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Address :

Avenida Poniente S/N 125, Ejidal, 77727 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98877
Categories :
City : Q.R.

Avenida Poniente S/N 125, Ejidal, 77727 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Ynoj Manca on Google

Si eres turista y has alquilado un coche ten por seguro que te van a parar en cuanto te vean. Pondran cualquier excusa, te diran que has cometido un infraccion de trafico y te empezarán a meter miedo con la cuantia de la multa, retirada del permiso de conducir... todo para conseguir que les des dinero. Con la policia estatal o guardia nacional no tendras problemas, estos si son muy profesionales.
If you are a tourist and have rented a car, rest assured that they will stop you as soon as they see you. They will make any excuse, they will tell you that you have committed a traffic violation and they will start to scare you with the amount of the fine, withdrawal of your driving license ... all to get you to give them money. With the state police or national guard you will not have problems, these if they are very professional.
Julio Morales on Google

Fui remitido sin un fundamento legal válido, ninguno de los oficiales se quiso identificar conmigo, fui tratado de manera denigrante, me golpearon, amedrentaron e humillaron. Después de remitirme y estar listo para pagar multa, se rehusaron y solo se encargaron de entorpecer todo el proceso. Que lastima que las personas que están encargadas de nuestra protección y seguridad, sean de las que te tengas que cuidar. Pura negligencia con nuestras "autoridades"
I was referred without a valid legal basis, none of the officers wanted to identify with me, I was treated in a degrading manner, they beat me, intimidated and humiliated me. After referring me and being ready to pay the fine, they refused and only took it upon themselves to hinder the whole process. What a shame that the people who are in charge of our protection and security are the ones you have to take care of. Sheer negligence with our "authorities"
Santiago Mirón on Google

Buenas Noches! Este comentario quiero hacerlo por que quiero reconocer la labor de un Oficial llamado Argel Aguilar. Recuerdo que ese era su nombre. Me hizo la detención en calle 10 con 12 o 14 no recuerdo a lo que voy que el oficial se presentó con mucho respeto el cual me sorprendió.y me indicó mi falta y por el cuál me detenía. Realizo una pequeña revisión al vehículo el cual no merengue que realizara. Por qué su procedimiento a un civil fue el más educado y brindo toda la confianza como ciudadano. Ojalá que esto cambie y nos respetemos mutuamente y ayudar como ciudadanos a que todo esto cambie. Mucho respeto entre ambas partes Policías y Ciudadanos. Muchas felicidades!! Argel Aguilar. Y si les faltan al respeto después de que ellos son respetuosos. Con toda la autoridad que ellos tienen. Esta súper bien que les den unos buenos catorrazos por faltarle a la autoridad En otros países los respetan por que México no podemos hacer lo mismo. Los buenos somos Excelente Cambio y mucho ÉXITO ???????? Paso en Playa del Carmen Quintana Roo. MÉXICO
Good evening! I want to make this comment because I want to acknowledge the work of an Officer named Argel Aguilar. I remember that was his name. He made me arrest on 10th street with 12 or 14 I do not remember what I am going to that the officer presented himself with great respect which surprised me and indicated my fault and for which I was detained. I carry out a small revision to the vehicle which I did not make. Why his procedure to a civilian was the most polite and he gave all the confidence as a citizen. Hopefully this changes and we respect each other and help as citizens to change all of this. Much respect between both parties Police and Citizens. Congratulations!! Argel Aguilar. And if they disrespect them then they are respectful. With all the authority they have. It's super good that they give them a good catorzos for lacking authority In other countries they respect them because Mexico cannot do the same. The good ones are Excellent Change and a lot of SUCCESS ???????? Step in Playa del Carmen Quintana Roo. MEXICO
Cesar ML on Google

