Poet King Elementary School - 55712 Coacalco de Berriozabal

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Poet King Elementary School

Address :

Laura Vicuña, Los Heroes Coacalco, 55712 Coacalco de Berriozabal, Méx., Mexico

Categories :
City : Méx.

Laura Vicuña, Los Heroes Coacalco, 55712 Coacalco de Berriozabal, Méx., Mexico
Herrera Ulloa Jesús Daniel on Google

Buena escuela.
Good school

Estudio hay
Study there
Olga Irigoyen on Google

Es un lugar muy hermoso para estudiar y los maestros son lo máximo.
It is a very beautiful place to study and the teachers are the best.
Yaelbocardo XD on Google

Tu mamá es gei ??
Your mom is gei ??
Ximena Xiao-Liu Hernandez Rubio on Google

disculpen estoy viendo opciones de nuevo ingreso a primero queria ver sus recomendaciones y sobre todo horarios y si cuenta con USAER si me podrian decir de favor
sorry I am seeing options of new entry to first wanted to see their recommendations and especially schedules and if you have USAER if you could tell me please
Nadia Campos on Google

Alguien podría darme su opinión sobre esta escuela. Se lo agradecería mucho. Sobre los maestros, como llevaron el trabajo estando en casa (ahora con la pandemia),si es jornada amplia. Reitero mi agradecimiento
Could someone give me feedback on this school. I would really appreciate it. About the teachers, how they carried out their work while at home (now with the pandemic), if it is a long day. I reiterate my thanks
Ezequiel Ríos Ángeles on Google

El maestro Erick Flores Sevilla es un abusivo , trata mal a los niños, los hace sentir mal , varias veces han habido quejas y la dirección no hace nada. Si a su hijo le da miedo ir , no dude que Sevilla tiene algo que ver.
The teacher Erick Flores Sevilla is abusive, treats children badly, makes them feel bad, several times there have been complaints and the management does nothing. If your child is afraid to go, don't doubt that Seville has something to do with it.
Vanessa Villagran on Google

una escuela con las mejores instalaciones de la zona. Areas de comedor, salones de usos multiples. biblioteca.papeleria, tres salones por grado. bodegas,direccion. aula de computo. pintura y aseo aceptable. maestros promedio, falta un poco de mas atencion o pedagogia para con los alumnos. Me parece una buena escuela y el horario que fuera completo hasta las 4pm, no las 2:00, siempre y cuando tuvieran actividades realmente recreativas, deportivas o culturales
a school with the best facilities in the area. Dining areas, multipurpose rooms. biblioteca.papeleria, three rooms per grade. wineries, address. computer classroom. paint and toilet acceptable. average teachers, lack a little more attention or pedagogy for students. It seems to me a good school and the schedule that was complete until 4pm, not 2:00, as long as they had really recreational, sports or cultural activities

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