Pasteleria Champlitte - 95264 Buena Vista

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pasteleria Champlitte

Address :

Blvd. Riviera Veracruzana 25, 95264 Buena Vista, Ver., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +979
Categories :
City : Ver.

Blvd. Riviera Veracruzana 25, 95264 Buena Vista, Ver., Mexico
Christelle “ChrisT” Thomas on Google

Todo muy rico en especial los pasteles
Everything very rich especially the cakes
Rafael San German on Google

Para que ponen un horario en su pagina, si cierran 1 hora antes ? y como si a la Srita del establecimiento le costaba mucho vender 1 pastel ??
To put a time on your page, if they close 1 hour before ? and as if the Ms. of the establishment was very hard to sell 1 cake ??
Prisca Del Carmen Yepez Martinez on Google

Muy buen sabor y no me importa pagar lo que sea por algo que realmente me guste pero es una lata con los horarios es una tontería poner un horario del cual no respetan
Very good flavor and I do not mind paying anything for something that I really like but it is a can with the schedules it is silly to put a schedule that they do not respect
Isabel Fernandez on Google

Delicioso amo la natilla y los pasteles son deliciosos lastima el personal lento y no se saben los precios
Delicious I love the custard and the cakes are delicious it hurts the slow staff and you don't know the prices
carolina acosta on Google

Dice que cierra a las 10 pm y acabo de ir y la srita al vernos bajar del carro se apuró a meter llave a la puerta. No respetan el horario establecido
It says that it closes at 10 pm and I just went and the lady, seeing us get out of the car, rushed to lock the door. They do not respect the established schedule
Ana Isabel Fernandez on Google

La ultima vez que fui no tenían cambio y prefirieron cancelar mi compra que buscar cambio.... los pasteles y en si lo que venden es muy bueno pero si deben cuidar el personal pues es un aspecto importante
The last time I went they had no change and they preferred to cancel my purchase than seek change ... the cakes and what they sell is very good but the staff must take care of it because it is an important aspect
M Patricia L N on Google

Generalmente los productos son buenos. En tu ticket dice que tienes 72 horas para hacer cualquier reclamacion. Tuve que regresar un pastel de Fresa que estaba agria la leche y sabia asqueroso solo le habiamos quitado 3 rebanadas, hablo la mujer para pedir autorizacion y me lo estaba ya cambiando por uno nuevo. Cuando recibio una llamada y al parecer tenia que haber llevado las rebanadas que tire a la basura para que te hagan valida la reclamacion. Ya que fueron cambiando el criterio de garantia y al final en vez de cambiarme el pastel por uno nuevo, me dieron un pastel partido a la mitad. Que recibi con total desagrado Xq no te dejan ver cuando lo parten. Creando asi mas desconfianza para consumirlo.
Products are generally good. On your ticket it says that you have 72 hours to make any claim. I had to return a Strawberry cake that was sour milk and it tasted gross we had only removed 3 slices, the woman spoke to ask for authorization and I was already exchanging it for a new one. When he got a call and apparently he should have taken the slices I threw away to make the claim valid. Since they were changing the guarantee criteria and in the end instead of exchanging the cake for a new one, they gave me a cake split in half. That I received with total displeasure Xq do not let you see when they break it. Thus creating more distrust to consume it.
Omar Alexei Monge de Yta on Google

Lamentable que esto sea lo que te entregan en un pedido por anticipado. Las letras se pidieron desde el inicio, no las traía. Se lo comento a la señorita y hasta me comenta que no sabe hacerlas decoradas, que si con molde están bien, le digo que sí. Me dan esto. Si no sabe escribir, solo dígalo y no arruine un pastel.
Unfortunate that this is what they give you in a pre-order. The lyrics were requested from the beginning, I didn't bring them. I mention it to the lady and she even tells me that she doesn't know how to make them decorated, that if they are fine with a mold, I say yes. They give me this. If you can't write, just say so and don't ruin a cake.

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