Quiero contar mi experiencia en Mexico con esta gente. Como turista me sentí violado, desprotegido e impotente. Mi historia es la siguiente: Una noche mi hermana fue “arrestada” por tener en su mochila menos de un gramo de marihuana. Me llamo desde este lugar. Al llegar, no me dejaban entrar, debía esperar 30 minutos afuera sin saber que pasaba y donde estaba mi hermana. Me dejaron pasar solo con la condición que lleve 200 dólares a cambio de su liberación. Una vez dentro la policía municipal me dijo que debía hablar con el juez de turno, quien me trato pésimo, al igual que “la policía solidaria”. Mi miedo y mis nervios eran incontrolables pero aun así me puse firme, me calme y pedí que me dijeran porque habían privado de libertad a mi hermana menor de edad. “El juez “me explico que lo que paso era una falta administrativa y que por ello debía pagar dicha Cantidad de dinero. Yo no entiendo aun hoy porque por una falla administrativa debo pagar yo y mi hermana. Para mi pensar mi hermana fue raptada, privada de libertad, y mientras eso pasaba un policía no le quitaba los ojos de encima poniéndola, según ella, muy incomoda, las mujeres policias la trataron mal.” El juez “ me pidio la cantidad de plata mencionada pero como no llegaba me hizo un descuento pero antes me maltrató verbalmente y me amenazo en privarme de la libertad solo por preguntar que ley los amparo para semejante atropello, me amenazo en que si no pagaba, no la iba a soltar hasta al otro día, se negó a darme un recibo o una constancia de que pague por su liberación, cuando comprendí que no se trataba de un arresto legal, le dije que le daría todo lo que tenia para que la libere, me hizo un descuento de 150 dolares y 250 pesos mexicanos. (Todo lo que pude conseguir) Como turista me sentí vulnerable e impotente, nadie me daba información exacta, nos hicieron pasar un momento horrible. Como policías mexicanos mancharon la imagen del pueblo mexicano y su propia investidura. Me encanto mexico y su gente que se gana la vida honradamente pero esta gente abusa de su poder, y roba el dinero no solo a los turistas sino tmb sus propios compatriotas que se ganan de buena fe el dinero (porque este dinero hubiera estado destinado a una buena causa o el buen trabajo de otros, era dinero que se gastaría en mexico y para mexico) Mi hermana y yo hoy tenemos miedo de volver a mexico y no volveriamos porque esta gente que es capaz de realizar cualquier cosa, lo que hicieron se llama extorsion y secuestro. Persiguiendo al turista por un poco de marihuana la cual no es ilegal en tenencia, no iba fumando, solo tenia menos de un gramo en su cartera, personal y medicinal. Mientras ellos realizan los operativos que no son mas que robo a mano armada y secuestro express, el objetivo no deberia ser el turista o el ciudadano. Esta claro que quieren y donde esta su ganancia.El dinero va y viene. Pero su ética y moral están manchadas y el boca en boca los condena. Rezo por ustedes.
I want to tell about my experience in Mexico with these people. As a tourist I felt violated, unprotected and powerless. My story is as follows: One night my sister was "arrested" for having less than a gram of marijuana in her backpack. I am called from this place. Upon arrival, they would not let me in, I had to wait 30 minutes outside without knowing what was happening and where my sister was. They let me pass only on the condition that I bring $ 200 in exchange for their release. Once inside, the municipal police told me that I should speak to the judge on duty, who treated me very badly, as did "the solidarity police." My fear and my nerves were uncontrollable but even so I stood firm, calmed down and asked them to tell me why they had deprived my minor sister of liberty. "The judge" explained to me that what happened was an administrative offense and that for that reason I had to pay said amount of money. I do not understand even today why for an administrative failure I and my sister must pay. To my mind, my sister was kidnapped, deprived of liberty, and while that was happening, a police officer kept his eyes on her, making her very uncomfortable, according to her, the policewomen treated her badly. The judge “asked me for the amount of money mentioned but since it did not arrive, he gave me a discount but beforehand he verbally mistreated me and threatened to deprive me of my liberty just for asking what law I protected them for such an outrage, he threatened me that if I did not pay, I was not going to release her until the next day, she refused to give me a receipt or a proof that I paid for her release, when I understood that it was not a legal arrest, I told her that I would give her everything I had to release her He gave me a discount of 150 dollars and 250 Mexican pesos. (All I could get) As a tourist I felt vulnerable and powerless, nobody gave me exact information, they gave us a horrible time. As Mexican policemen they stained the image of the Mexican people and their own inauguration. I love Mexico and its people who earn their living honestly but these people abuse their power, and steal money not only from tourists but also their own compatriots who earn money in good faith (because this money would have been destined to a good cause or the good work of others, it was money that would be spent in Mexico and for Mexico) My sister and I today are afraid to return to Mexico and we would not return because these people who are capable of doing anything, what they did called extortion and kidnapping. Chasing the tourist for some marijuana which is not illegal in possession, he was not smoking, he only had less than one gram in his personal and medicinal wallet. While they carry out the operations that are nothing more than armed robbery and express kidnapping, the objective should not be the tourist or the citizen. It is clear what they want and where their profit is. The money comes and goes. But their ethics and morals are tainted and word of mouth condemns them. I pray for you.
Matías (Mati) on Google

Gracias a todos estos comentarios y a q a uno de mis mejores amigos la policia de México lo llevo detenido sin razon alguna y le exigieron dolares para dejarlo en libertad, no voy a ir a Playa del Carmen. Es una lastima porque tenía ganas de ir pero si sos alguien de bien y te tenes que cuidar de la policia hay algo que esta MUY mal
Thanks to all these comments and to the fact that one of my best friends, the Mexican police have detained him for no reason and demanded dollars to release him, I am not going to go to Playa del Carmen. It's a shame because I wanted to go but if you're a good person and you have to take care of the police there's something VERY wrong
Víctor Valencia on Google

Seguridad Pública y Tránsito, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo.. Siempre siempre nos quedamos de Tránsito, en esta ocasión felicito ampliamente a todos. Hoy sábado 2 de octubre vení a renovar licencia de conductor tipo B, y solamente tardaron 7 minutos, siendo muy amables y atentos. No me solicitaron nada de dinero y siempre educados y eficientes. Muchas muchas gracias, sigan así Felicidades
Public Safety and Traffic, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo .. We always stay in Transit, this time I congratulate everyone. Today, Saturday, October 2, I came to renew type B driver's license, and it only took 7 minutes, being very kind and attentive. They did not ask me for any money and they were always polite and efficient. Thank you very much, keep it up congratulations
rafahell0 on Google

I guess its the safest place to withdraw cash from the ATM
shehnav sekhon on Google

Pretty easy to pay off a parking ticket here. Got our plates back. Paid $350 pesos. Waited 3 days after getting the ticket.

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