Humaya Body Shop Culiacán - 80020 Culiacán Rosales

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Humaya Body Shop -

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Humaya body shop es un taller de carrocería, pintura y mecánica

Enfocado a reparar automóviles siniestrados bajo estándares de la más alta calidad y tiempo, englobando la mejora continua y el servicio al cliente, con personal altamente capacitado en la reparación y en el repintado automotriz.

Contact Humaya Body Shop Culiacán

Address :

Calle Priv. Republica de Guatemala # 2855 Pte, Humaya, 80020 Culiacán Rosales, Sin., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7788
Website :
Categories :
City : Sin.

Calle Priv. Republica de Guatemala # 2855 Pte, Humaya, 80020 Culiacán Rosales, Sin., Mexico
Fabian Beltran on Google

Excelente servicio, 24hrs de recepción de unidades y el encargado de noche muy atento y amable
Excellent service, 24hrs reception of units and the night manager very attentive and friendly
Jose Alfredo Rocha on Google

Taller de carrocería y pintura amplio y techado, trabaja de forma particular y Co aseguradora como gnp.
Wide and roofed body and paint workshop, works privately and Co-insurer as gnp.
Attsurok on Google

Tener mucho cuidado, pues si tu carro duro tiempo sin ser reparado le empiezan a robar piezas hormiga sun que tu notes que se las estan quitando, asi que no se los recomiendo absolutamente para nada, la verdad es un taller de poca confianza y el servicio nada atentos asi que ustedes saben si se arriesgan.
Be very careful, because if your car lasts a long time without being repaired they start to steal ant parts from the sun that you notice are being removed, so I do not recommend them absolutely at all, the truth is a workshop of little confidence and service not attentive so you know if you take a risk.
LD Christiano on Google

Two months and my paint job is spotting and showing primer. Every painted panel has scratches like cat claws anywhere that it has been touched. The trunk and hood look like someone dragged a bag of razor blades across them. Run from this place. Their talk is great and the work is horrible. 310/5000 Han pasado dos meses y mi trabajo de pintura es detectar y mostrar cebador. Cada panel pintado tiene arañazos como garras de gato en cualquier lugar que haya sido tocado. El baúl y la capucha se ven como si alguien arrastrara una bolsa de hojas de afeitar sobre ellos. Corre desde este lugar. Su charla es genial y el trabajo es horrible.
Two months and my paint job is spotting and showing primer. Every painted panel has scratches like cat claws anywhere that it has been touched. The trunk and hood look like someone dragged a bag of razor blades across them. Run from this place. Their talk is great and the work is horrible. 310/5000 Two months have passed and my paint job is to detect and show primer. Each painted panel has scratches like cat's claws anywhere it has been touched. The trunk and hood look like someone is dragging a bag of razor blades over them. Run from this place. Your talk is great and the work is horrible.
Gerardo RM on Google

Definitivamente!! Mal servicio, te dan una fecha de entrega y no cumplen, 2 veces pospusieron mi entrega, no cumplieron con el trabajo tal como lo pedí, falta de coordinación, no llevan registros, cada vez que hablaba me contestaba una persona diferente y no tenían información del mi auto ni del trabajo, referente al trabajo cualquier carrocero sin establecimiento tan aparatoso como Humaya Body Shop, pudo haber hecho mejor trabajo y a menor precio, definitivamente no recomiendo para nada el taller de Cabo San Lucas.
Definitely!! Bad service, they give you a delivery date and they do not comply, 2 times they postponed my delivery, they did not fulfill the work as I requested, lack of coordination, they do not keep records, every time I spoke I answered a different person and they had no information From my car or from work, regarding work any bodybuilder without an establishment as showy as Humaya Body Shop, could have done a better job and at a lower price, I definitely do not recommend the Cabo San Lucas workshop at all.
Jose Cruz on Google

El trabajo no lo hacen profesionalmente me pintaron hasta el mofle y el chasis!!.. Esto sucede porque no desarman los autos pintan al bravazo. El personal es muy amable pero el trabajo deja mucho que desear. Me hubiera quedado mejor el vehículo con el carrocerro de la colonia. NO LOS RECOMIENDO
The work is not done professionally, they painted me even the muffler and the chassis !! .. This happens because they do not dismantle the cars, they paint the bravazo. The staff is very friendly but the work leaves a lot to be desired. The vehicle with the colony body would have been better for me. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM
ernestinam on Google

