Green Motion Car Rental - Mexico Aeropuerto - 15740 Ciudad de México

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Hemos implementado procedimientos de seguridad para prevenir el contagio de COVID-19 en todas nuestras sucursales alrededor del mundo, incluyendo pantallas protectoras, zonas de desinfección de manos, equipo de protección personal para el personal y servicio completo de limpieza y desinfección del vehículo después de cada renta. Busque el símbolo del escudo cuando visite nuestras sucursales.

Contact Green Motion Car Rental - Mexico Aeropuerto

Address :

Juan Guillermo Villasana 123, Aviación Civil, Venustiano Carranza, 15740 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78
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Categories :
City : CDMX

Juan Guillermo Villasana 123, Aviación Civil, Venustiano Carranza, 15740 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Misael Ansastiga on Google

Al inicio para rentar un auto todo fluye bien, pero después de la cotización inicial te incremental paquetes adicionales que no pides, pero que al final tienes que pagar. Al hablar con su supervisor o titular (Marisol), que tiene acento argentino (si estás en México no te queda la certeza de que te atiendan personas que trabajan aquí), de una manera déspota y con plano desconocimiento de su trabajo, solo obtienes algo que si vale la pena que es no rentar un auto aquí. Espero en verdad que mejoren.
At the beginning to rent a car everything flows well, but after the initial quote I will add additional packages that you do not ask for, but that in the end you have to pay. When you speak with your supervisor or owner (Marisol), who has an Argentine accent (if you are in Mexico, you are not sure that people who work here will attend you), in a despotic way and with a flat ignorance of their work, you only get something If it's worth not renting a car here. I really hope they improve.
Ignacio Lameiro on Google

ENG: Literally worst place to rent a car. (I have experience with many, Herts, Europcar, Centauro, Sicily, Firefly, Mex, America etc etc, in 5 differente countries and never experienced something like this) 1st you arrive and they don't have an airport office (no problem) 2nd you call and no answer, at least 25 calls to 3 different numbers. 3rd decide to go by your own means (20 € car ride, basically erasing all your savings by renting with them) 4th arrive to the "office", looks like a shanty town, no one inside except a malnourished cat !!!. 5th ring the bell, I served myself, no one there, no phone in place no nothing. PLEASE DO NOT BOOK. ESP: De verdad la peor agencia de alguiler de autos. He alquilado en varios países y en varias compañias con mayor y/o menor éxito pero nada a esta escala. 1ro llegas y no tienen oficina en el aeropuerto 2do Llamas y no te contestan 3ro Solicitas un Uber/Taxi que te cuesta 20€ para llegar 4to La "Oficina" parece una chábola/vecindario de mala muerte. 5to No hay NADIE, en lo absoluto, solo un gato que parece que tiene 5 días sin comer !! y al fondo un vecindario (aparentemente vacío) con botellas de licor como si hubiera habido una fiesta POR FAVOR NO ALQUILES CON ELLOS PASARÁS EL PERO TRAGO DE TU VIDA ITA: VI auguro che che questa ditta d'auto nolegigo è la peggiore que puó essistere, 100% Veritá. 1: Arrivi al aeroporto e non hanno ufficio al interno neanche al esterno 2: Chiami (a 3 numeri diversi) e non rispondono 3: Paghi un taxi di 20€ per arrivare e non ha nessuno in "ufficio" 4: Devi pagar ad un altra ditta di noleggio è un altro taxi di ritorno all'aeroporto. PER FAVORE NON NOLEGGIARE CON QUESTA DITTA GAL: Ista foi a peor experienca que xamais tiven alquilando un auto, de verdade, non alquilades con estes cantamañás. 1: Chegas ao aeroporto e non teñen oficiña no aeroporto. (non é tan grave) 2: Chamas e ninguén vos colle o teléfono. 3: Pagas un taxi para chegar (20€) de teu diñeiro. 4: Chegas e asemella una chábola, no hay ninguén dentro. 5: Tés que pagar outro taxi e outro alquiler. POR FAVOR, NON ALQUILEDES CON ESTES, NO OS PODO ADVERTIR MAIS. DEU: Dies war die Schlimmste Autovermietung in meine liebe. Ich habe in 5 Stadte vermieten mit viele Firme. 1, Kein Büro im Flughafen 2, Kein anwort zum Telefon 3, Du bezahlst ein Taxi nach das Büro (20-25 €) 4, Niemand im Büro, nur ein Katze. 5, Du bezahlst ein anderes Autovermietung mit eine anderes Firma. BITTE VERMIETUNG MIT DIESE FIRMA NICHT. CAT: A pitjor alluguer de cotxe en la meva vida. 1, No tenen oficina al aeroport 2, No contesten las trucades al telefono 3, Pagues un taxi (20-25€) per arribar a la "oficina" 4, Nomès podres veure un gat, no hi ha ningú 5, Pagues altro taxi per arribar al aeroport y alluguer con un altra companya. SI US PLAU, NO ALLUGUIS CON AQUESTA COMPANYA.
ENG: Literally worst place to rent a car. (I have experience with many, Herts, Europcar, Centauro, Sicily, Firefly, Mex, America etc etc, in 5 different countries and never experienced something like this) 1st you arrive and they don't have an airport office (no problem) 2nd you call and no answer, at least 25 calls to 3 different numbers. 3rd decide to go by your own means (20 € car ride, basically erasing all your savings by renting with them) 4th arrive to the "office", looks like a shanty town, no one inside except a malnourished cat !!!. 5th ring the bell, I served myself, no one there, no phone in place no nothing. PLEASE DO NOT BOOK. ESP: Really the worst car rental agency. I have rented in several countries and in several companies with greater and / or less success but nothing on this scale. 1st you arrive and they have no office at the airport 2nd calls and they don't answer you 3rd You request an Uber / Taxi that costs you € 20 to get there 4th The "Office" looks like a shit / seedy neighborhood. 5th There is NO ONE, at all, just a cat that looks like it hasn't eaten for 5 days !! and in the background a neighborhood (apparently empty) with bottles of liquor as if there had been a party PLEASE DO NOT RENT WITH THEM YOU WILL SPEND THE BUT DRINK OF YOUR LIFE ITA: VI I augur that this ditta d'auto nolegigo is the peggiore that puó essistere, 100% Veritá. 1: Arrivi al aeroporto e non hanno ufficio al intern neanche al esterno 2: Chiami (a 3 numeri diversi) e non rispondono 3: Paghi a taxi of € 20 per arrival and no one in "ufficio" 4: I must pay an altra ditta di noleggio and a altro taxi di ritorno all'aeroporto. PER FAVORE NON NOLEGGIARE WITH QUESTA DITTA GAL: This was a worse experience than Xamañás had renting a car, really, you don't rent with these cantamañás. 1: Chegas to airport and non-airport office. (I'm not so serious) 2: Chamas e ninguén vos colle o telefono. 3: You pay a taxi to check (€ 20) for teu diñeiro. 4: Chegas e resembles a chábola, there is none inside. 5: You have to pay another taxi and another rent. PLEASE, DO NOT RENT WITH THESE, I CANNOT WARN YOU MAIS. DEU: Dies war die Schlimmste Autovermietung in meine liebe. Ich habe in 5 Stadte vermieten mit viele Firm. 1, Kein Büro im Flughafen 2, Kein anwort zum Telefon 3, Du bezahlst ein Taxi nach das Büro (€ 20-25) 4, Niemand im Büro, nur ein Katze. 5, Du bezahlst ein anderes Autovermietung mit eine anderes Signature. BITTE VERMIETUNG MIT DIESE SIGNATURES NICHT. CAT: A pitjor alluguer de cotxe in my life. 1, They do not have an office at the airport 2, Do not answer the tricks on the phone 3, Pay a taxi (20-25 €) to arrive at the "office" 4, You can only see a gat, no hi ha no 5, You pay another taxi to arrive at the airport and arrive with an altra company. IF US PLAU, DO NOT ALLUGUIS WITH AQUESTA COMPANYA.
karina arellano cuautle on Google

