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Address :

Av. Nainari 227 Ote, Norte, Urb. No. 4, 85040 Cd Obregón, Son., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Son.

Av. Nainari 227 Ote, Norte, Urb. No. 4, 85040 Cd Obregón, Son., Mexico
aneva apartmani on Google

Tretirana u ovoj klinici tijekom više od dvije godine.Došla sam nakon uspješne operacije karcinoma jajnika i uspješne kemoterapije,u remisiji.Nakon otprilike godine dana tretmana,na PET/CT-u se vide promjene koje ukazuju na povrat bolesti.Onkolozi iz OME to nazivaju "pseudoprogresijom".Nastavljam tretman,karcinom se širi po abdomenu i plućima,i dalje se tvrdi da je riječ o "pseudoprogresiji".Trenutno sam u Hrvatskoj uljučena u sustav palijativne skrbi zbog karcinoma u terminalnoj fazi,dvaput tjedno idem na pleuralnu punkciju radi pleuralnog izljeva,koristim ljekove radi jakih bolova,onkolozi iz OME se više ne javljaju.Izbjegavajte!Tereza Cubranic
Treated at this clinic for more than two years.I came after successful ovarian cancer surgery and successful chemotherapy, in remission.After about a year of treatment, PET / CT shows changes that indicate a disease recurrence.OE oncologists call it I continue treatment, cancer spreads across the abdomen and lungs, it is still claimed to be "pseudoprogression". I am currently involved in a system of palliative care for terminal stage cancer in Croatia, twice a week I go for pleural puncture for pleural puncture spills, I use medication for severe pain, oncologists from OME no longer report. Avoid! Teresa Cubranic
Maria Elena Castro Portillo on Google

Tengo el más alto concepto sobre el servicio y atención que se le brinda al paciente,sobre todo a quienes como yo llegamos en etapa 4 en mi padecimiento de Cáncer de mama con metástasis en hueso, en etapa terminal, y hace 11 años que soy tratada con todo el mayor profesionalismo controlando mi enfermedad, al grado de poder llevar una vida con con calidad y bienestar como cualquier persona normal,por lo cual vivo eternamente agradecida y recomiendo plenamente la Clínica OMA(Oncología Molecular Avanzada) en CD.Obregón Sonora, México.
I have the highest concept of the service and care that is provided to the patient, especially those like me who arrive in stage 4 in my condition of breast cancer with bone metastases, in terminal stage, and I have been treated for 11 years with all the greatest professionalism controlling my disease, to the degree of being able to lead a life with quality and well-being like any normal person, for which I live eternally grateful and I fully recommend the OMA Clinic (Advanced Molecular Oncology) in CD.Obregón Sonora, Mexico .
Marisela Valdez on Google

excelente atención por parte de los médicos y personal, muy acertados en el medicamento desde el primer día se empiezan a ver las mejorías, su servicio hace sentir una persona valiosa e importante ademas de tener programas de prevencion muy biuenos para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida.
excellent attention from doctors and staff, very successful in the medicine from the first day you begin to see improvements, their service makes us feel a valuable and important person in addition to having very good prevention programs to improve our quality of life.
Eleana Nicolopulos Perez on Google

Son unos asesinos no se dejen defraudar por esta gentuza no vayan a esta clínica han matado mucha gente , solo se dedican a sacan dinero con engaños y mentiras. Han cambiado miles de veces la información que ofrecen Experimentan con la gente y la defraudan Yo puedo contarte una historia real mi hermana perdió la vida por atenderse en esta clínica la hicieron inmune a las quimios que le pudieron salvar la vida
They are murderers do not be disappointed by this crowd do not go to this clinic have killed many people, they only dedicate themselves to take money with deception and lies. The information they offer has changed thousands of times They experiment with people and let them down I can tell you a true story my sister lost her life by attending this clinic made her immune to the chemo that could save her life
Mayra Ortega on Google

