Happy Pets Veterinary Center - 37160 León

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Happy Pets Veterinary Center

Address :

Blvd. Juan Alonso de Torres Pte. 2307, Lomas del Campestre, 37160 León, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +777799
Website : https://www.facebook.com/Centro-veterinario-HAPPY-PETS-167592763274512/
Categories :
City : Gto.

Blvd. Juan Alonso de Torres Pte. 2307, Lomas del Campestre, 37160 León, Gto., Mexico
Florina Martinez Gallo on Google

Es la mejor clínica veterinaria, tengo 14 años, que el Dr. Eduardo Mandujano atiende a mis mascotas. El y su esposa lo mejor. Muy acertados en todo. ???????
It is the best veterinary clinic, I am 14 years old, that Dr. Eduardo Mandujano treats my pets. He and his wife the best. Very successful in everything. ???????
Isaac Okadiz on Google

Buena atención y cumplidos en sus tiempos
Good service and compliments on time
Altair Lona on Google

Excelente servicio. Gran variedad de artículos para tu mascota y servicio 100% profesional y especializado.
Excellent service. Wide variety of items for your pet and 100% professional and specialized service.
Mauricio Osorio on Google

Excelente atención. Rescate un perrito de la calle y me apoyaron con la consulta y recomendaciones. Se han unido a la causa. Todo el equipo es excelente.
Excellent attention. I rescued a little dog from the street and they supported me with the consultation and recommendations. They have joined the cause. The whole team is excellent.
Maria Anahi Martínez Sánchez on Google

Decepción, tristeza y coraje es lo que puedo expresar. Tarde días en publicar esto porque trate de amenizar mis palabras ante esto. Hace días mi pequeña amiguita (erizo) estaba muy decaída y salivaba demasiado un poco con sangre, me recomendaron que al ser un animal exótico hablara y agendara cita con los Drs de Petco ya que ellos podían revisar erizos, efectivamente marqué y me comentaron que la cita podía ser después de 4 días o que si me urgía, podía llevarla con Happy Pets.. TERRIBLE ERROR!!!!! Agende cita y todo bien al momento, la “Dra” colocó un poco de antibiótico en ella y nos comento que para poderla revisar a detalle tenía que colocar anestesia. Obviamente al ir con un médico veterinario confías en el, porque se supone son los que saben. Mi amiguita aún seguía moviéndose, daba indicios de que la anestesia no había surgido efecto. Pasaron 5 min y la dra volvió a colocar otra dosis de anestesia, la reviso y nos comento que solo tenía una cortada por debajo de su boquita y debo decir que nos recomendó cambiar de alimento ya que a FUTURO podía hacerle daño, nos comento que la anestesia duraría dos hrs, entonces llegamos a mi casa, pasaron más de dos hrs y mi pequeña amiguita estaba morada y completamente dura, mi amiguita había muerto. Al día siguiente marqué para informarles lo ocurrido y su respuesta fue que era por el alimento que le estábamos dando ya que no era el adecuado, entiendo esta parte, pero mi pequeña al momento no había presentado ningún malestar de alimentación, e inclusive nos confirmaron en la consulta que sólo tenía una herida debajo de su boca. Me comentaron que se podía hacer una necropsia para determinar su muerte.. sinceramente me pareció súper innecesario a fin de cuentas ya no le iban a regresar a mi amiguita. Y si esa necropsia se hubiera practicado y saliera que fue por el alimento, no se supone que como médico lo reviso un día antes?? Si sus malestares eran de alimentación porque no nos comento que era urgente y pudiéramos haber echo algo en ese momento.. una operación, quedarse internada, algo por el estilo. Así que si algo les puedo recomendar es NO LLEVAR A SUS AMIGUITOS AQUÍ al menos no como médico veterinario.
Disappointment, sadness and anger is what I can express. I'm late posting this because I tried to liven up my words in the face of this. A few days ago my little friend (hedgehog) was very down and salivated a little too much with blood, they recommended that, being an exotic animal, I should speak and schedule an appointment with the Petco Drs since they could check hedgehogs, indeed I marked and they told me that the appointment could be after 4 days or that if I was urgent, I could take it with Happy Pets... TERRIBLE MISTAKE!!!!! I made an appointment and everything was fine at the time, the "Dr" put a little antibiotic in it and told us that in order to check it in detail she had to apply anesthesia. Obviously when you go to a veterinary doctor you trust him, because they are supposed to be the ones who know. My little friend was still moving, giving signs that the anesthesia had not had an effect. 5 min passed and the doctor placed another dose of anesthesia, she checked it and told us that she only had a cut below her mouth and I must say that she recommended us to change food since it could hurt her in the FUTURE, she told us that the anesthesia would last two hours, then we arrived at my house, more than two hours passed and my little friend was purple and completely hard, my little friend had died. The next day I called to inform them of what had happened and their response was that it was because of the food we were giving her since it was not adequate, I understand this part, but my little girl had not presented any feeding discomfort at the time, and they even confirmed us in the consultation that he only had a wound under his mouth. They told me that an autopsy could be done to determine her death. Honestly, it seemed super unnecessary to me, after all, they were not going to return my little friend. And if that necropsy had been performed and it came out that it was because of the food, isn't it supposed that as a doctor I checked it a day before? If her discomfort was related to food, why didn't she tell us that it was urgent and we could have done something at that time... an operation, stay hospitalized, something like that. So if I can recommend anything to you, it is NOT TO TAKE YOUR FRIENDS HERE, at least not as a veterinarian.
Gaby raww on Google

Son los mejores, son sumamente amables, tratan super bonito a mi perro, lo llevo ahí a sus baños y corte de pelo, pero también han operado a mi perro y dado consultas, son super profesionales! Me encanta!!
They are the best, they are extremely friendly, they treat my dog ​​super nice, I take him there to his baths and haircut, but they have also operated on my dog ​​and given consultations, they are super professionals! I'm lovin 'it!!
Alfredo Arana on Google

Execelente dr
Stefany Lopez on Google

you can tell the people that attend your pet really care about your furry friend and what they do

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