GENERAL HOSPITAL "DR AURELIO Valdivieso" - 68040 Oaxaca de Juárez

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Calz. Porfirio Díaz 400, Reforma, 68040 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : Oax.

Calz. Porfirio Díaz 400, Reforma, 68040 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico
pablo Lopez on Google

El hospital es bueno, lo único que me molestó que los de la SEGLIM este privando a los usuarios para cargar sus celulares. Y para opinión estamos en un tiempo donde estos aparatos son muy importantes para la comunicación. Sugiero que pongan más contactos para conectar los aparatos, así tener un mejor servicio para todos porque para mí este es un servicio de gobierno donde tenemos que tener todos los servicios al alcance gracias.
The hospital is good, the only thing that bothered me that the SEGLIM is depriving users to charge their cell phones. And for opinion we are at a time where these devices are very important for communication. I suggest that you put more contacts to connect the devices, so to have a better service for everyone because for me this is a government service where we have to have all the services available thanks.
Yolanda Triste on Google

Gracias por darme la oportunidad de mi libre opinión sobre este hermoso lugar Hoy me toca agradecer a todos los médicos e internos y rresidentes y pork no a alas enfermeras y enfermeros k asen k este hospital funciona al 100 bueno hoy solo quiero desir gracias por salvarme la vida hoy quiero poder desirle ala enfermera Eva k muchas gracias y al dr fermin hndz de ginecología gracias por ser un gran médico dios los cuide siempre y los bendiga sienpre y al rresto del cuerpo médico no tengo todos los nombres pero me rrefiero alos k asen k el hospital Aurelio Valdivieso siga adelante deberdad gracias a todos esos hermosos jóvenes k siguen estudiando para ejercer esta hermosa profesión........ y así me podría seguir toda la noche escribiendo y nunca terminaría de agradecer.......gracias .....gracias ......gracias.....gracias.....gracias y mil gracias Posdata solo los guardias delas entradas son totalmente una bil porquería déspotas y groseros y muy alsados y piensan k por traer un uniforme pueden humillar alas personas muy humildes sres directivos a este personal ay k enseñarles en primera el respeto y el amor a su trabajo aa y una disculpa por desir lok pienso
Thank you for giving me the opportunity of my free opinion on this beautiful place Today I have to thank all the doctors and interns and residents and pork no to the nurses and nurses k asen k this hospital works 100 well today I just want to say thank you for saving my life today I want to be able to say to nurse Eva k thank you very much and to dr fermin hndz of gynecology thank you for being a great doctor God always take care of you and bless you always and the rest of the medical body I do not have all the names but I refer to them k asen k the hospital Aurelio Valdivieso go ahead owe thanks to all those beautiful young people k are still studying to practice this beautiful profession ........ and so I could continue writing all night and would never finish thanking ....... thank you ..... thank you ...... thank you ..... thank you ..... thank you and a thousand thanks Postscript only the guards at the entrances are totally a bilge of despots and rude and very alsados ​​and they think that by bringing a uniform they can humiliate very humble people managers to this staff ay k teach them first respect and love for their work aa and an apology for desir lok I think
Elmer Velasco on Google

Disculpe x la molestia si alguien me podría otorgar un numero de teléfono xk los que tienen aki no sirven .. O alguien que me diga si aplica algún costo en el área de maternidad x eso del seguro popular .. O si alguien me podría dar esa información se lo agredeseria .de ante mano muchas gracias .. Y disculpen x mi ignorancia. Gracias
Excuse me for the inconvenience if someone could give me a phone number xk those who have here are useless .. Or someone to tell me if there is any cost in the maternity area for that of popular insurance. Or if someone could give me that information, I would be grateful in advance, thank you very much .. And excuse my ignorance. Thanks
Jose Alfonso Ramirez Sanchez on Google

Como todo servicio público tiene ciertas restricciones, pero hay especialistas de alto nivel
Like any public service, it has certain restrictions, but there are high-level specialists
jasiel VE TO on Google

Un hospital bueno. En donde trabajan medicos y enfermeras comprometidos con la salud del paciente, a pesar de algunas carencias, el personal que labora en el hospital es muy responsable, Siempre tratando de atender con mucho respeto y ética a los pacientes y personas que acuden al hospital. Tienen servicio de laboratorio y cuentan con varias especialidades médicas lo cual hace de esta institución un hospital digno para la población oaxaqueña.
A good hospital. Where doctors and nurses are committed to the patient's health, despite some shortcomings, the staff that works in the hospital is very responsible, always trying to attend with great respect and ethics to patients and people who come to the hospital. They have laboratory service and have several medical specialties which makes this institution a worthy hospital for the Oaxacan population.
Marco Antonio Baños Avendaño on Google

Hospital civil sin infraestructura digna para personas que esperan atención de sus pacientes. Sentados siempre en el suelo. No hay atención gubernamental y es sector salud.
Civil hospital without decent infrastructure for people waiting for care from their patients. Always sitting on the floor. There is no government care and it is the health sector.
Iteb Zurc on Google

Lamentablemente los empleados de esa institución que son de base son los peores. Inhumanos. Carentes de sentido común, no saben explicar, se echan la bolita entre todos. Te hablan feo. Se burlan. Uno que otro se salvará, pero esos que están en el área de urgencias lo peor de lo peor.
Unfortunately, the employees of that institution who are from the base are the worst. Inhumans. Lacking common sense, they don't know how to explain, they throw the ball at each other. They speak ugly to you. They mock. One or the other will be saved, but those who are in the emergency area the worst of the worst.
Zach Gonzlez on Google

Terrible service. Rude staff. Security guards will not let you into the emergency room without a referral and will tell a person collapsed at their gates asking for help to go across town for a referral. When I returned with my referral, I was turned away again because they did not have the medication I needed and would not offer saline or any other help, reference or guidance. I was told to go home and drink water. The nurses literally laughed at me. It was the most inhumane, disgusting attempt at a healthcare facility I have ever seen. They will not help you. *addition: in desperation, I went to a private clinic where 3 people helped me immediately, saving my life. If I had listened to the doctors at hospital civil I would be dead.

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