not going to be scammed again. After a short conversation I was in a parking lot looking at their inventory. I ended up paying around $350 for the car and full coverage insurance which was a GREAT deal. For reference the other location was trying to charge me $800 just for insurance!! They put a hold on a card as well, but that money gets returned at the end of your trip. The entire process was easy for me, I returned the car with a full gas tank and returning the car was just as easy. I may have been lucky in my experience, but I would absolutely recommend this specific location.

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