Llegamos a recoger el auto. Que ya habíamos confirmado días antes vía telefónica. pero nos dicen que con letra chiquita dice que la licencia debe coincidir con el estado de tu INE, o cédula profesional...digo para q los que van a rentar por primera vez como nosotros sepan. Y no pierdan tiempo (45 min)en que te regresen el dinero.
We arrived to pick up the car. That we had already confirmed days before by telephone. but they tell us that in fine print it says that the license must coincide with the status of your INE, or professional license... I say so that those who are going to rent for the first time as we know. And don't waste time (45 min) getting your money back.
Roberto Guerrero on Google

Excellent customer service!! Friendly staff and very helpful!!!
Rosa sanabria on Google

I rented a car through flighthub to pick it up at green motion at cancun airport, the first disappointment when we got there was that they will not accept the car insurance i have purchased with flighthub I have to buy their own, I called the insurance company and luckily they reimburse my money and was able to buy their insurance, unfortunately after the third day of the rental driving on the highway coming from playa del Carmen we heard a noise that something fell off from under the car and it started making a funny noise and manage to get to the hotel, we called the car rental to notified the problem and they gave as another car, to our surprise we got charge for the repair on the previous car claiming that it was our fault which was ridiculous cause nobody knows if they check their cars with their mechanic before they give it away, BEWARE!!! Overall the service was good..
Aharon Fridman on Google

I booked vie expedia. upon arriving to the airport, they told me they don't have a car available due to a "confusion". Later, on a call with expedia, they lied, saying I was late more than an hour, and refused to refund the reservation. This is more than human error, this is straight out scam. These are a bunch of bad people. Avoid at all cost.
Alessio on Google

I rented a car through Had to move (I was asked to do it) several cars in the parking lot to get mine on the way, unbelievable. They charged me $50 more on my credit card, days after my rental, with no EXPLICATION. I called the office then, and they said it was for the insurance (mandatory). The only pro is the lady at the front desk, she was very nice. Never again to any Green Motion rental agencies.
Daniel Ramos on Google

This company has the worst customer service among all car rental companies. I had a terrible experience with them at their "Villasana" location in Mexico City. First of all, there is no office or rental location at either of Mexico City's terminals; one must get to their office through Uber or your own means. Once there, they told me it's their policy to charge for "ALL INSURANCE COVERAGES" in Mexico City, unlike any other place in the world where I've been able to use CDW coverage from my Amex (this is not specified anywhere on their website). They then gave me a car from a lower category than what I booked and tried to charge me the original amount. They finally lowered the rate some negligible amount but still charged me the additional coverage. The cherry on top was when I returned the car and they told me that I had punctured a tire, used the spare wheel and that they would charge me for damaging the vehicle (I obviously didn't puncture the tire, they were just trying to rip me off). This is a SHAME of a company and they deserve to go bankrupt. GREEN MOTION? NEVER AGAIN IN MY LIFE!

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