OFTALMOLOGÍA Dr. Guillermo Enríquez Tostado - 44670 Guadalajara

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Contact OFTALMOLOGÍA Dr. Guillermo Enríquez Tostado

Address :

Domingo Sarmiento 2822, Prados Providencia, 44670 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +97
Website : http://www.cataractmexico.com/
Categories :
City : Jal.

Domingo Sarmiento 2822, Prados Providencia, 44670 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Carmen Alcala on Google

Hola , soy paciente del Dr. Guillermo Enríquez, Cirujano , especialista en cataratas . En mi opinión excelente y muy profesional Casi perdía la vista x cataratas tuve la fortuna que el Dr.guillermo me practicará una cirugía de cataratas puedo decir que recupere la vista un 100 Doy gracias a Dios por la sabiduría k le ha dado. Gracias Dr. Guillermo
Hello, I am a patient of Dr. Guillermo Enríquez, Surgeon, specialist in cataracts. Excellent and very professional in my opinion. I almost lost my sight due to cataracts I was fortunate that Dr. Guillermo will perform cataract surgery on me I can say that I recovered my sight 100% I thank God for the wisdom he has given him. Thank you Dr William
Adela Lira on Google

¡EL MEJOR! Un Excelente Médico, Excelente Oftalmólogo, Excelente Cirujano y sobre todo un Excelente Ser Humano! Mi papá quedó muy contento con la cirugía y con el trato que recibió, ya que el Dr. siempre fue amable y paciente, le orientó y contestaba todas sus dudas; además siempre estuvo al pendiente mediante llamadas y/o mensajes de WhatsApp (y también siempre nos contestaba por este medio todas nuestras dudas). Desde la primera cita te das cuenta de lo preparado y todo el conocimiento que tiene, genera mucha seguridad y confianza. Decidimos ir con él por los comentarios que hay en todas las redes sociales respecto a su trabajo y trato, hoy podemos corroborar que efectivamente es un Excelente Oftalmólogo, Excelente trato, EL MEJOR! Muchas Gracias Dr. Guillermo Enríquez!!
THE BEST! An Excellent Doctor, Excellent Ophthalmologist, Excellent Surgeon and above all an Excellent Human Being! My dad was very happy with the surgery and with the treatment he received, since the Dr. was always kind and patient, guided him and answered all his questions; In addition, he was always on the lookout through calls and / or WhatsApp messages (and he also always answered all our doubts by this means). From the first date you realize how prepared and all the knowledge you have, generates a lot of security and confidence. We decided to go with him because of the comments on all social networks regarding his work and treatment, today we can confirm that he is indeed an Excellent Ophthalmologist, Excellent treatment, THE BEST! Thank you very much Dr. Guillermo Enríquez !!
Ana Cecilia Vazquez Magdaleno on Google

El Doctor Guillermo Enriquez Tostado es un ¡Excelente! médico oftalmológico y buen ser humano, siempre con un trató amable, aclarado mis dudas dándole seguimiento a la evolución de mi operación de cataratas día a día por vía telefónica, citas y WhatsApp. Teniendo como resultado el poder recuperar mi vista al 100%. Muchas gracias doctor.
Dr. Guillermo Enriquez Tostado is an Excellent! ophthalmological doctor and good human being, always with a friendly treatment, clarified my doubts by following up on the evolution of my cataract operation day by day by phone, appointments and WhatsApp. Having as a result the power to recover my sight to 100%. Thank you very much doctor.
Neil Lewis on Google

Straight to the point – I almost never write reviews but in this case, I am making an exception. If you are in the market for cataract or refractive lens replacement surgery, I strongly suggest you contact Dr. Guillermo… You will not be disappointed! Specifically, I am a 63-year-old US citizen and a failed RK patient from 30+ years ago. It was an absolute disaster!! I had been very near-sighted (myopic, -4) from a child, and immediately post-surgery I had become far-sighted (hyperopic). At first +2 and progressing to almost +6 when I was last tested. Some years later I also tried to correct the problem by undergoing several rounds of Lasik with little or no success and as a result, I had assumed little further could be done for me. However, within 7 days of my first contact with Dr. Guillermo, I am now seeing better than I ever have in my life!! Truly amazing. He is without doubt a top-flight surgeon at the height of his skills and profession. His English is perfect, and he has a very reassuring bedside manner. He explained the lens replacement surgery and gave me his considered assessment of what I could expect in terms of outcome, which he exceeded. The hospital where he performs the surgery is modern and is fully equipped with the latest technology for diagnostics and microsurgery. I had little or no pain during the procedure or afterward. From being utterly dependent on my glasses to just putting them in a drawer is really weird, but as you can tell from the tone of this review I am a VERY satisfied customer…
Patricia Philbert on Google

