Restaurante El Socio - 45970 Mezcala

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Restaurante El Socio

Address :

C. Encarnación Rosas 1 a, 45970 Mezcala, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. Encarnación Rosas 1 a, 45970 Mezcala, Jal., Mexico
Veronica Oliva on Google

Se come riquísimo aquí... Son muy atentos y los precios accesibles!! Cuando visite Jalisco, sin duda alguna volveré!?
You eat delicious here... They are very attentive and the prices are affordable!! When I visit Jalisco, I will definitely come back!?
Jose Ruvalcaba on Google

Les comparto mi experiencia asistimos un día que estaba lleno ahun así el servicio y los tiempos de espera me parecieron deplorables. Habia 4 meseros para como 10 mesas de las cuales la mitad ya estaban comiendo aún así nos tardaron como 20 minutos para tomarnos la orden. Una vez que ordenamos estuvimos esperando 1 hora en la que no nos llevaron ni las bebidas cuando estábamos por irnos llego el primer platillo y pensamos que ya nos atenderán por lo que decidimos quedarnos Nos estuvieron llevando un platillo como cada 10 minutos al final decidimos cancelar 2 platillos y bebidas que faltaban a lo que el meseros dijo que no se podía porque ya estaba listo entonces le dijimos: esta bien traemelo pasaron otros 10 minutos y nada por lo que le volvimos a decir que cancelara los platillos y bebidas que faltaban el meseros nos ignoro y nos llevo 2 naranjadas de las cuales solo era 1 a lo que le dijimos que le dijimos que ña cancelara que ya tenia rato de haber terminado de comer y que ya no la quería porque ya había terminado de comer y ya me quería ir a lo que respondió: no se puede cancelar porque si cancelan me las rebajan a mi. Le respondí que yo no tenia la culpa que le llamara al encargado porque no pagaría por eso a lo que dijo señalando a una persona en cocina: pues ahí esta si quiere decirle Fui a la cocina y le explique que ya bos queríamos ir que esas bebidas ya ni las queríamos porque ya habíamos terminado de comer los que si nos llevaron platillo y que los platillos faltantes no los aceptaría ya A lo que por fin accedieron me dieron la cuenta y pague y nos fuimos con un muy mal sabor de boca Es entendible que tal vez no tengan la capacidad de atender 60 personas entre 4 meseros y 5 personas en cocina pero por lo menos podrían decir que tatdaran más de una hora además las bebidas no tardas nada en preparar unas naranjadas menos un refresco y una cerveza que solo es sacarla del refrigerador Definitivamente es una experiencia lamentable cabe señalar que los meseros se movían como si estuvieran trabajando pero realmente no hacían nada La cocina no sacaba platos por ende no tenían nada que hacer y aún así no ñe hacían caso a las mesas En cuanto a la comida no es mala del todo pero yo pedí pescado sarandeado y era un pescado en aluminio a la plancha Definitivamente no volvería pésima experiencia
I share my experience, we attended a day that was full, yet the service and the waiting times seemed deplorable. There were 4 waiters for about 10 tables of which half were already eating, yet it took us about 20 minutes to take the order. Once we ordered, we were waiting for 1 hour in which they did not even bring us the drinks when we were about to leave, the first dish arrived and we thought that they would take care of us so we decided to stay They were bringing us a dish like every 10 minutes at the end we decided to cancel 2 dishes and drinks that were missing, to which the waiters said it could not be done because it was ready so we told him: it's okay to bring it to me, another 10 minutes passed and nothing for him. We told him again to cancel the dishes and drinks that were missing, the waiters ignored us and took us 2 orangeade of which there was only 1 to which we told him that we told him to cancel that he had finished eating for a long time and that he no longer I wanted it because I had already finished eating and I wanted to go to what he replied: it cannot be canceled because if they cancel they will be lowered to me. I replied that it was not my fault that he called the manager because he would not pay for that to what he said pointing to a person in the kitchen: well there he is if you want to tell him I went to the kitchen and explained that we already wanted to go that we didn't want those drinks anymore because we had already finished eating the ones that did bring us a plate and that the missing dishes would not be accepted anymore. To which they finally agreed, they gave me the bill and I paid and we left with a very bad taste in our mouth It is understandable that perhaps they do not have the capacity to serve 60 people between 4 waiters and 5 people in the kitchen but at least they could say that they will spend more than an hour also the drinks do not take long to prepare some orangedas less a soda and a beer that it's just taking it out of the refrigerator It is definitely an unfortunate experience it should be noted that the waiters moved as if they were working but did not really do anything The kitchen did not take out dishes therefore they had nothing to do and still they did not pay attention to the tables As for the food, it is not bad at all, but I ordered sarandeado fish and it was a grilled aluminum fish Definitely would not return lousy experience
Zaida Machuca on Google

Probé por primera vez el caldo michi y es una delicia, altamente recomendable!!
I tried the michi broth for the first time and it is a delight, highly recommended!
Martin Reyes on Google

Lugar magico aun lado de el malecon de mezcala en la rivera de chapala. Muy rica la comida. Las tortillas recien hechas muy atentos y amables en la. Atencion recomendable al 100 % buenos precios si visitas este bello pueblo tienes que comer aqui. .... Si hay que ponerlo en los lugares a regresar. ??
even magical place beside the malecon Mezcala on the banks of chapala. The food is very tasty. The freshly made tortillas are very attentive and friendly. Recommended attention to 100% good prices if you visit this beautiful town you have to eat here. .... If you have to put it in places to return. ??
Oliver Almadez on Google

Nada recomendable. No estoy exagerando con los tiempos: éramos 6 personas, el lugar ni si quiera estaba lleno y tardaron 1:30 hrs en llevarnos los platillos, el personal de cocina es lentísimo, literalmente 40 min para llevarnos un ceviche y las bebidas unos 20 min. La comida apenas rescatable, no les recomiendo venir si vienen con hambre.
Nothing recommended. I am not exaggerating with the times: we were 6 people, the place was not even full and it took 1:30 hrs to bring us the dishes, the kitchen staff is very slow, literally 40 minutes to bring us a ceviche and drinks about 20 minutes. The food is barely redeemable, I do not recommend you come if you are hungry.
ambrocio benitez on Google

Try the Charales...
sandra ortiz on Google

the service isn’t the best and they take over an hour to serve you your food
Dave DeRocher on Google

Tacos were very good.

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