LA LLORONA DE XOCHIMILCO - 16043 Ciudad de México

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Xochimilco, 16043 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

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City : CDMX

Xochimilco, 16043 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Margarita Guevara on Google

No la recomiendo, yo queriabir a ver la historia de terror de la llorona y termine viendo un musical de Disney que no tiene nada que ver con la verdadera historia y nuestra cultura, pésima producción, te hacen esperar 4 horas en el frío antes de que inicie, mala organización. Ojalá regrese la producción anterior. No vayan a perder su tiempo
I do not recommend it, I wanted to see the horror story of La Llorona and ended up watching a Disney musical that has nothing to do with the true history and our culture, terrible production, they make you wait 4 hours in the cold before start, bad organization. Hopefully the previous production returns. Don't go wasting your time
Pablo Leautaud on Google

Un evento imperdible durante la época del Día de Muertos en México durante los meses de octubre y noviembre. En el lugar se pueden adquirir alimentos y bebidas antes de salir en la Trajinera, sin embargo una vez en la chinampa donde se realiza el evento también hay servicio de alimentos y sanitarios. Recomendable ir bien abrigados y usar repelente amigable con el ambiente.
An unmissable event during the Day of the Dead season in Mexico during the months of October and November. In the place you can buy food and drinks before going out in the Trajinera, however once in the chinampa where the event takes place there is also food service and toilets. It is recommended to wear warm clothes and use environmentally friendly repellent.
Diana Cardenas on Google

La obra muy buena , pero es un lío verla. La gente se atraviesa, los señores trajineros platicando, las señoras que venden antojos se atraviesan, la vdd es una obra que no vale los 500 pesos por persona que pague, ojalá bajen el precio o los organizadores envíen personal para dar esos espacios de tiempo para la compra de productos sin que tengas que interrumpir la obra, y sobre todo alguien controle a la gente que llegase hacer ruido o llevan bocinas
The play is very good, but it is a mess to watch. People cross each other, the gentlemen trajineros talking, the ladies who sell cravings cross each other, the vdd is a work that is not worth 500 pesos per person who pays, hopefully they will lower the price or the organizers send personnel to give those spaces of time to the purchase of products without having to interrupt the work, and above all someone controls the people who come to make noise or carry horns
Chriss on Google

El espectáculo está muy bien, le han invertido bastante en la escenografía y actores. En lo particular no me gustó porque que es un musical más que una obra, la historia es diferente a la que normalmente se escucha, hablan de mexicaneidad y para mí le hace falta demasiado simbolismos e historia mexica, aun ando a que la música no es prehispánica.
The show is very good, they have invested a lot in the scenery and actors. In particular, I did not like it because it is a musical more than a work, the story is different from what you normally hear, they talk about Mexicanness and for me it lacks too much Mexican symbolism and history, even though music is not prehispanic.
Tomyi Alvarado on Google

No la recomiendo... Le quitaron toda la parte de terror que uno quiere ver sobre "la llorona" y solo dejaron algo de historia sobre la conquista que ni siquiera está dentro del marco histórico real... La obra que fui a ver al mismo lugar hace unos 8 años era mil veces mejor q la de este año 2021.
I do not recommend it ... They took away all the part of terror that one wants to see about "la llorona" and they only left some history about the conquest that is not even within the real historical framework ... The work that I went to see at the The same place about 8 years ago was a thousand times better than this year 2021.
Eduardo Castellanos on Google

Bonito espectáculo, visto desde trajíneras, buena producción, recomendable, aunque elevado de precio. Mucha espera, inviertes tres horas para una de espectáculo.
Nice show, seen from trajíneras, good production, recommended, although high in price. Long wait, you invest three hours for a show.
Raul Jimenez on Google