Muy mala experiencia, si hubiese visto los comentarios antes, nunca hubiera llevado mi carro ahí, no me lo han entregado y por lo que comentan, espero esté bien hecho el trabajo, me traen con puras mentiras, es lo peor no cumplen el día que dicen que entregarán, por favor no lleven su carro ahí, no tienen profesionalismo si quieren evitar corajes, gracias
Very bad experience, if I had seen the comments before, I would never have taken my car there, they have not delivered it to me and from what they say, I hope the job is well done, they bring me with pure lies, it is the worst they do not fulfill the day that They say they will deliver, please do not take your car there, they are not professional if they want to avoid anger, thank you
Mario Said on Google

Tuve muy mala experiencia, si tienes GNP y te dan a escoger es preferible el taller multimarcas Victoria. Tengo mucho que contar de este taller, no lo voy a poner todo pero en primer lugar la informalidad al recibirlo, no te entregan ningún documento. Mentiras y más mentiras, que las piezas no llegan, me espere 15 días y llegaron, pero no es cierto había dos piezas del frente que estaban dobladas y quebradas que nunca cambiaron, van ocultas detrás de la facia. Me robaron una pieza que final los hice que me dieran una pero nunca me dieron la que era, me dijeron que la compraron nueva y no es cierto. Los dueños ni sus luces quien sabe dónde están para poner mi inconformidad. La primera vez que me lo entregaron lo regresé, porque estaba todo mal alineado las piezas parapetadas. después de la segunda entrega me di cuenta que una pieza interna ni siquiera!!! La habían enderezado, les valió madre. Al fin de 3 meses compraron la pieza que se supone debieron haber comprado desde el inicio, pues ya la pusieron y "parece"ser que me corrigieron la alineación que le faltaba al compacto, eran apenas unos milímetros y ya con eso, pero el taller es terrible. Mala experiencia no vayan a ese taller. Hoy después de 9 meses desde la reparación se nota más el mal trabajo que hicieron. los guardafangos y cofre se ven desalineados, una de las luces se ve salida con respecto al guarda fango. Eso se debe a qué cuando enderezaron los rieles del compacto lo hicieron sin medir adecuadamente las distancias en escuadra desde las bases de los amortiguadores hacia el marco radiador. El golpe fue leve muy leve pero siempre requiere que se rectifiquén las medidas antes de ensamblar, ellos no le dan valor al trabajo bien hecho, como saben que la mayoría de la gente no se detiene en detalles les vale y aquí en Culiacán hay muchísimos choques, son filas de carros esperando ser reparados. A pesar de eso, todavía hay talleres buenos que hacen con calidad sus trabajos.
I had a very bad experience, if you have GNP and they give you a choice, the Victoria multi-brand workshop is preferable. I have a lot to tell about this workshop, I'm not going to put it all but first of all the informality when receiving it, they don't give you any documents. Lies and more lies, that the pieces did not arrive, I waited 15 days and they arrived, but it is not true there were two pieces of the front that were bent and broken that never changed, they are hidden behind the fascia. They stole a piece from me and in the end I made them give me one but they never gave me what it was, they told me they bought it new and it's not true. The owners or their lights who knows where they are to put my disagreement. The first time they gave it to me, I returned it, because the parapet pieces were all misaligned. after the second installment I realized that an internal piece is not even!!! They had straightened it out, it was good for them. At the end of 3 months they bought the part that they were supposed to have bought from the beginning, since they already put it in and "it seems" that they corrected the alignment that was missing from the compact, it was just a few millimeters and that's it, but the workshop it's terrible. Bad experience do not go to that workshop. Today, after 9 months since the repair, the poor job they did is more noticeable. the fenders and hood look misaligned, one of the lights looks out with respect to the fender. That's because when they straightened the compact's rails they did so without properly measuring the square distances from the shock mounts to the radiator frame. The blow was slight, very slight, but it always requires that the measurements be rectified before assembling, they do not value a job well done, as they know that most people do not dwell on details, it is worth it and here in Culiacán there are many crashes , are rows of cars waiting to be repaired. Despite this, there are still good workshops that do their work with quality.

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