Farmacias del Ahorro Puente El Palomar - Amapas

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacias del Ahorro Puente El Palomar

Address :

Av. Adolfo López Mateos Sur 1307-Local 2, Amapas, 45647 Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 45647
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Av. Adolfo López Mateos Sur 1307-Local 2, Amapas, 45647 Jal., Mexico
Carlos Eugenio Piña de León on Google

Siempre tienen las medicinas que me han recetado y muy buen servicio.
They always have the medicines that have been prescribed for me and very good service.
diego olivares lopez on Google

Todas las veces que he venido solo una caja abierta no puede ser posible que tengan a más de 8 clientes con solo una caja
All the times that I have come with only one open box, it cannot be possible that they have more than 8 clients with only one box.
Mitzi Flores on Google

Les pongo una estrella para poder opinar del pésimo servicio que recibí. Al entrar una cajera se me quedó viendo como si fuera a robar algo, fui a ver labiales y estuvo al lado de mi, sin decir nada solo observándome. Después tomé una paleta y me llamó la atención otro dulce, dejé la paleta y tomé la otra cosa. Al pagar me dijo "No tenías otro dulce" le dije que lo dejé y le dijo a otra empleada "puedes ir a checar". Harta, qué necesidad hay?. Personal prejuicioso, para nada me vuelvo a parar ahí, no sé si era por mi piel morena o mi vestimenta jajaja pero no es justificación para creer que alguien te va a robar. horrible cajera.
I put a star on them to be able to comment on the terrible service I received. Upon entering a cashier she stared at me as if I was going to steal something, I went to see lipsticks and she was next to me, without saying anything, just watching me. Then I took a lollipop and another sweet caught my attention, I put down the lollipop and took the other thing. When paying he said "You didn't have another sweet" I told him I left it and he said to another employee "you can go check." Fed up, what need is there? Prejudiced staff, I don't stop there at all, I don't know if it was because of my brown skin or my clothes hahaha but it is not justification to believe that someone is going to rob you. horrible cashier.
Juan Pablo Huber on Google

Fui por mi prueba de antígenos el resultado debía de llegar en 40 min ya pasaron 12 horas y no ha llegado.
I went for my antigen test, the result should have arrived in 40 minutes, 12 hours have passed and it has not arrived.
Felix Ignacio Adame Esparza on Google

Fui a cambiar mi receta y no me la quisieron cambiar, me urgía y dure como más de 40 minutos en llegar hay. Me dijieron que el químico no aceptaba mi receta doblada. Que fuera por otra con la doctora si quería la medicina. Y les pregunté, por favor nuevamente. Y me dijieron que no, que el químico les cobraba la medicina a ella si me cambiaba la receta doblada y que las hacía ir con el doctor a que les diera una receta nueva. Peor servicio que he tenido. Muy delicados por una receta. Fui a otra farmacia y me la cambiaron facilmente. Nunca vuelvo a esa farmacia. No la recomiendo. Y gracias por su servicio delicado e inservible.
I went to change my prescription and they did not want to change it, I was urged and it lasted more than 40 minutes to get there. They told me that the chemist would not accept my folded prescription. Let him go for another with the doctor if he wanted the medicine. And I asked them, please again. And they told me no, that the chemist charged her for the medicine if I changed the folded prescription and that he made them go to the doctor to give them a new prescription. Worst service I have ever had. Very delicate for a recipe. I went to another pharmacy and they changed it easily. I never go back to that pharmacy. I do not recommend it. And thank you for your delicate and unusable service.
DD G on Google

La doctora es siempre amable. Sus diagnósticos y tratamientos son buenos. No hace que gastes en medicamentos innecesario o caros.
The doctor is always friendly. His diagnoses and treatments are good. It does not make you spend on unnecessary or expensive medications.
Irian Melisa Castellanos González on Google

Es increíble como pueden tener solo una caja abierta para más de 8 personas, me tardaron media hora para comprar solo una medicina, ya que no tienen el suficiente personal para cobrar y que no se aglomere la gente.
It's amazing how they can only have one box open for more than 8 people, it took me half an hour to buy just one medicine, since they don't have enough staff to charge and people don't get crowded.
Oscar Rodríguez Méndez on Google


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