I don't recommend it, at least the 2021 production was terrible No la recomiendo, al menos la producción del 2021 fue pésima The acting and the stage production were wonderful, unfortunately it was the only redeemable thing from the experience ... The journey on the trajinera (the boat that is used in that area) to the stage could have been 100 times better, with candles, music according to the story, etc. A detail that attracted a lot of attention, but that was completely neglected by the organizers. There was not even attention in taking care of the good condition of the trajineras to avoid a mishap, since, at least in the one that I was going, we ended up getting our feet wet. However, the script could not have been further from the history of Xochimilco, and it could not have been further from the most well-known and accepted story of La Llorona, I hope foreigners do not leave with that idea ... And to culminate, the music was in the purest Pop style, in the full Disn3y style, it was more a musical like HighSchoolMusical than a work, being able to use more characteristic progressions of our Mexican music, it was more of the American style: / But the idea was good ... with a terrible way of carrying it out La actuación y la producción escénica fueron maravillosos, lamentablemente fue lo único rescatable de la experiencia... El recorrido en la trajinera (el barco que se utiliza en esa zona) hacía el escenario pudo haber sido 100 veces mejor, con velas, música acorde a la historia, etc. Un detalle que llamó mucho la atención, pero que fue por completo descuidada por los organizadores. Ni siquiera hubo atención en cuidar el buen estado de las trajineras para evitar un percance, dado que, al menos en la que yo iba, terminamos mojandonos los píes. Sin embargo el guión no podía estar más apartado de la historia de Xochimilco, y no podía haber estado más lejana de la historia más conocida y aceptada de la llorona, ojalá que los extranjeros no se vayan con esa idea... Y para culminar, la música era del más puro estilo Pop, al pleno estilo Disn3y, era más un músical como HighSchoolMusical que una obra, pudiendo usar progresiones más características de nuestra música mexicana, era más del estilo estadounidense :/ Pero la idea fue buena... con un pésima forma de llevarla a cabo
I don't recommend it, at least the 2021 production was terrible I don't recommend it, at least the 2021 production was lousy The acting and the stage production were wonderful, unfortunately it was the only redeemable thing from the experience ... The journey on the trajinera (the boat that is used in that area) to the stage could have been 100 times better, with candles, music according to the story, etc. A detail that attracted a lot of attention, but that was completely neglected by the organizers. There was not even attention in taking care of the good condition of the trajineras to avoid a mishap, since, at least in the one that I was going, we ended up getting our feet wet. However, the script could not have been further from the history of Xochimilco, and it could not have been further from the most well-known and accepted story of La Llorona, I hope foreigners do not leave with that idea ... And to culminate, the music was in the purest Pop style, in the full Disn3y style, it was more a musical like HighSchoolMusical than a work, being able to use more characteristic progressions of our Mexican music, it was more of the American style: / But the idea was good ... with a terrible way of carrying it out The acting and the stage production were wonderful, unfortunately it was the only redeemable thing from the experience ... The route on the trajinera (the boat that is used in that area) to the stage could have been 100 times better, with candles, music according to the story, etc. A detail that attracted a lot of attention, but that was completely neglected by the organizers. There was not even attention to take care of the good condition of the trajineras to avoid a mishap, since, at least in the one I was riding, we ended up getting our feet wet. However, the script could not have been further away from the history of Xochimilco, and it could not have been further from the most well-known and accepted story of La Llorona, I hope foreigners do not go away with that idea ... And to culminate, the music was in the purest Pop style, in the full Disn3y style, it was more of a musical like HighSchoolMusical than a work, being able to use more characteristic progressions of our Mexican music, it was more of the American style: / But the idea was good ... with a terrible way of carrying it out
Estefanii EsquilPer on Google

A mi me gusto mucho. No fui esperando cierta historia así que me sorprendió. Y concuerdo la espera es muy extensa pero ir con las personas correctas con el ambiente de Xochimilco se arma un buen momento.
I liked it a lot. I wasn't expecting a certain story so I was surprised. And I agree the wait is very long but going with the right people with the atmosphere of Xochimilco is a good time.

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