Gas & Wash Hormadi - 78436 Soledad de Graciano Sánchez

3.7/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Gas & Wash Hormadi

Address :

Av Seguridad Soc 130, Fidel Velazquez, 78436 Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, S.L.P., Mexico

Categories :
City : S.L.P.

Av Seguridad Soc 130, Fidel Velazquez, 78436 Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, S.L.P., Mexico
Lissa Rey on Google

Rafael Diaz on Google

Martha Koch on Google

Para limpieza el lugar correcto
To clean the right place
Ruben Barbosa on Google

Muy bien
Very well
Patrick Eymard on Google

Lo encontré casualmente y por la hora ya no tenia opción (abierto hasta las 21:00. Cada uno viene y lava su vehículo solo prever tener las franelas para terminar el secado. Me gustó ya que finalmente cada uno está bien servido por si mismo. Mi camioneta quedó impecable pero recomiendo tener algun producto para dejar los cristales impecables además de tner una franel para absorber lo máximo de agua y finalizar con otro secado con toalla de microfibra. Sin duda quedarán encantados. Además es la posibilidad de hacer ejercicio ya que se paga por fichas que representan tiempo de lavado. Sólo hay actualmente enjuague y lavado con cepillo y jabón. Es la primera vez que voy y tener la posibilidad de un self-servicio para lavar su auto es genial para los que se sienten bien servido y satisfechos por si mismo. Además la persona que me asitió del autolavad, Hugo me dio recomendaciones de uso muy útiles para asi optimizar tiempo y costo. Recomendaría a pesar ver a cambiar cepillo de lavado ya que se ve muy usado!!!
I found it by chance and by the time I no longer had a choice (open until 9:00 PM. Everyone comes and washes their vehicle, just expecting to have the flannels to finish drying. I liked it since finally each one is well served by itself. My truck was impeccable but I recommend having some product to leave the windows impeccable in addition to having a flannel to absorb as much water as possible and finish with another drying with a microfiber towel. They will certainly be delighted. It is also the possibility of exercising since you pay for tokens that represent washing time. There is currently only rinsing and washing with a brush and soap. It is the first time that I go and having the possibility of a self-service to wash your car is great for those who feel well served and satisfied by themselves. In addition, the person who assisted me with the car wash, Hugo gave me very useful recommendations for use in order to optimize time and cost. I would recommend despite seeing to change the washing brush as it looks very used !!!
Ernesto Reyes on Google

Malisimo. Ultimamente nunca tiene presión el agua y casi no sale jabon, ademas esta MUY sucio. La ultima vez me regrese a casa a lavar el coche nuevamente a mano porque quedo muy feo. A eso sumenle el viejito mañoso que atiende en el dia, y los taxistas q se juntan a cotorrear y echar chela nadamas estorbando y apropiandose del poco espacio que hay para secar tu coche. No tiren su dinero, busquen otra opción.
Lousy. Lately the water never has pressure and almost no soap comes out, it is also VERY dirty. The last time I returned home to wash the car again by hand because it was very ugly. Add to that the crafty old man who attends during the day, and the taxi drivers who get together to chatter and throw chela at all, interfering and appropriating the little space there is to dry your car. Don't waste your money, look for another option.

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