American World Languages - Galerías - 45020 Zapopan

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact American World Languages - Galerías

Address :

Av Rafael Sanzio 189, Camichines Vallarta, 45020 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : Jal.

Av Rafael Sanzio 189, Camichines Vallarta, 45020 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Laos Zea on Google

Muy buena escuela, 100% recomendable, es muy accesible y me ha abierto muchas oportunidades... Gracias AWL
Very good school, 100% recommended, it is very accessible and it has opened many opportunities ... Thanks AWL
Gersain santana jalomo on Google

El maestro tenia poco dominio de vocabulario, revisaba constantemente internet para salir de dudas. No se me hacia sentir inseguro aprender de el. Ojala solo haya sido un maestro, pero no me quedo ganas de continuar.
The teacher had little command of vocabulary, constantly checked the internet to get rid of doubts. It did not make me feel insecure to learn from him. I wish I had only been a teacher, but I'm not looking forward to continue.
jorge armando on Google

Pésimo servicio de parte de los profesores en el cursos de alemán en menos de un mes nos rotaron tres veces al profesor y el "definitivo" sin dar la clase se distrae y para darse de baja te piden dinero muy mal servicio.
Terrible service from the teachers in the German courses in less than a month they rotated the teacher three times and the "definitive" without giving the class is distracted and to unsubscribe they ask you for money, very bad service.
Tania Campos on Google

No he estado en esta escuela, chance son muy buenos en inglés pero en ventas son pésimos. Pedi informes, mi PEOR error. Me llamaron fácil unas 30 veces de 4 diferentes números. Si van a pedir informes asegúrense que van a entrar primero si no los van a molestar 24/7
I have not been to this school, chances are very good in English but in sales they are bad. I asked for reports, my WORST mistake. They called me easy about 30 times out of 4 different numbers. If they are going to ask for reports, make sure they are going in first if they are not going to disturb you 24/7
Hobby Viajar on Google

Trabalhei 6 meses aqui, de segunda a domingo, sem descanso, das 7 da manhã até as 9 da noite. Pra depois descobrir que a empresa me cobrava impostos, mas não me registrou e nem pagava meus direitos por lei. Tenho muitos e muitos alunos que sairam insatisfeitos com a escola, a falta de pontualidade na hora de abrir a escola, fazia com ficássemos, alunos e professores, na chuva muitas vezes esperando até alguém aparecer para abrir. A falta de profissionalismo desse lugar é espantoso. Nunca pagaram meu finiquito. É a escola que menos paga aos professores em Guadalajara (e já trbalhei em varias escolas aqui) e ainda te pedem que trabalhe domingos, sem descanso semanal.
I worked 6 months here, Monday to Sunday, without rest, from 7 am to 9 pm. To find out later that the company charged me taxes, but did not register me or pay my rights by law. I have many, many students who left dissatisfied with the school, the lack of punctuality when opening the school, made us, students and teachers, in the rain often waiting until someone appeared to open. The lack of professionalism of this place is astounding. They never paid my finiquito. It's the school that pays the least for teachers in Guadalajara (and I've worked at a number of schools here) and they still ask you to work on Sundays, with no weekly breaks.
Leonel G. Atilano on Google

Muy buena institución educativa. El plantel está muy bien cuidado y situado de forma accesible a varias rutas de transporte. Los docentes tienen mucho cuidado a la hora de impartir los temas.
Very good educational institution. The campus is very well maintained and located within easy reach of various transportation routes. The teachers are very careful when teaching the subjects.
Siania Sanabria on Google

no recomiendo para nada está incorporacion , te ponen demasiadas trabas , te mandan mensajes de varios números , su atención es malísima , me lleve la peor de las experiencias!!! no me devolvieron mi dinero pero no me cansare de que se entreren del caso con capturas donde viene la conversación con sus empleados , mucha falta de ética , moral y profesionalismo no se toman enserio su labor , ya basta de todo este tipo de casos!!! los expondre para que esto no vuelva a pasar da mucho coraje y tristeza. trate de arreglar un reembolso y se negaron completamente al ver qué no me convencieron en tomar sus servicios por falta de capacitación a la atención de los clientes!!! me indigna y me da pena por qué la persona que me atendió tiene foto de perfil con su familia y no le importó!! no le importo que expusiera todo! no le importo junto que se diera a conocer su foto y la conversación.
I do not recommend this incorporation at all, they put too many obstacles on you, they send you messages from various numbers, their attention is terrible, I had the worst experience!!! They did not return my money but I will not get tired of them getting into the case with screenshots where the conversation with their employees comes from, a lot of lack of ethics, morals and professionalism they do not take their work seriously, enough of all these types of cases! ! I will expose them so that this does not happen again, it gives me a lot of courage and sadness. I tried to arrange a refund and they completely refused when they saw that they did not convince me to take their services due to lack of training in customer service !!! I'm outraged and I'm sorry because the person who attended me has a profile picture with his family and he didn't care!! He didn't care that he exposed everything! He did not mind together that his photo and the conversation were released.
Alejandra Vega on Google

Yo hablo de mi experiencia y fue una buena oportunidad, aprendí muchismo del idioma inglés y muy accesibles, la atención es buena, los profes valen mucho la pena
I speak of my experience and it was a good opportunity, I learned a lot of the English language and they are very accessible, the attention is good, the teachers are very worthwhile

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