Moldeart - Centro de Estética Corporal - 53100 Naucalpan de Juárez

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Contact Moldeart - Centro de Estética Corporal

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Cto. Cirujanos 40-A-Int. 1, Cd. Satélite, 53100 Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +87
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City : Méx.

Cto. Cirujanos 40-A-Int. 1, Cd. Satélite, 53100 Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx., Mexico
Gabriela Bullock on Google

PESIMO SERVICIO!!! Despues de intentar varias veces hacer una cita, Helen, una empleada, me devolvio la llamada, yo deseaba hacerme 10 tratamientos de Carboxiterapia que tenian anunciando en Peixe, en este 25 de Febrero, la empleada me dijo que solo podria darme una cita por semana en vez de 2 o tres como se recomienda en este tipo de tratamiento, le pedi que por lo menos me diera 2 por semana, alego que no podia porque tenian que limitar las visitas por lo del Covid me dijo que leyera la letra chiquita del cupon en donde decia que era sujeto a espacio, termine diciendole que aceptaba esa unica cita por semana y TAMBIEN se nego a darmela, me sugirio que fuera a otro lugar y me colgo. Este tratamiento lo hacen de una manera sumamente ineficiente ya que me explico que solo consistia en inyectar el gas en el cuerpo, un procedimiento que lleva 15 minutos maximo y eso era todo, sin masage previo o drenage linfatico posterior, su falta de espacio para una cita tan corta solo me dio a entender que una vez que el cliente paga su cupon nunca te dan el servicio. HELEN, que falta de respeto y seriedad para sus clientes, no le auguro buen futuro a esta "Clinica de NOVENA!" Les recomiendo mucho la clinica Johanni, en la zona azul, sumamente profesionales y una atencion al cliente de primera, el Dr. Johann Martinez tiene los tratamientos mas inovadores del mercado, implantes de celula madre o aplicacion del plasma por ejemplo, asi como tratamientos reductores garantizados, yo lo he consultado por muchos años pero en esta ocacion, yo no tengo automovil y necesitaba algo que me quedara a una distancia a pie, el se encuentra en el sotano del supermercado. Fresco.
TERRIBLE SERVICE!!! After trying several times to make an appointment, Helen, an employee, called me back, I wanted to do 10 carboxytherapy treatments that they had advertised in Peixe, on this February 25, the employee told me that she could only give me one appointment per week Instead of 2 or three as recommended in this type of treatment, I asked him to give me at least 2 a week, I argue that he could not because they had to limit visits because of the Covid he told me to read the fine print of the coupon where he said that he was subject to space, I ended up telling him that he accepted that only appointment per week and he ALSO refused to give it to me, he suggested that I go to another place and I hung up. This treatment is done in an extremely inefficient way since he explained to me that it only consisted of injecting the gas into the body, a procedure that takes 15 minutes maximum and that was it, without prior massage or subsequent lymphatic drainage, its lack of space for a Such a short quote only gave me to understand that once the customer pays their coupon they never give you the service. HELEN, who lacks respect and seriousness for her clients, I do not predict a good future for this "NOVENA Clinic!" I highly recommend the Johanni clinic, in the blue zone, highly professional and first class customer service, Dr. Johann Martinez has the most innovative treatments on the market, stem cell implants or application of plasma for example, as well as reducing treatments Guaranteed, I have consulted him for many years but this time, I do not have a car and I needed something that would be within walking distance, he is in the basement of the supermarket. Fresh.

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