Real Tours VIP - 77720 Playa del Carmen

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Real Tours VIP

Address :

1 Avenida Nte. 1, Gonzalo Guerrero, 77720 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9889
Categories :
City : Q.R.

1 Avenida Nte. 1, Gonzalo Guerrero, 77720 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Ruy Del Olmo on Google

No contratar NADA con esta oficina. El primer día contratamos un tour para ver arrecifes en la Isla de Cozumel. La oferta que nos hicieron incluía visita a 3 arrecifes con una duración de 45 minutos en cada uno, recogida en una estatua de golondrinas a la salida del ferry. El billete del ferry nos lo ofrecieron en 150 pesos (precio para nacionales) en vez de los 230 pesos de los extranjeros, para dicha rebaja el hombre de la oficina se ofreció a acompañarnos. La realidad fue que el hombre no se presentó para acompañarnos, compramos el billete del ferry en la misma playa por 138 pesos, llegamos a la estatua de las golindrinas y nos hicieron esperar 1hora hasta que vinieron a buscarnos, el tour que habíamos contratado se demoró 20 minutos hasta el primer arrecife, estuvimos 15 minutos nadando y nos llevaron al siguiente; duración total del tour 2horas en lugar de las 3h que nos ofertaron. Las respuestas desde la oficina: "ah, pues lo habrán cambiado, no se nada". El segundo día rentamos un auto a las 20:00h por 1000pesos. El coche "se supone" tenía 1/4 del tanque de gasolina. Hemos recorrido apenas 8km y nos hemos quedado sin gasolina. El hombre de la oficina no la respondía el teléfono y tuvimos que ir andando hasta ella. Llegamos y está cerrada, tardan 30 minutos en volver y cuando vuelven todo es a la defensiva. El hombre llamando todo el rato a otras personas para que respondiesen a lo que él no quería. Viene el hombre de la arrendadora del auto y nos quiere devolver la mitad del coste del vehículo, en lugar de la totalidad (apenas habíamos usado el coche 20 minutos). Nos amenazaron con llamar a la policía por escándalo público, alegando que volviesemos 5 horas más tarde a hablar con el hombre que nos había atendido. Enfadadísimas y llorando ante la negligencia y falta de trato humano que nos estaban proporcionando en la oficina decidimos irnos, y de camino nos cruzamos con una patrulla de policía en la calle. Decidimos acercarnos, exponerles nuestro problema y que nos aconsejaran cómo resolverlo. Tras un rato con ellos aparecen fiscales y nos acompañan todos a la oficina fe vuelta para solucionarlo. El hombre, a la defensiva, poniendo en duda nuestro relato, no paraba de llamar a su padre (propietario de la oficina) y al arrendador del auto. Cuando éste último llega, y tras mucho trabajo nuestro y de la policía y fiscalía, conseguimos que nos devuelvan la mitad de nuestro alquiler del coche. Trato deplorable, muy poco humano, a la defensiva y siempre tratando de huir de las acusaciones para no devolver el dinero. NUNCA CONTRATEN NADA CON ESTA OFICINA. Solo les van a robar y a tratar de estafar.
Do not contract ANYTHING with this office. The first day we hired a tour to see reefs on the Island of Cozumel. The offer they made included a visit to 3 reefs lasting 45 minutes each, collected from a swallow statue at the ferry exit. The ferry ticket was offered at 150 pesos (price for nationals) instead of 230 pesos for foreigners, for this discount the man from the office offered to accompany us. The reality was that the man did not show up to accompany us, we bought the ferry ticket on the same beach for 138 pesos, we arrived at the statue of the swallows and they made us wait 1 hour until they came looking for us, the tour we had contracted was delayed 20 minutes to the first reef, we spent 15 minutes swimming and they took us to the next one; Total duration of the tour 2 hours instead of the 3 hours that we were offered. The answers from the office: "oh, they will have changed it, I don't know anything." The second day we rented a car at 8:00 p.m. for 1000 pesos. The car "supposedly" had 1/4 of the gas tank. We have traveled just 8km and we have run out of gasoline. The man in the office was not answering the phone and we had to walk to her. We arrived and it is closed, it takes 30 minutes to return and when they return everything is on the defensive. The man calling other people all the time to respond to what he did not want. The man from the car rental company comes and wants to return half the cost of the vehicle, instead of the whole (we had hardly used the car for 20 minutes). They threatened to call the police because of a public scandal, claiming that we would return 5 hours later to speak to the man who had treated us. Very angry and crying at the negligence and lack of humane treatment they were giving us in the office, we decided to leave, and on the way we ran into a police patrol on the street. We decided to approach, expose our problem and to advise us how to solve it. After a while with them, prosecutors appear and they all accompany us to the office back to solve it. The man, on the defensive, questioning our story, kept calling his father (office owner) and the car's lessor. When the latter arrives, and after much work by us and the police and prosecutors, we get half of our car rental returned. I am deplorable, very unhuman, on the defensive and always trying to flee from the accusations so as not to return the money. NEVER CONTRACT ANYTHING WITH THIS OFFICE. They are only going to rob you and try to scam you.
Anna Daher on Google

Great place
Daniel Pulido on Google

Refrain yourself of doing any business with them, scenically a guy called Alan, they rented us a trashy van for a huge amount of money. After they kept our deposit to make us buy tours with another company. They lie and play with your time.
Mr. CEO on Google

I dont know why the negative reviews..but I booked a tour with Billy D and everything went perfect, his knowledge and information about the different activities were superior to most that i talked too on 5th ave
Tian Yu on Google

Avoid at all cost. This is our worst experience in Cancun. We bought discount tickets from them but when the van came to pick us up, the driver charges additional "convenience fee" for no reason. When we confronted the owner of this place and ask for our deposit back, he threatened to harm us. The whole tourism in Cancun is very bad but this one is just 100% awful. Again, do not buy anything from them. Avoid at all cost.
anna kovalev on Google

We were "recommended" to go to this "tour agency" by the the hotel employee. We bought tix with "discounts" and lots of promises. The rest of the story almost identical: several times the tour was post pointed due to whatever reasons, and finally we were taken to the completely different tour. Needless to say, not worth even the discounted price, but at least some salvage value was recovered. Refunds would be unrealistic in this situation. Overall we feel cheated...
Kevin Kushner on Google

Avoid this tour vendor at all costs. If I could give zero stars I would. They will rip you off. Definitely don't take them up on any offers of "discounts" by visiting a time share vendor. The owner, Alan, signed us up for a $50 *total* pirate dinner cruise out of Cancun for 2 adults and 2 kids if we did a 2 hour visit with a time share he was hawking. I should've seen the red flags. Too good to be true, and it was. We visited the timeshare to get the discount on the pirate dinner cruise, but when we didn't commit to buying the stupid timeshare he tried to back out of the dinner cruise deal. He first told us there was bad weather in Cancun (there wasn't) and had us change the reservation to the following night. The following night nobody showed up to pick us up for the tour. When we went to his storefront he wasn't there and we made his staff call him on his cell phone. He said he was in Cancun picking up another customer and someone would pick us up if we paid an additional transportation fee. He tried to change the terms of our agreement. When we said no he got very upset and tried to say it was our fault if we missed the dinner cruise. After much arguing we were able to get a refund but we had to basically get into a screaming argument with him. The guy lies and lies and lies. Don't do business with him. Very dishonest and a total scam artist, like pretty much everyone else in Playa Del Carmen. It used to be nice but now it's just a bunch of locals trying to rip off tourists. Do not do business with Real Tours VIP in Playa Del Carmen.
Billy D on Google

Excelente tours and great prices... you can't go wrong..

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