UMF 51 STA.MONICA - 52480 Santa Mónica

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Address :

Av Sta Monica s/n, Hab Jardines de Santa Monica, 52480 Santa Mónica, Méx., Mexico

Categories :
City : Méx.

Av Sta Monica s/n, Hab Jardines de Santa Monica, 52480 Santa Mónica, Méx., Mexico
Lilian Bravo Maldonado on Google

Hoy 18 de marzo del 2021 por la madrugada no quisieron recibir a mi sobrina de 16 años por que supuestamente esta dada de baja en su sistema, lo cual es extraño por que su papá la tiene asegurda, se hablo incluso con el subdirector ya que llevaba un fuerte dolor de estomago y aun así no quisieron recibirla y de ser recibida el doctor a cargo dijo que la consulta,la sola consulta nos costaría 1450 pesos, se me hace repulsivo que siendo doctores no tengan consideración ni sensibilidad para con el paciente.
Today March 18, 2021 at dawn they did not want to receive my 16-year-old niece because she is supposedly discharged from their system, which is strange because her father has her insured, they even spoke with the deputy director since she had a strong stomach pain and even so they did not want to receive it and if they were received the doctor in charge said that the consultation, the single consultation would cost us 1450 pesos, it makes me repulsive that being doctors they do not have consideration or sensitivity towards the patient.
Fernando Ruiz Juarez on Google

Es el peor lugar para ir a una cosulta, te hacen llegar como 2 horas antes de el turno y al final de mandan a unifila aunque ya hayas tenido ficha, las señoras que te atienden fuera de los consultorios son las personas mas detestables y mal educadas, se molestan si les preguntas cualquier cosa, es deplorable el servicio de atencion en este lugar. Es deprimente saber que este es el tipo de servicio medico que tenemos en el pais.
It is the worst place to go to a clinic, they make you arrive like 2 hours before the shift and at the end they send a unifila although you have already had a file, the ladies who serve you outside the offices are the most detestable and ill-educated people They are upset if you ask them anything, the service at this place is deplorable. It is depressing to know that this is the type of medical service that we have in the country.
Liliana Galindo on Google

Me mandaron un pase de especialidad fui al hospital y me regresaron volví a la clínica 51 y ya de tanta vuelta la secretaria del consultorio me dijo que no había especialidades por covid no pudo decirme eso antes, ineficiencia por todos lados nunca mejorará su servicio por la parte administrativa.
They sent me a specialty pass, I went to the hospital and they sent me back, I went back to clinic 51 and already from so much return the office secretary told me that there were no specialties due to covid she could not tell me that before, inefficiency everywhere will never improve her service because of the administrative part.
Paolita Garcia on Google

El día de hoy fui a tramitar mis incapacidades ya que me operaron en un hospital particular y se negaron a dármelas porque argumentan que cuando es l emergencia uno tiene que ir a dr aviso , si estoy sola mi madre inyesada a quien mando. Deben de tener una vigencia para uno como derechoabiente pueda hacer el trámite de por si las empresas no nos tienen con los sueldos reales y con sus absurdos trámites no se puede. Me pedían el carnet y la recepcionista me dijo que lo fuera a tramitar cuando fui me tacharon todas las vacunas que no tienen , entonces para qué piden y exigen si ellos no tienen nada ?? En resumen perdí el día me lo van a descontar en el trabajo para que no me dieran nada de incapacidades
Today I went to process my disabilities since they operated on me in a private hospital and they refused to give them to me because they argue that when it is an emergency one has to go to notice, if I am alone my mother has a cast, whom I send. They must have a validity for one as a right-abiente can do the procedure in case the companies do not have us with the real salaries and with their absurd procedures it is not possible. They asked me for my card and the receptionist told me to process it when I went, they crossed out all the vaccines they don't have, so why do they ask and demand if they don't have anything? In short, I lost the day, they will deduct it from me at work so that they do not give me any disabilities
Paola Tovar on Google

Es la peor atención el control de unifila no es óptimo al jefe de departamento clínico es una grosera poco resolutiva y despota
It is the worst care, the unifila control is not optimal, the head of the clinical department is rude, unresolute and despotic
Juan Sanabria on Google

El servicio es pésimo , en especial en el abasto de medicamento ,deberían revisarlo ya que constantemente surgen anomalías en este sentido , casi siempre te escanean las recetas pero nunca tienen el medicamento que uno requiere ni tampoco lo entregan , urge se hiciera una auditoría en este aspecto , ya que cada vez es más constante esta situación y tampoco para nada es algo nuevo. En el caso del director tampoco sabe darte una causa razonable de dicho desabasto.
The service is lousy, especially in the supply of medicine, they should review it since anomalies constantly arise in this regard, they almost always scan the prescriptions but they never have the medicine that one requires nor do they deliver it, it is urgent that an audit be carried out in this aspect, since this situation is more and more constant and it is not something new at all. In the case of the director, he also does not know how to give you a reasonable cause for said shortage.
Gilberto Moreno on Google

Es una insensibilidad por parte del personal hay gente esperando desde las 10:00 de la mañana son la 3:41 y los doctores se fueron a comer las personas q están dando informes dicen q solo pueden entregar el formato de información y ya son 4 personas q están juntas y no hay gel no traen guantes para recoger los documentos hay personas q viene aún enferma la institución sigue pensando q están asiendo bien las cosas y la apps del IMSS no está funcionando está bloqueada
It is an insensitivity on the part of the staff there are people waiting since 10:00 in the morning it is 3:41 and the doctors have gone to eat the people who are giving reports they say that they can only deliver the information form and there are already 4 people that they are together and there is no gel they do not bring gloves to collect the documents there are people who are still sick the institution continues to think that they are doing things well and the IMSS apps are not working it is blocked
Georgina Sánchez on Google

Considero que el servicio intenta cumplir con la Misión y Visión establecidos sin embargo puedo comentar que encuentras médicos Efectivos, Profesionales que se preocupan y ocupan de sus pacientes situación que desagrada a Subjefes que solo dan negativas, postergan el servicio y hacen comentarios fuera de lugar. Considero faciliten Cursos de Manejo adecuado a Pacientes y demuestren la ética y filosofía de servicio con humanismo.
I consider that the service tries to comply with the established Mission and Vision, however I can comment that you find Effective doctors, Professionals who care and take care of their patients, a situation that displeases Deputy Chiefs who only give negatives, postpone the service and make comments out of place. I consider facilitating appropriate Management Courses for Patients and demonstrating the ethics and philosophy of service with humanism.

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