Si todas las personas fueran tan afortunadas de tratar su cáncer de la manera en que aquí lo hacen, el miedo al cáncer no existiría. Ojalá cualquier paciente con cáncer u otra enfermedad, a veces decretada como incurable, se la oportunidad de acudir a esta clínica y ver que existen maneras para curar y seguir viviendo.
If all people were so lucky to treat their cancer the way they do here, the fear of cancer would not exist. Hopefully any patient with cancer or other disease, sometimes decreed as incurable, will have the opportunity to go to this clinic and see that there are ways to heal and continue living.
martha castro rivas on Google

Mi esposo llego a OMA en el 13 de febrero del 2014, inicio con cáncer de próstata con metástasis avanzada (etapa IV), descubierta a finales del 2012, con radios y quimios en el 2013, inicia tratamiento en OMA en el 2014, donde acudimos a ciudad Obregón. Nosotros somos de Hermosillo. su tratamiento convencional le daban poco tiempo, sin embargo en OMA mi esposo tuvo tres años y medio con muy buena calidad de vida, pudo disfrutar de su familia, festejo los 15 años de sus dos hijas menores y sus entradas a la universidad, vivió la llegada de dos nietecitos, en fin. Dios y el tratamiento de OMA nos regalo una tregua muy valiosa. Nosotros no teníamos familia en Cd. Obregón. Dejo en claro que no teníamos porque ademas de los excelentes resultados médicos y la atención personalizada. Hicieron que el personal desde médicos, enfermeras y personal administrativo se convirtieran poco a poco en familia. Con la partida física de mi esposo nosotros continuamos visitando y recomendando a OMA en agradecimiento por todo lo bueno que recibimos. No espero convencer a nadie con esta opinión, sin embargo lo único que les puedo decir que tanto mi esposo como yo, el haber tomado la decisión de realizarse el tratamiento en OMA fue algo de lo que jamas nos arrepentimos ni antes ni ahora. Bendiciones infinitas a OMA y a todo su personal.
My husband arrived at OMA on February 13, 2014, onset with prostate cancer with advanced metastasis (stage IV), discovered at the end of 2012, with radios and chemo in 2013, began treatment at OMA in 2014, where we go to Obregón city. We are from Hermosillo. his conventional treatment gave him little time, however in OMA my husband had three and a half years with a very good quality of life, he was able to enjoy his family, he celebrated the 15 years of his two youngest daughters and their entrance to university, he lived the arrival of two grandchildren, anyway. God and OMA's treatment gave us a very valuable truce. We had no family in Cd. Obregón. I make it clear that we did not have because in addition to the excellent medical results and personalized attention. They made the staff from doctors, nurses and administrative staff gradually become family. With the physical departure of my husband, we continue to visit and recommend OMA in gratitude for all the good we received. I do not hope to convince anyone with this opinion, however the only thing I can tell you is that both my husband and I, having made the decision to undergo treatment at OMA was something that we never regret before or now. Infinite blessings to OMA and all its staff.
Lulú Barragán on Google

Advertencia, un familiar murió debido a sus " experimentos", le hicieron creer sus "teorías " de que le iban a hacer una " vacuna eapecifica" y solo lo intoxicaron con una mezcla de " quimioterapia y vacunas" de dudosa procedencia, y murió de " falla orgánica multiple", el cáncer ya estaba resuelto, pero una los dan de alta y los retienen para seguir cobrando sus experimentos. Sobre su conciencia caen muchos muertos .
Warning, a relative died due to his "experiments", they made him believe his "theories" that they were going to give him a "specific vaccine" and they only intoxicated him with a mixture of "chemotherapy and vaccines" of dubious origin, and he died of "multiple organic failure", the cancer was already resolved, but they are discharged and kept to continue charging for their experiments. Many dead fall on his conscience.
Hugo G on Google

SCAM WARNING! Two loved ones had treatment at this clinic. Both were constantly lied to and were reassured they were in remission, when in fact the disease was progressing. The "doctors" will say anything to continue treating the patients and charging them without ever giving a detail treatment plan or costs associated with it. What other reviewers state about licensing is accurate, we haven't been able to verify if one of the doctors in charge is really a licensed MD. After suffering the loss of a loved one, I have the moral duty to tell you to STAY AWAY!

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