Villa Rattan Moble - 44520 Guadalajara

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Villa Rattan Moble

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Av Niños Héroes 2855, Jardines del Bosque, 44520 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9798
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City : Jal.

Av Niños Héroes 2855, Jardines del Bosque, 44520 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Lorena Gil on Google

Realmente una estrella es mucho, compre una y la tuve que llevar a reparacion todo el tiempo que tuvo garantia, porque de todo falla. Y sobre todo cuando vas te culpan de todo lo que le pasa... (me falló desde el motor hasta las llantas)
Really a star is a lot, I bought one and I had to take it to repair all the time it had a guarantee, because everything fails. And especially when you go they blame you for everything that happens ... (it failed me from the engine to the tires)
Carlos Dorado on Google

Excelente Servicio y PostVenta tambien las motos aunque son chinas duran bastante por lo que se paga por ellas , precios accesibles , Recomendado ...
Excellent Service and After Sales also the motorcycles although they are Chinese they last a lot for what you pay for them, affordable prices, Recommended ...
Verónica Berenice Mosqueda Quiroz on Google

Muy buen veiculo y muy práctico
Very good vehicle and very practical
Hugo on Google

Excelente atención. Productos de muy buena calidad y con buena variedad de diseños a un precio muy razonable.
Excellent attention. Very good quality products with a good variety of designs at a very reasonable price.
Adtiana Tejeda on Google

Compre una me moto nueva con ellos y ak revisarla el día de la entrega me di cuenta que la batería estaba muy tallada es decir usada, supuestamente era batería de litio, acudí con otro distribuidor de motos eléctricas y me comentó que esas baterías son remanufacturadas aquí en gdl (quizá sea cierto) obviamente no te durará lo que debe y posteriormente son muy caras las baterías, me regresaron mi anticipo, sugiero revisar muy bien ese tema.
I bought a new motorcycle with them and then checked it on the day of delivery I realized that the battery was heavily carved, that is, used, supposedly it was a lithium battery, I went to another distributor of electric motorcycles and he told me that these batteries are remanufactured here in gdl (maybe it is true) obviously it will not last as long as it should and later the batteries are very expensive, they returned my advance, I suggest reviewing that issue very well.
Victor Delgadillo on Google

Super feliz un ecxelente servicio y mas las chicas de administtacion muy buen servicio recomendado golovolt de vallarta
Super happy an excellent service and more the girls of administration very good service recommended golovolt de vallarta
Juan Arellano on Google

No hay ni focos de refaccion. Además, las refacciones para sus propios productos, son muy costosas. No valen la pena los productos de "Golovolt" muy caros y malos.... Es una verdadera lastima.... ??
There are no spare lights. Also, spare parts for your own products are very expensive. The very expensive and bad "Golovolt" products are not worth it .... It's a real shame .... ??
NU TECH on Google

Luego de haber comprado esta moto GOLOVOLT y en casi dos años miren como esta, baterias hubo que cambiarlas a los 4 meses porque no mantenian carga muy mala calidad, 6000 pesos de gasto para unas que sean de buena calidad,luego a los 8 meses hubo que cambiar las llantas,muy mala calidad diria pesima,asi siguio pero antes el controlador de quemo varias veces y sin solucion de la empresa , ahi no termina todo, al dia de hoy los amortiguadores dan lastima ,todos torcidos no se como se puede haber puesto algo tan ordinario,si las baterias solas pesan mas de 30 kg las que provee esta moto , luces todas quemadas porque el regulador que trae de 60 v a 12 v se quemo y por supuesto quemo tofos los focos, los switch de direccionales, luz alta y baja, luz de freno ya no sirven y no se pueden reparar por la mala calidad,al dia de hoy miren como quedo, lo unico que se salva es el motor,pero eso no funciona sin controlador, en fin aca la tengo para ver de sacarle el motor y tirar lo demas a la basura ,a no ser que decida invertirle dinero y dejarla funcionando pero es una moto de 2 años ,no queda otra que lamentarme de haber realizado la compra, espero le sirva a quienes crean que esta marca de moto son de calidad porque no lo son, es dinero perdido,a pesar de que la empresa diga lo contrario, por supuesto, fui el primero en quitarle una caja ridicula que sostenian las baterias y ahora veo que copiaron mi diseño,jajajaja pero con eso no mejoran la calidad,atentos con el dinero que inviertan en una moto asi, tan ordinaria y de pesima pesima calidad en todos los aspectos,no se como se pueden vender cosas asi pero ya fue,y ojo aca nunca se pudo emplacar porque no dan factura para ese tramite ,la empresa no esta registrada ,asi OJO con las multas,espero le sirva mi mala experiencia.-
After having bought this GOLOVOLT motorcycle and in almost two years look how it is, the batteries had to be changed after 4 months because they did not maintain a charge, very poor quality, 6000 pesos of expense for some that are of good quality, then after 8 months there were to change the tires, very poor quality I would say terrible, so it went on but before the controller burned several times and without a solution from the company, everything does not end there, today the shock absorbers are a pity, all crooked I do not know how it could have happened wearing something so ordinary, if the batteries alone weigh more than 30 kg, the ones provided by this motorcycle, all the lights burned out because the regulator that brings from 60 v to 12 v burned out and of course all the lights, the turn signal switches, the high beam burned and low, brake light is no longer useful and cannot be repaired due to poor quality, to this day look how it looks, the only thing that is saved is the motor, but that does not work without a controller, anyway I have it here to see to remove the engine and throw the rest to the bas ura, unless you decide to invest money and leave it running, but it is a 2-year-old motorcycle, there is no other option but to regret having made the purchase, I hope it will serve those who believe that this brand of motorcycle is of quality because they are not, It's wasted money, despite the fact that the company says otherwise, of course, I was the first to remove a ridiculous box that held the batteries and now I see that they copied my design, hahahaha but that doesn't improve quality, be careful with money that they invest in a motorcycle like this, so ordinary and of terrible, terrible quality in all aspects, I don't know how things like that can be sold but that's it, and watch out here it could never be placed because they don't give an invoice for that process, the company is not registered, so BEWARE of the fines, I hope my bad experience will serve you.-

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