Veterinaria Spa Canes - 09710 Ciudad de México

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Veterinaria Spa Canes

Address :

F.c. Terraplén San Rafael & Calle Nardo, Los Ángeles Apanoaya, Iztapalapa, 09710 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : CDMX

F.c. Terraplén San Rafael & Calle Nardo, Los Ángeles Apanoaya, Iztapalapa, 09710 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Ricardo M on Google

Excelente servicio, al principio nos dio una buena explicación del tratamientos a seguir y la atención de las mascotas, mis dos perros se han atendido aquí y siempre se a tenido una buena atención. ??
Excellent service, at the beginning he gave us a good explanation of the treatments to follow and the attention of the pets, my two dogs have been treated here and they have always had a good attention. ??
josue garcia on Google

Pésimo, el tipo es un prepotente, te cobra por ver al perro (literal solo verlo), no lo pesa, no le inyecta, no mide temperatura, no tiene un bendito reconocimiento en su establecimiento, tal vez para lo que sirva sea para cortar el pelo o bañar a un animal, pero como médico es un asco, fuimos con el por la hora, pero si de verdad se preocupan por sus mascotas vayan con el doctor Yonan Mendoza que esta en Santa Cruz el Sii es veterinario.
Terrible, the guy is an arrogant man, he charges you to see the dog (literally just see him), he doesn't weigh it, he doesn't inject it, he doesn't measure temperature, he doesn't have a blessed recognition in his establishment, maybe for whatever it is to cut the hair or bathing an animal, but as a doctor it is disgusting, we went with him for the hour, but if you really care about your pets go with Dr. Yonan Mendoza who is in Santa Cruz el Sii is a veterinarian.
Janet Aguila on Google

Excelente servicio, explica detalladamente lo que tiene tu mascota y el tratamiento a seguir los precios son accesibles . ¡¡¡¡ ALTAMENTE RECOMENDABLE!!!
Excellent service, explains in detail what your pet has and the treatment to follow, prices are accessible. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
Diana Paredes on Google

Pesímo, nunca lleven a su perrito ahí. El lugar está sucio y polvoso. El "veterinario" es poco profesional, nunca toca a mi perrito, nada más me preguntó por sus síntomas y me dijo qué le tenía que hacer y el precio, que además es súper carero. Qué lastima que existan veterinarios mercenarios. No resolvió nada, no peso, checo o siquiera toco a mi perrito y me cobró por enseñarme en su computadora lo que tenía que hacerle.
Pesímo, never take your puppy there. The place is dirty and dusty. The "veterinarian" is unprofessional, he never touches my puppy, he just asked me about his symptoms and he told me what I had to do and the price, which is also super hard. What a pity there are mercenary veterinarians. He did not solve anything, he did not weigh Czech, or he even touched my little dog and he charged me for showing me what he had to do on his computer.
Margarita Flores Cruz on Google

Doctor grosero y prepotente. Si no tiene vocación para tratar con animales y sus humanos, mejor que se dedique a otra cosa. Evítense la pena y el coraje de tratar con este tipo.
Rude and pushy doctor. If you don't have a vocation to deal with animals and their humans, you'd better dedicate yourself to something else. Avoid the grief and courage of dealing with this guy.
Stephanie Suárez Enríquez on Google

Pésimo servicio. El doctor es grosero, prepotente y no te quiere atender a menos que dejes que te trate mal y si le pides que no te falte al respeto dice que es tu culpa su falta de inteligencia emocional y empatía.
Terrible service. The doctor is rude, arrogant and does not want to treat you unless you let him treat you badly and if you ask him not to disrespect you he says that it is your fault his lack of emotional intelligence and empathy.
Jazmin Cuervo on Google

Excelente servicio, te explica paso a paso como tienes que tratar a tu perrhijo y que cuidados debes darle, es súper profesional, de carácter estricto así que no esperes que te hable bonito, ya que se trata de la salud de un integrante de tu familia, o si lo ves como mascota de compañía, es un ser vivo que vale todo lo el te indique. Y si necesitas atención de 'urgencia' esta a servicio las 24hrs los 7 días de la semana, (aún en domingos). Además esta cómodo a tu economía?? Y si tuviese que recomendarlo, lo haría una tras otra ocasión⭐
Excellent service, it explains step by step how you have to treat your dog and what care you should give it, it is super professional, strict in nature so do not expect it to speak beautifully to you, since it is about the health of a member of your family , or if you see it as a pet, it is a living being that is worth everything it tells you. And if you need 'urgent' care, it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, (even on Sundays). It is also comfortable for your economy?? And if I had to recommend it, I would do it one after another⭐
Belén Pérez on Google

Es el peor veterinario al que he tenido que conocer. Tiene una actitud mala tanto con los animales como con los dueños. Fui con mi perrita de emergencia a las 9:00pm por que la mordieron unos perros. Solo me dijo que estaba mal (cosa que era obvia por que iba con el músculo expuesto) y cuando le quise preguntar que tenía se molestó y dijo que si la iba a dejar internada o no? Y cuando le dijimos que no (por que no nos dio confianza ya que no nos supo explicar en qué estado estaba) solo se limitó a cobrar la consulta y no le dio nada para el dolor ni nada. No tiene vocación ni empatía por los animales. Y para no hacer le nada al animalito la consulta es cara $200. Además no tiene ni un bozal decente. Le amarró el hocico con una cuerda toda sucia.
It is the worst veterinarian I have had to meet. He has a bad attitude with both animals and owners. I went with my emergency dog ​​at 9:00 pm because some dogs bit her. He just told me that he was wrong (which was obvious because he was going with the exposed muscle) and when I wanted to ask him what he had, he got upset and said if he was going to leave her hospitalized or not? And when we said no (because he did not give us confidence because he did not know how to explain what he was in) he just paid the consultation and gave him nothing for the pain or anything. He has no vocation or empathy for animals. And to not do anything to the animal, the consultation is expensive $ 200. It also has not a decent muzzle. He tied his nose with a dirty rope.

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