TotalTech - 64710 Monterrey

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact TotalTech

Address :

Doctor Santos, Dr. San Sepúlveda 130, Los Doctores, 64710 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8888
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City : N.L.

Doctor Santos, Dr. San Sepúlveda 130, Los Doctores, 64710 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Willfredo Gonzalez on Google

Horario flexibles para practicantes
Flexible hours for practitioners
jorge santos on Google

Son unos ladrones buenos para nada no lo recomiendo en lo mas minimo
They are good thieves for nothing I do not recommend it in the least
Jorge Sanchez on Google

Aun me deben la mitad de mi ultimo sueldo. Y la mayoría que salimos estamos en ese mismo problema.
They still owe me half of my last salary. And most of us out are in the same problem.
Juan Roberto Orona Vazquez on Google

Si vas a entrevista ni te pares no pagan la quincena completa
If you go to an interview or stop, they don't pay the whole fortnight
Josue Lozano on Google

Pocos entenderán el Verdadero potencial de spartan pero quienes trabajamos en TotalTech nos dimos cuenta que es una empresa con mucho potencial en su modelo de negocio , los que se quejan es porque no dieron lo suficiente para poder entender el camino hacia la trasformación 4.0 que es hacia donde esta orientada Totaltech.
Few will understand the true potential of spartan but those of us who work at TotalTech realized that it is a company with a lot of potential in its business model, those who complain is because they did not give enough to be able to understand the path to the 4.0 transformation that is towards where Totaltech is oriented.
Ciudadano Regio on Google

El camino hacia la transformacion como menciona una opinion anterior, implica tambien una profesionalizacion en todos los sentidos Administrativa, Operacional, no solamente es si das el ancho o no lo das como profesional, yo no dudo que han pasado buenos profesionales, como toda empresa hay oportunidades que mejorar, aqui el punto es la poca profesionalizacion que existe desde la cabeza principal y el area Administrativa a eso se refieren con la transformacion? , a recibir insultos, a que un area tan importante como Administracion este en manos de jovenes con falta de expertis, y sobre todo trato profesional hacia asuntos muy delicados como la falta de pagos de nomina, que los mismos clientes te insultaran porque la cobranza se lleva a cabo peor que un abogado de colonia y que aparte no podias responderle, que te amedrenten con documentos hasta tu casa invadiendo tu privacidad para que entregues un trabajo por el cual ni siquiera te pagaron, eso es transformacion? , como profesional yo no recomendaria trabajar en esta empresa, sin estabilidad, sin un equipo de trabajo fijo, sin pagos nominales, y sin oportunidad de realizar una trayectoria.
The road to transformation, as mentioned in a previous opinion, also implies professionalization in all senses. Administrative, Operational, it is not only if you give the width or do not give it as a professional, I do not doubt that good professionals have passed, as every company has. opportunities to improve, here the point is the little professionalism that exists from the main head and the Administrative area is what the transformation refers to? , to receive insults, that an area as important as Administration is in the hands of young people with a lack of expertise, and above all professional treatment towards very delicate issues such as lack of payroll payments, that the same clients will insult you because the collection is He performs worse than a cologne lawyer and that apart you could not answer him, that they scare you with documents to your house invading your privacy so that you deliver a job for which you were not even paid, is that transformation? As a professional I would not recommend working in this company, without stability, without a fixed work team, without nominal payments, and without the opportunity to carry out a career.
ExTotal Empleado on Google

Es una pésima empresa para trabajar. Sobrecarga de trabajo, malos tratos, gritos, maldiciones, etc. Para ellos ningún empleado sirve. Yo estuve trabajando hasta finales del año pasado y tuve que dejar mi trabajo porque dejaron de pagarme completas las últimas quincenas antes de tener que renunciar, y aún siendo empleada me daban largas y largas para no completar mis quincenas laboradas. Al renunciar tuve que trabajar 15 días más aún sabiendo que no me los iban a pagar. Con la finalidad de no salir demandada. Ya que es sabido que demandan a sus exempleados.
It is a lousy company to work for. Work overload, mistreatment, yelling, cursing, etc. For them no employee is useful. I was working until the end of last year and I had to leave my job because they stopped paying me the last fortnight in full before I had to resign, and even being employed they gave me long and long hours so as not to complete my fortnight's work. When I resigned, I had to work 15 more days, even knowing that they would not pay me. In order not to be sued. Since it is known that they sue their former employees.
Eduardo Rmz on Google

Iba a mandar curriculum para una entrevista de trabajo, pero mejor me ahorro problemas y dias no pagados, de paso sirve y lo publico en INDEED que n es una buena empresa para trabajar. Y pongo el enlace de las quejas aqui mencionadas.
I was going to send a resume for a job interview, but I better save problems and unpaid days, by the way it works and I publish it in INDEED that it is not a good company to work for. And I put the link of the complaints mentioned here.

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