Veterinaria Pet Gar - 77580 Puerto Morelos

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Contact Veterinaria Pet Gar

Address :

Av. Timón, Villas Morelos I, 77580 Puerto Morelos, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Categories :
City : Q.R.

Av. Timón, Villas Morelos I, 77580 Puerto Morelos, Q.R., Mexico
Marta Elizabeth Aviña Miracle on Google

Es una Veterinaria con excelentes costos, una atención para nuestros peludos maravillosa, diagnóstico muy acertado, y mucho amor por los animales, los hacen sentirse muy cómodos y a nosotros también. RECOMENDABLE AL 100%
It is a Veterinary with excellent costs, wonderful care for our furry, very accurate diagnosis, and a lot of love for animals, they make them feel very comfortable and so do we. 100% RECOMMENDED
Amado López on Google

La atención del personal que trabaja en la veterinaria es muy buena, atentas y muy profesionales, además de que hay un seguimiento, se siente que le ponen pasión a lo que hacen, muy buen lugar para llevar a tus mascotas.
The attention of the personnel that works in the veterinary is very good, attentive and very professional, in addition to the fact that there is a follow-up, you feel that they put passion into what they do, a very good place to take your pets.
Alex Angulo on Google

La veterinaria es buena pero el servicio del lugar es pésimo. Lleve a mi perrita para corte y baño. Me pidieron que hiciera cita, el día de la cita me mandaron mensaje para confirmar si la llevaría. Les respondí que si y me informaron que la podía llevar antes aunque la cita la tenia a las 9.30am programada. Informe que si la llevaría pero no me fue posible ya que había programado todos mis pendientes de la mañana para llevarla a la hora acordada. Cuando le dejamos, quien la recibió dijo: "ya era hora". Pregunté a qué hora podíamos pasar por ella e indicaron que ellos me avisarían cuando estuviera lista. Por lo cual asumí que el horario para recogerla era flexible. Como mi perrita tenía muchos nudos en su pelo y no se dejaba peinar para quitarlos me mandaron mensaje para decirme que no podían quitar los nudos y que aventaba mordidas. Al parecer no cuentan con bosales para maniobrar perros nerviosos. Y como me hicieron pagar por adelantado el servicio pues no tuve opción más que decirle que la raparan y le quitaran su faldón tipo snauzer. Pase a las 12.50pm en camino a salir hacia una cita de trabajo en Cancún. Solo para preguntar si estaba bien que pasara por ella a mi regreso a las 5pm. Y es ahí cuando me informan que ya casi está lista y que no se puede quedar porque las mascotas se entregan entre 1.30pm y 2pm porque la veterinaria cierra y no se puede quedar ninguna mascota. Incluso me pidieron que me esperará ahí 20 minutos para que la terminaran y me la entregaran. Les indique que no podía quedarme y la encargada me dijo: ¿que no le dijeron que cerramos cortinas a las 2pm? Le conteste que No. Si me hubieran informado cuando pregunte a que hora tenia que pasar por mi perrita me hubiera organizado con mis pendientes de trabajo. En fin, les dije que pasaría por ella antes de las 2pm moviendo todos mis pendientes de trabajo y gastando más en taxis para poder llegar a tiempo. Cuando llegue a la 1.50pm me hicieron esperar todavía 20 minutos más para entregarme a mi perrita porque todavía la estaban terminando. Le detectaron un hongo a mi perrita e irritación en las orejas, lo cual yo ya sabía porque está en tratamiento con un veterinario en Cancún. Pero no ofrecieron ningun tratamiento o recomendación de si tenía que tener consulta veterinaria con la doctora. Solo me lo informaron. Tome a mi perrita y decidí no volver a regresar a este lugar tan informal y con servicio al cliente pésimo. Foto de Toula y como quedo su corte.
The vet is good but the service of the place is lousy. Take my dog ​​for a cut and a bath. They asked me to make an appointment, the day of the appointment they sent me a message to confirm if I would take it. I answered yes and they informed me that I could take it earlier even though the appointment was scheduled for 9:30am. Inform me that I would take it but it was not possible for me since I had scheduled all my earrings for the morning to take it at the agreed time. When we left her, whoever received her said: "it's about time". I asked what time we could go through it and they indicated that they would let me know when it was ready. So I assumed the pick-up time was flexible. Since my dog ​​had many knots in her hair and she wouldn't let herself be combed to remove them, they sent me a message to tell me that they couldn't remove the knots and that she was biting. Apparently they don't have bosals to maneuver nervous dogs. And since they made me pay in advance for the service, I had no choice but to tell them to shave it off and take off its snauzer-type skirt. Drop by at 12.50pm on your way to a work appointment in Cancun. Just to ask if it was okay for me to pick her up on my return at 5pm. And that's when they inform me that it's almost ready and that she can't stay because the pets are delivered between 1:30pm and 2pm because the vet closes and no pet can stay. They even asked me to wait there for 20 minutes for them to finish it and give it to me. I told them that I couldn't stay and the manager told me: didn't they tell you that we close the curtains at 2pm? I answered No. If they had informed me when I asked what time I had to pick up my dog, I would have organized myself with my pending work. Anyway, I told them that I would stop by before 2pm moving all my work pending and spending more on taxis to be able to arrive on time. When I arrived at 1:50 pm they made me wait another 20 minutes to deliver my dog ​​because they were still finishing her. They detected a fungus in my dog ​​and irritation in her ears, which I already knew because she is undergoing treatment with a veterinarian in Cancun. But they did not offer any treatment or recommendation if I had to have a veterinary consultation with the doctor. They just informed me. I took my dog ​​and decided never to return to this casual place with lousy customer service. Photo of Toula and how her court turned out.
Kevin Springer on Google

Great Place.
Alex Guti on Google

Accesible Vet with great service !
Stephan Nirschl on Google

Very good service!???
Arturo Villaseñor Becerril on Google

I like bringing my puppy there. Yuliana is a good vet and my puppy is so happy!!
steve Thurrott on Google

Giving these guys a 4 star. They misdiagnosed my dog but had the integrity to refund me my money once I showed them the correct diagnosis. Don't be deterred by the misdiagnosis, I have many friends who have gone there with no issue. It was a simple mistake.

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