Sierra de Órganos National Park - Villa Insurgentes

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sierra de Órganos National Park

Address :

Ejido, El Calabazal, Villa Insurgentes, Zac., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Categories :
City : Zac.
Description : Rugged reserve known for dramatic rock formations resembling organ pipes, home to cougars & coyotes.

Ejido, El Calabazal, Villa Insurgentes, Zac., Mexico
JP on Google

El lugar es espectacular, es mágico, es un lugar para ir con energía y caminarlo y caminarlo… las cabañas sencillas pero tienen lo básico para descansar, agua caliente si sale el sol, estufa eléctrica, refrigerador, ósea que tienes todo lo necesario para descansar y reponer energía. No internet, solo en la caseta de ingreso. El personal a toda madre, como dije, el lugar es increíble.
The place is spectacular, it is magical, it is a place to go with energy and walk it and walk it… the simple cabins but they have the basics to rest, hot water if the sun comes out, electric stove, refrigerator, bone that you have everything you need to rest and replenish energy. No internet, only at the entrance booth. The staff to all mother, like I said, the place is amazing.
Juan Manuel Ruiz on Google

No necesitas 4x4. Hay rutas sumamente sencillas para recorrer y hay una muy padre en la qué SÍ recomiendo guía (a nosotros nos llevó Lizeth quien es muy amable) por la cual atraviesas una cueva (ocupas nivel básico de escalada o fuerza) y una cuesta empinada. Lleven buen calzado para caminar y ropa apropiada. Nosotros fuimos en invierno y el aire pega fuerte arriba. Lleva cubierta media, buff (por el guano) botas y rompe vientos. Las cabañas tienen asador, baños y pusos limpios pero los colchones sucios y sin sábanas. Esto es notable que es por visitantes descuidados (y entiendo que la comunidad no puede estar lavando colchones cada fin de semana verdad?) Considéralo. Es un MUST en México. Lo amé.
You don't need 4x4. There are extremely simple routes to travel and there is a very cool one in which I DO recommend a guide (Lizeth took us, who is very kind) through which you go through a cave (you occupy a basic level of climbing or strength) and a steep slope. Wear good walking shoes and appropriate clothing. We went in winter and the air hits hard upstairs. He wears medium cover, buff (for the guano) boots and windbreaker. The cabins have a grill, clean bathrooms and toilets but dirty mattresses and no sheets. This is notable that it is from careless visitors (and I understand that the community cannot be washing mattresses every weekend right?) Consider it. It is a MUST in Mexico. I loved it.
Charly Monzon R. on Google

Emma Ibarra on Google

It has amazing trails
Miyamin Hay on Google

Super cool national park for camping
Luis Garfias on Google

Great views, peaceful and beautiful place
Alberto Casillas on Google

Must visit when in Zacatecas-Durango
Jorge Gonzalez on Google

I love this place. One can spend days and days seeing all the rock formations from different angles. Many movies have been filmed in this place. Natural enchanted place. It's best to stay on the local cabins for a few days. They were $650.00 Mexican pesos (around $ 35.00 US dollars) and sleep up to 6 people.

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