Taquerias El Ñero Torres - 77534 Cancún

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Taquerias El Ñero Torres

Address :

C. 113, Cecilio Chi, 510, 77534 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

Website : https://www.facebook.com/TaqueriasElNero/
Categories :
City : Q.R.

C. 113, Cecilio Chi, 510, 77534 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Darany Guadalupe Alejandre Cortez on Google

Los tacos me encantaron, estaban muy deliciosos . Además de ello el servicio increíble. Le doy 4 estrellas porque mi refresco estaba caliente.
I loved the tacos, they were very delicious. Besides that the amazing service. I'm giving it 4 stars because my soda was hot.
Francisco Núñez on Google

Después de estar por más de 4 años buscando una buena taquería en Cancún, por fin llegué a los Ñeros. Los tacos están buenos y bien servidos, son lo más parecido al sabor de la CDMX. La atención fue buena, las salas están aceptables sin llegar a ser algo extraordinario. Quizá donde deban poner un poco de atención es en la limpieza, razón por la cual no les doy las 5 estrellas.
After spending more than 4 years looking for a good taqueria in Cancun, I finally came to Los Ñeros. The tacos are good and well served, they are the closest thing to the flavor of CDMX. The attention was good, the rooms are acceptable without being something extraordinary. Perhaps where they should pay a little attention is in the cleanliness, which is why I do not give them 5 stars.
Hannah Godoy on Google

Hay pocas mesas y los meseros son muy distraídos, se equivocaron con nuestras órdenes varias veces y hasta nos cobraron mal. Los tacos están muy buenos pero pudiese mejor el servicio y la higiene de los alimentos te traen la cebolla frita en un plato plano para que tú y toda tu familia metan la mano ya que no te traen cucharas. No hay mucho lugar para estacionarse.
There are few tables and the waiters are very distracted, they got our orders wrong several times and even charged us wrong. The tacos are very good but the service and hygiene of the food could be better. They bring you the fried onion on a flat plate so that you and your whole family can put your hand in it since they don't bring you spoons. There is not much place to park.
David Ramos on Google

Hace tiempo me gustaba el sabor y demás, dejé de ir dos años, porque? Le ponen demasiada grasa a los alimentos, estoy consiente son tacos y obvio llevan aceite pero NO EN EXCESO al grado que escurra de la tortilla. Personalmente hasta nauseas me provocó al comerlo de nuevo. Fui hace dos semanas para ver si habían mejorado, pero siguen igual y el servicio es deficiente.
Some time ago I liked the taste and others, I stopped going two years ago, why? They put too much fat in the food, I am aware they are tacos and obviously they have oil but NOT IN EXCESS to the degree that it drips from the tortilla. Personally, it even made me nauseous when I ate it again. I went two weeks ago to see if they had improved, but they are still the same and the service is poor.
Jesus Ramos on Google

Hace más de un año que no comia aquí, en ese entonces dejé de ir porque sus tacos estaban demasiado grasosos, no me malinterpreten, sé que comer tacos es sinónimo de grasa sí pero, NO al grado de que escurra la grasa. Ayer 9/01/22 buscaba tacos porque mi taquilla favorita estaba cerrada y se me ocurrió dar otra oportunidad a estos tacos y .... fue igual de decepcionante, el servicio es malo, los tacos todos grasosos, brillan de tanta grasa =/ ojo; el sabor es rico de la carne pero insisto en que necesitan bajarle al uso de aceite, entiendo son tacos tipo cdmx pero algo pueden hacer con mi pdv. Ah y pedí complementos aparte y ni los pusieron ?❌ Saludos
It's been more than a year since I ate here, at that time I stopped going because their tacos were too greasy, don't get me wrong, I know that eating tacos is synonymous with fat, yes, but NOT to the degree that the fat drains. Yesterday 01/09/22 I was looking for tacos because my favorite box office was closed and it occurred to me to give these tacos another chance and .... it was just as disappointing, the service is bad, the tacos are all greasy, they shine with so much fat =/ eye; the flavor is rich from the meat but I insist that they need to lower the use of oil, I understand they are cdmx type tacos but they can do something with my pdv. Oh and I asked for separate accessories and they didn't even put them ?❌ Greetings
Luis Marín on Google

Arturo Devora on Google

Fast service,good tacos.
David Tobias on Google

Flavorful and authentic tacos - that's all they serve here. Fast and attentive service. Lots of choices for meat including some I didn't recognize and some I was afraid to try - like 'ojo ';)

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