My eyesight odyssey began in my childhood and I learned to cope with yearly visits to the eye doctors and glasses that helped but didn't quite fix the issues. Fast forward to recent years, aging and medical complications, my vision had rapidly deteriorated and I knew that things had gotten critical for me in terms of my long term success of living independently. I very narrowly passed my driving test and the hope of passing another test in the next ten years was fleeting. The last doctor had mentioned that I had mild cataracts but I had nothing to worry about for another few years. However, his prescription had not helped at all. In fact, I felt it made my situation worse. It was in the heat of the Covid pandemic so I struggled with it until recently when I went for another check up and was told. that glasses are not going to help. My cataracts were the main cause of my vision limitations and not my diabetes as I had feared for a while. I needed cataract surgery period! Several factors played in my decision to seek assistance in Mexico and I took a leap of faith and went online in search of a solution. On my first try, I was contacted by Dr Guillermo Enriquez Tostado. He willingly and patiently answered all my questions, calmed all my fears and when I finally made the trip to visit him in Guadalajara Mexico, I had absolutely no doubt that I had found the solution that had evaded me for decades. I was treated with respect and kindness. My surgery went flawlessly but nothing could have prepared me for how my eyesight had transformed overnight when I took off the eye patch to put in the prescribed eye drops. I could see, like I have never seen before. Colors, words, my surroundings; everything was bright and crisp. No more blended edges, no more blurred lines; Dr Tostado contacted me very day to find out how I was doing. He had explained every detail of my treatment and how the results would evolve. He was right on target with every step. I'm hoping that anyone who comes across my post going through fading eyesight will contact Dr Tostado who is able to deliver on every promise. Nothing beats seeing the world with brand new eyes. Thanks Dr.!.
jacquline warburton on Google

Last Sunday, May 22nd I arrived in Guadalajara, Mexico with cataracts and by Tuesday May 23rd I was not only cataract free but also astigmatism free. The following day I shocked my son by reading a message on his phone, glasses free. I am sooooo greatful to to Dr. Guillermo Enriquez who is my miracle worker. He is one of the most pleasant, knowledgeable, patient and confidence boosting doctor that tended to me. Dr. Enriquez explained the whole procedure to me and again with my daughter and I on a video call - at no cost. He answered all our questions willingly no matter how many even if he had to repeat himself. Why did I go Mexico? The the cost of a similar procedure would have cost me approximately $12000.00. In Mexico it was less than $7,000.00 and this included not only the cost of the procedure but air fair, hotel, food and the services of a wonderful driver recommended by Dr. Enriquez. Dr. Enriquez is an excellent, warm caring doctor. I have no hesitation in singing his praise.
Delnaz Dadachanji on Google

I will highly recommend Dr Guillermo and will go above and beyond to spread the word of my experience. He was godsent and an Angel for my Dad. My father was visiting me from India in Los Angeles.. he had cataract that got worst in time and there was no way to go to india due to health reasons. His travel insurance would not cover the cataract surgery. The cost in USA per eye is an average 6000 to 8000 dollars without instrcular lense. Thats a whopping 14000 for both eyes approx. That would make a huge dent during this post covid recession and was very stressful. FURTHER more the wait time in America is approximate 2 months and no doctor tells you the exact or approximate cost until you pay pre inspection 500 dollars. I finally found Dr Guillermo through a medical reference in Texas. Within a week of my first call the operation was scheduled and a week thereafter my Dad was home.. it was unbelievable.. the best ?.. both eyes costed less than 4000 USD with world class lenses installed in my fathers eye. I really have lost my faith in the US health system. ABSOLUTELY worst. My dad can see extremely well for the first time in a decade. God bless Doctors like him. ? brilliant experience ?

State of the art facilities in the hospital and in his office. He is so learned in his profession. It was amazing how much I could see the very next day. He is an expert and is dedicated to his work. Works 7 days a week many times. I feel blessed to have found him and to have him do the surgery on my right eye cataract. I had bad vision from childhood and the cataract of course made it much much worse. One feels a special bond with the doctor and in this case you certainly feel trust and certainty that all will be well. I recommend him unequivocally.. I am blessed beyond measure. The staff in the operating room and illiana we're reassuring and comforting of any anxiety that I might have had. I am very thankful and grateful.

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