Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del Dr. Simi - 77710 Playa del Carmen

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del Dr. Simi

Address :

Kantenah Mz 2 Lt 3-Local 1, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9888
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City : Q.R.

Kantenah Mz 2 Lt 3-Local 1, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Esmeralda Luna silvan on Google

Muy mala Atención hace unos días me fui hacer un Ultrasonido xk estoy embarazada y la Doctora y la que la Ayuda tienen una mala Actitud no explican bien en menos de 5 minutos te hacen ultrasonido sin explicar adetalle si todo esta bien con él Bebé & eso que uno Todavía les paga y te piden poner en una libreta antes de salir que Tal el trato :/
Very bad attention a few days ago I went to do an ultrasound xk I'm pregnant and the doctor and the help have a bad attitude do not explain well in less than 5 minutes do ultrasound without explaining adetalle if everything is fine with him Baby & that One still pays them and they ask you to put in a notebook before leaving that Tal the deal: /
SamYogini on Google

Uno de los peores laboratorios en los que me han atendido en la vida: 1.- La chica que tomó mis muestras andaba apurada y me lastimó el brazo al sacar sangre. 2.- El chavo de recepción me dice que al día siguiente traiga mi muestra de orina a las 6 de la mañana porque a esa hora abren. Aún dudé y le volví a preguntar si estaba seguro de que a las 6 pues yo sabia que a las 7, me confirmó: desde las 6 ya estamos aquí.... Y no es ciertooooo, abren a las 7, como dice en gmaps así que vine a esperarlos gracias a su mala información y sólo a dejar una muestra de un estudio que ya había pagado, ni siquiera tenía que hacer fila??‍♀️ 3.- La atención en general deja mucho a desear, espero no traten las muestras igual que a las personas pues podría haber muchos errores humanos y estamos hablando de la salud y la gente confía en sus resultados porque en teoría deberían de ser Profesionales los que trabajan con ustedes. Si tienes la oportunidad de ir a otro lado, tómala. No vale la pena pagar unos pesos menos y tener la incertidumbre de si su profesionalismo es suficiente para confiar en algo tan delicado como lo es la Salud!!!
One of the worst laboratories that I have attended in life: 1 .- The girl who took my samples was in a hurry and hurt my arm to draw blood. 2.- The reception guy tells me that the next day I bring my urine sample at 6 in the morning because at that time they open. I still hesitated and asked him again if he was sure that at 6 o'clock I knew that at 7 o'clock, he confirmed me: from 6 o'clock we are already here ... And it is not true, they open at 7 o'clock, as it says in gmaps so I came to wait for them thanks to their bad information and just to leave a sample of a study that I had already paid, I did not even have to wait in line??♀️ 3.- The general attention leaves much to be desired, I hope they do not treat the samples as well as people because there could be many human errors and we are talking about health and people trust in their results because in theory they should be professionals. they work with you If you have the opportunity to go elsewhere, take it. It is not worth paying a few pesos less and having the uncertainty of whether your professionalism is enough to trust something as delicate as it is Health!
Xmn Izq on Google

Le pondría las 5 estrellas pero no, fui hacerme un ultrasonido obstétrico y entiendo que por la contingencia no dejen pasar a ningún familiar solo la pasciente. Le pedí a la doctora que me dejara grabar 10 segundos para que lo vea mi esposo y muy seco y cortante me dijieron que no
I would give it 5 stars but no, I went for an obstetric ultrasound and I understand that due to the contingency, do not let any family member pass, only the patient. I asked the doctor to let me record 10 seconds for my husband to see and very dry and cutting they told me no
Sarai Tellez Caraveo on Google

Hacen análisis de matrimonio que sin problemas te aceptan en el registro civil. Te los entregan en el mismo día. Precio accesible y tramite rápido.
They do marriage analysis that they accept you in the civil registry without problems. They are delivered to you on the same day. Accessible price and fast processing.
B Holz on Google

Llegamos a éste lugar por quedar cerca de casa, no por precio. Llamamos por teléfono, nos dijeron que los ultrasonidos los hacían de 8 a 14 por orden de llegada, llegamos a las 11 y ya no estaba el doctor. Luego nos dijeron que a partir de las 16 el doctor volvía a atender, así que accedimos a tomar ese turno. Son las 17:20 y recién nos avisan que el doctor va a llegar en media hora. Esto se podría dejar pasar porque todos podemos tener un día complicado. Pero mirando las reseñas me doy cuenta que es una práctica habitual. La gente que está en atención al cliente les hacés alguna consulta y te miran con cara de no querer contestar. La verdad que es una pena que tengan esa atención. El lugar está limpio y me parece que lo que falta es supervisión de personal y hacer que todo funcione bien.
We arrived at this place by being close to home, not by price. We called on the phone, they told us that the ultrasound was done from 8 to 14 in order of arrival, we arrived at 11 and the doctor was gone. Then they told us that after 16 the doctor returned to attend, so we agreed to take that turn. It's 5:20 p.m. and they just let us know that the doctor will arrive in half an hour. This could be missed because we can all have a complicated day. But looking at the reviews I realize that it is a common practice. People who are in customer service ask them some questions and look at you with the face of not wanting to answer. The truth is that it is a pity that they have that attention. The place is clean and I think that what is missing is staff supervision and make everything work well.
Nayla Cauich ku on Google

Disculpen para hacerme un ultrasonido tengo q hacer una cita o sacar ficha? O me lo podría hacer al momento en el que llegue??? Sería de mucha ayuda su respuesta porfavor
Excuse me to have an ultrasound do I have to make an appointment or get a file? Or could you do it for me when it arrives? Your answer would be very helpful please.
Borderless Curiosities on Google

I loved this place, they were friendly, fast, cheap, many tests available, and didn't mind me using google translate since I don't speak Spanish. However, they did many tests and still failed to detect a serious infection :( when I got back to Canada, I got tested again and my results came back positive as 2 infections, which I was tested for at the clinic but they came back negative. My Canadian doctor explained that this happens when the tests are not carried out correctly, and the bacteria dies before getting tested in the lab, therefore a false negative test occurs. It's such a shame, because I loved this place at first! If you have something bothering you and all tests come back negative here, I would try another clinic. Don't rely on this one. It also could have been a rare mistake, but I just wanted to give others a heads up from my experiences, in case this is a regular occurrence.
Star EventsRM on Google

On site doctor to check your out and give prescriptions for the pharmacy next door . Good service for minor illnesses.

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