Imprenta Tulum | Adomar Color - 77760 Tulum

3.9/5 ★ based on 7 reviews

Contact Imprenta Tulum | Adomar Color

Address :

Av Tulum Mza 1, lote 14 77760 tulum Q.R MX, entre saturno y, C. Luna Sur, Centro, 77760 Tulum, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99878
Website :
Categories :
City : Q.R.

Av Tulum Mza 1, lote 14 77760 tulum Q.R MX, entre saturno y, C. Luna Sur, Centro, 77760 Tulum, Q.R., Mexico
Michel Steiner on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Michelle Maree on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Alex Ordoñez on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Excelente servicio y trabajo.
Excellent service and work.
Joseline Jiménez on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

¡PÉSIMO SERVICIO! Piensa dos veces antes de contratar un servicio con este “establecimiento”
TERRIBLE SERVICE! Think twice before hiring a service with this "establishment"
NEOS Productions MX on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Excelente servicio muy rĂĄpido. Mejor en Tulum! Gracias
Excellent service very fast. Best in Tulum! Thanks
Maria Imaz on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Excelente servicio y calidad. Lograron materializar exactamente lo que tenĂ­a en mente y sobre todo una gran calidad humana. Un verdadero placer trabajar con ellos. Altamente recomendado.
Excellent service and quality. They managed to materialize exactly what I had in mind and above all a great human quality. A real pleasure working with them. Highly recommended.
iiiael on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

PÉSIMO SERVICIO AL CLIENTE y CALIDAD La realidad es que quise darle la oportunidad a este establecimiento aĂșn a pesar de que habĂ­a escuchando malas referencias. Sin embargo, me arrepiento de no haberlas escuchado, es el peor servicio que pueden imaginar. AcudĂ­ a su local fisicamente y otra persona indistintamente para solicitar un presupuesto, e informar sobre las especificaciones que debĂ­a tener las impresiones, esto con el fin de evitar cualquier error (tarjetas de presentaciĂłn) dejando ademĂĄs algunas como ejemplo, en ningĂșn momento se nos explico nada solo que mandĂĄramos el archivo y que lo harĂ­an como pedimos. Cuando se envĂ­o el diseño por correo electrĂłnico se envĂ­o como me lo envĂ­o mi diseñador en escala de blancos porque se envĂ­an en ese formato por la serigrafĂ­a (no soy diseñadora, ni idea) Sin embargo aun a pesar de mandarlo asĂ­ “formato incorrecto” especifique en el correo NUEVAMENTE que debĂ­an ser en color negro, como los ejemplos que tenĂ­an y como lo habĂ­amos pedido fisicamente. AdemĂĄs de que tuve que esperar aproximadamente 3semanas para obtener mi producto, para mi sorpresa el dĂ­a de hoy Diciembre 22 acudĂ­ a recogerlas y estĂĄn impresas en color blanco ademĂĄs de no ser de la calidad que pedĂ­, al darme cuenta del error le pedĂ­ al diseñador que le hablarĂĄ a su gerente para poder platicar sobre el error y el me diĂł solo su tarjeta de presentaciĂłn dando entender que le hiciera como pudiera. DespuĂ©s de 2 conversaciones telefĂłnicas la Administradora Angelica Morales, no quiso dar una soluciĂłn porque no fue su culpa y que los ejemplos fueron del pasado y que el diseñador y ella habĂ­an impreso las tarjetas como las mande (aun sabiendo que debĂ­an ser negras y que su responsabilidad era informarme que necesitan de otro archivo para cumplir con las especificaciones y/o preguntarme al respecto, por sentido comĂșn debĂ­an explicarle al cliente que era lo que sucedĂ­a y no tomar la decisiĂłn de imprimirlas asĂ­ sin tomar en cuenta mis especificaciones que hice por correo y fisicamente) que sus polĂ­ticas eran asĂ­. Es lamentable, que mĂĄs que me hayan hecho perder dinero me hayan hecho perder el tiempo. Al final te entregan lo que ellos quieren, y si no lo aceptas es tu culpa, se molestan y que no esta dentro de sus polĂ­ticas. Estoy tan decepcionada del servicio y actitud que tomaron que acudirĂ© a las autoridades correspondientes para que esto NO VUELVA A PASARLE a los clientes que con mucha confianza creen en su servicio. LO PEOR!!!!
POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE and QUALITY The reality is that I wanted to give this establishment a chance even though I had heard bad references. However, I regret not having listened to them, it is the worst service you can imagine. I went to their premises physically and to another person indistinctly to request a budget, and inform about the specifications that the prints should have, this in order to avoid any errors (business cards) also leaving some as an example, at no time were they explained to us nothing only that we send the file and that they would do it as we requested. When the design was sent by email, it was sent as my designer sent it to me in white scale because they are sent in that format by silkscreen (I'm not a designer, no idea) However, even in spite of sending it like this, "incorrect format" specify in the mail AGAIN that they had to be in black, like the examples they had and as we had physically requested. In addition to the fact that I had to wait approximately 3 weeks to obtain my product, to my surprise today December 22 I went to pick them up and they are printed in white in addition to not being of the quality I asked for, when I realized the error I asked the designer that he will speak to his manager to be able to talk about the error and he only gave me his business card implying that I would do what he could. After 2 telephone conversations, Administrator Angelica Morales, did not want to give a solution because it was not her fault and that the examples were from the past and that the designer and she had printed the cards as I sent them (even knowing that they should be black and that their My responsibility was to inform me that they need another file to meet the specifications and / or ask me about it, by common sense they had to explain to the client what was happening and not make the decision to print them like this without taking into account my specifications that I made by mail and physically) that their policies were like that. It is unfortunate, that more than they have made me lose money they have made me waste my time. In the end they give you what they want, and if you do not accept it, it is your fault, they get upset and it is not within their policies. I am so disappointed in the service and attitude they took that I will go to the corresponding authorities so that this WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN to clients who believe in their service with great confidence. WORST!!!!

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