Sirius Diving - 77710 Playa del Carmen

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Contact Sirius Diving

Address :

Calle 10 norte, Entre Avenida 70 y 75, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +988998
Categories :
City : Q.R.

Calle 10 norte, Entre Avenida 70 y 75, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Michael Apke on Google

I was once a supporter and thought of myself as a friend of Kris Harrison. In the July of 2014 I invited Harrison on an all-expenses paid trip to wreck dive Lake Huron. On arriving at Midway Airport Chicago, IL from Missoula, MO, Harrison claimed TSA broke in his luggage and stole part of his re-breather. I was suspicious of his loss. His behavior seemed nonchalant for someone losing a ten thousand dollar piece of equipment. At that time I gave him the benefit of doubt. Reason for inviting Harrison was to dive his Megladon Re-Breather to buddy with another Meg diver. I am also interested in diving a Meg. I did have enough gear to set Harrison up for open circuit trimix diving. Harrison and I blended a couple sets of doubles with trimix, some travel and deco bottles per his specification We drove to Lake Huron Thumb area with a plan of 4 to 5 days of diving. Usually two dives a day. To my surprise Harrison only did one dive out of eight. Remember Harrison mixed gas for himself. His excuses why he wasn’t diving, (bug bites, sore throat, swelling, allergic to fish). The Excuses turned to insults. Harrisons claimed we were not diving properly. I believe one reason he did this was to disguise his inability to dive in cold water. Harrison also had a very hard time with deco tanks off the boat. When I questioned Harrison, he ripped into me with name calling and threats. Ironically this was at dinner I was paying for. Harrison latter that night threatened to empty my gas. (Dive gas or car gas?) Wasn’t sure. One of his many excuses for Harrison not diving was that the gas was not appropriate. He did mix his own gas. It’s ok to call a dive any time for any reason. The rule doesn’t mean you, insult and lie and demean divers because your ego won’t allow it Kris Harrison owner of Sirius Diving is knocking everyone along with USA for his problems. Although he has a wonderful resume as a diving instructor, at this point in time he hit ROCK bottom! (I suspect mental breakdown). This makes Harrison from Sirius Diving dangerous. His business practices are questionable. His values and morals don’t run deep. He makes excuses in paying his debts. He will dispute me word for word. He is very good at covering his mistakes up. People that are as narcissistic as Kris Harrison cannot tolerate any blemishes. In the narcissistic mind of Harrison he justifies his behavior in turn he believes he does no wrong. (Example i.e.) paying bills, cheating the airlines, cheating on taxes, cheating on child support. Dangerous! Kris Harrison from Sirius diving is Dangerous to dive with and or around.
Louise Greenshields on Google

I completed my TDI Full Cave Diver with Kris and could not have asked for a better instructor. It was the first course I had done in twins and Kris made me feel completely at ease and in control, he taught me how to be a Jedi (after a FEW tears over the line work, which I thought he dealt with remarkably well). He has got a knowledge base that goes further than diving, that he draws upon to build up confidence and control in his students. The first section of the course is spent fine tuning buoyancy control and finning techniques, followed by going over how to get OUT of a cave, which makes sense to do before you go and get yourself INTO a cave. He progressively task loads, and watching yourself slowly but surely be able to deal with more and more throughout the course is a really rewarding experience. I got great value out of this course, and Kris' enthusiasm for diving is infectious. I wish I could go back and do it all again :) You get out of any dive course what you put into it, and you can get a fantastic course from Kris. Thanks guys :) Hope to dive with you again.

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