Hiplot Playa - Hiplot Impresiones Sucursal Playa del Carmen - 77722 Playa del Carmen

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hiplot Playa / Hiplot Impresiones Sucursal Playa del Carmen

Ste N on Google

mal servicio al entrar pregunto por un articulo, 2personas esperando. había 5 trabajadores a los que solicité que me esperaran, pero sin respuesta. después de 15 minutos decidí salir de la tienda, yendo a otra tienda. Mal servicio
Bad service upon entering I ask for an item, 2 people waiting. there were 5 workers that I requested to wait for me, but no response. after 15 minutes I decided to leave the store, going to another store. Bad service
Juan Lob on Google

Si les gusta que los atiendan lento aquí es donde. No hay día u hora en la que no se tarden, lamentable, dudo que duren si siguen dando tan mal servicio
If you like slow service this is the place. There is no day or time when they are not late, regrettable, I doubt they will last if they continue to give such bad service
DmGz ! on Google

Muy mala experiencia, es la segunda vez que trato de trabajar con HIPLOT , claro está porque no conocía otras imprentas, la falta de compromiso , interés por parte del personal y las nulas ganas de dar seguimientos a temas realmente fáciles como una cotización para una impresión llevan a realmente un desgaste físico el estarles rogando que le den seguimiento a tu tema.... Realmente recomiendo busquen otras opciones porque si las hay en playa del Carmen y se eviten la molestia de suplicar por un servicio... Hiplot ojalá se ponga las pilas , capacite a todo su personal y realmente se pongan a trabajar.
Very bad experience, it is the second time that I try to work with HIPLOT, of course because I did not know other printers, the lack of commitment, interest on the part of the staff and the lack of desire to follow up on really easy issues such as a quote for a print They really take a physical toll begging them to follow up on your topic.... I really recommend looking for other options because if there are any in Playa del Carmen and avoiding the hassle of begging for a service... Hopefully Hiplot will get batteries, train all your staff and really get to work.
Rod G on Google

Best place for printing in Playa.
Victoria Cole on Google

Worst experience ever! Always rude, and don’t want to explain anything to you!
Tom Pellegrini on Google

Really, really slow service and not very easy to deal with.
Eduardo Olam on Google

service is slow sometines but they make good work
Paris Dolmusu on Google

The worst service ever. Punctuality zero. Minimum 45 minutes of wait each time. Kindness zero. Respect of engagement zero. Process zero. You'll never get tour archives and invoices on time.

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